Zone1 What have you learned RE religion from this forum?

What have you learned RE religion from this forum?

  • 3 that true Christianity makes the world a livable place

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 that most people hate Catholics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 there are too many "Christian" denominations (confusing doesn't begin to say it)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 people demand that others adopt their views on Jesus, blast them if they don't

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 1 through 3, 6, 7 and 8

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Once you get through the "what/where is the true church" of your walk with God you realize that the true church is a spiritual organism comprised of any and all spirit-led people whatever church they happen to be a member of.
No, my experiences say otherwise. In my world, the following is true:

Christ founded a Church that in the first century or maybe sooner became known as the "Catholic" Church (a word that means: universal. Truth is univeral) but that Church was forced to go underground, as it were, because the Vatican was taken over by lawless thugs in the 60s... It happens. It happens in gummit also, as some of us have seen as of 2 years ago (well, things were going in a horrible direction before then, but anyhow...).

And so this Church Christ founded which gave people what only Christ's Church can give.. is no longer available to us on a regular basis. We Catholics may have to drive a long way to get to a Sede Church, as I call them and some can't afford to go so far, so they are deprived of the benefits of Christ's Church, which, speaking from my personal experience (so you very likely will not get it... The Church) gives us something no other 'thing" or person can give us. So, no, I disagree w/ that BS about being with spirit-led people because when I, in the past, used to attend non-Catholic "churches" there was no fellowship there for me. Oh, there was, superficially... until I mentioned being Catholic, which I felt in all honesty, I had to mention. I don't believe in relationships based on lies and hiding things about yourself.. so right now, I have only "the Church within"... which appears to be God's will for now... since it is happening and beyond my control.

It's a nasty world... a world that takes the Church away, takes a good govt system (was good when the Founders began work on it and for some time thereafter..) and corrupts it to the point that the little people and the elites are separated for good and always, a caste system... the one group often experiencing economic hardships galore, the other.. NEVER...
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No, my experiences say otherwise. In my world, the following is true:

Christ founded a Church that in the first century or maybe sooner became known as the "Catholic" Church (a word that means: universal. Truth is univeral) but that Church was forced to go underground, as it were, because the Vatican was taken over by lawless thugs in the 60s... It happens. It happens in gummit also, as some of us have seen as of 2 years ago (well, things were going in a horrible direction before then, but anyhow...).

And so this Church Christ founded which gave people what only Christ's Church can give.. is no longer available to us on a regular basis. We Catholics may have to drive a long way to get to a Sede Church, as I call them and some can't afford to go so far, so they are deprived of the benefits of Christ's Church, which, speaking from my personal experience (so you very likely will not get it... The Church) gives us something no other 'thing" or person can give us. So, no, I disagree w/ that BS about being with spirit-led people because when I, in the past, used to attend non-Catholic "churches" there was no fellowship there for me. Oh, there was, superficially... until I mentioned being Catholic, which I felt in all honesty, I had to mention. I don't believe in relationships based on lies and hiding things about yourself.. so right now, I have only "the Church within"... which appears to be God's will for now... since it is happening and beyond my control.

It's a nasty world... a world that takes the Church away, takes a good govt system (was good when the Founders began work on it and for some time thereafter..) and corrupts it to the point that the little people and the elites are separated for good and always, a caste system... the one group often experiencing economic hardships galore, the other.. NEVER...
So, you have in effect "come out of her"; "her" being the apostate church; and are seeking fellowship with other spirit-led Catholics?

I have attended Catholic church services (as a courtesy to my Catholic girlfriend) but wasn't comfortable at all there.
Is this discussion intended to include atheists, or is it meant more to fight between the religious sects?
So, you have in effect "come out of her"; "her" being the apostate church; and are seeking fellowship with other spirit-led Catholics?

I have attended Catholic church services (as a courtesy to my Catholic girlfriend) but wasn't comfortable at all there.
I came out of the novus ordo sect. I entered the TRUE Catholic Church which is Sedevacantist (means The Chair is empty.. the chair ofSt Peter)
Is that important to you? Is it a deal breaker?
I never in my life considered becoming a RC so it's a moot point with me.

That said a lot of Protestant doctrine comes directly from the RCC. It is thought that the "daughters" of the harlot are the Protestant denominations.
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Too many people troll the religious threads and make sarcastic remarks instead of having a meaningful discussion.
That should have been one of the options.

Atheists always come across as being "above" religion. I've found I was not a very "good" person when I didn't have what I have now. I was very LOST and I remember how miserable I was because I couldn't find "THE church" even though it was there in front of me all along. I was raised in it (though not well--certainly NOT).

I felt I would never find the true Church, that I'd have to study a bzillion different books and etc..

unhappy :(

I just didn't know----------------------------- :(

Ignorance is not bliss forever

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