What History Says About Obama Policies.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Following the Wilson Presidency, and Harding’s landslide victory, he brought in such luminaries as Charles Evans Hughes, Sec’y of State, and Andrew Mellon, who served as Sec’y of Treasury for almost eleven years, of whom it was said “Three presidents served under Mellon.”

a. Under the eight years of Harding-Coolidge, GNP grew at an average rate of 4½ % per year.

2. Historians Schlesinger, Commager, William Alan White in his book “The Puritan in Babylon,” saw the Coolidge prosperity as ephemeral, and saw an intellectual shallowness. But Tucker makes the point that ‘the 20’s demonstrate the speed with which industrial productivity could transfer luxuries into necessities, and spread them down the class pyramid. The economic tide sweeping the country permeated the lower income sector of the economy. Prosperity was more widespread and more widely distributed than at any time in American history, right up until this point!

3. While many see a Harding-Coolidge-Hoover continuum, this ignores the realities of the time. Hoover actually was a part of the progressive wing of the Republican Party, as opposed to Harding and Coolidge, and the economic policies of Mellon, i.e., lower taxes and less government spending.

a. Hoover increased spending and raised taxes. Democratic candidate for president, John Davis wrote a letter to Walter Lippmann, identifying Hoover as the start of the New Deal, which FDR continued.

4. The 1924 election was the last time that both major parties nominated true conservatives, Calvin Coolidge, Republican, and John W. Davis, Democrat. He faced the popular Coolidge and the Democrats suffered another landslide defeat, as he carried just 28.8% of the popular vote and 136 Electoral Votes. After this election, the GOP and the Democrats moved toward their current positions on the political spectrum.

a. In ’32, Davis helped write what was a very conservative platform for the Democrats; it included a balanced budget and cutting government spending. This was in response to the progressive ideas of Hoover, and it was the platform on which FDR won his election. Needless to say, FDR ignored the platform once elected.

b. As a result, Davis broke with the Democrats in ’36, and supported Landon. “Davis chose to remain steadfast in his defense of a much more conservative philosophy, attacking the Democratic administration for what he perceived as an emasculation of state authority and its usurpation of power the framers of the Constitution had never envisioned. He was not content merely to criticize, but devoted his energies to the organization of the American Liberty League in 1934 to resist the legal and social changes then well under way.” http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/John_William_Davis.aspx

c. Davis argued some 142 cases before the Supreme Court, more than any lawyer other than Daniel Webster. In one of his last cases, successfully defended the steel industry against the government's seizure of its plants and production properties.

4. Often a national change of political course is justified by an economic emergency. The most recent such emergencies have been in 1920, 1932, 1980 and the current one. It is instructive to review the policies that emerged from each, and the results of those policies.

a. 1920 and 1980 resulted in conservative policies such as lower taxes and less government spending. These would be the polices of Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan. The years immediately following were of growth and prosperity.

b. 1932 saw the liberal policies of FDR, very different from the above. The result: deflation and economic stagnation, and a multi-year extension of the depression.

c. What will the results of President Obama's policies be???

C-Span carried a lecture by Garland Tucker III, about his book “The High Tide of American Conservatism,”. The above notes are bases on his comments.

A view of the Tucker book from the left may be found here:
Drowning in the "high tide" of conservatism | Citizen | Independent Weekly
Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea
Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea
Plus we invented Political Correctness and perfected the Politics of Personal Destruction.

Oh wait, that was you Lefties.
Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea
Plus we invented Political Correctness and perfected the Politics of Personal Destruction.

Oh wait, that was you Lefties.

Political correctness is respect for other people, can't be more American than that

Politics of personal destruction????
Political Correctness is respect, thats funny.

Obama will be remembered as a Marxist.

What is funny about respecting what other people find offensive?

Do you understand what a Marxist is? Evidently not
Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea

Can you go through her points one by one and demonstrate where she is wrong?

And the worst mistake of the period was a mistake imposed by Democrats in 1917, admittedly fixed by them in 1933, IE, prohibition.

More than economics, Beer ruled the 1932 election. The worst period of decline was after Roosevelt got elected, and people found out what they had really voted for. Just as was the case in 2008-2009.
Political Correctness is respect, thats funny.

Obama will be remembered as a Marxist.

What is funny about respecting what other people find offensive?

Do you understand what a Marxist is? Evidently not

Political correctness, stay focused, now you want to speak of something different, Marxism.

I understand that Che is the Marxist greatest symbol, I also understand Che ordered I child murdered without a trial for stealing a little food to stop his hunger.

Being a student of history you understand that as well or am I to believe you post with no knowledge of Che.


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Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea

That would be Patrick Moynihan.

The following is the essence of the OP...what, exactly do you find as having been an example of 're-written history.'

"4. Often a national change of political course is justified by an economic emergency. The most recent such emergencies have been in 1920, 1932, 1980 and the current one. It is instructive to review the policies that emerged from each, and the results of those policies.

a. 1920 and 1980 resulted in conservative policies such as lower taxes and less government spending. These would be the polices of Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan. The years immediately following were of growth and prosperity.

b. 1932 saw the liberal policies of FDR, very different from the above. The result: deflation and economic stagnation, and a multi-year extension of the depression."
And your connection to our current US President being a Marxist?
Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea

Can you go through her points one by one and demonstrate where she is wrong?

And the worst mistake of the period was a mistake imposed by Democrats in 1917, admittedly fixed by them in 1933, IE, prohibition.

More than economics, Beer ruled the 1932 election. The worst period of decline was after Roosevelt got elected, and people found out what they had really voted for. Just as was the case in 2008-2009.

Interesting that you included the photo of FDR with John Nance Garner...
You probably know that FDR had three V-P's...
Garner the first.

Had his second V-P outlasted President Roosevelt, we would have had a President who was a dupe of Stalin...and turned the entire world over to communism.

Thank goodness for Truman.

Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.” (Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)
When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,
Political Correctness is respect, thats funny.

Obama will be remembered as a Marxist.

What is funny about respecting what other people find offensive?

Do you understand what a Marxist is? Evidently not

Political correctness, stay focused, now you want to speak of something different, Marxism.

I understand that Che is the Marxist greatest symbol, I also understand Che ordered I child murdered without a trial for stealing a little food to stop his hunger.

Being a student of history you understand that as well or am I to believe you post with no knowledge of Che.

So you go from Marxism to Che? What's next..touting the benefits of a dictator like Fulgencio Batista ?
Gotta love the Conservatives of this country

What they have found is that if you don't like how history portrays you....rewrite History
If current science doesn't support your agenda.....rewrite Science

Pat Monahan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts"

The right wing conservatives scoff at the idea
Plus we invented Political Correctness and perfected the Politics of Personal Destruction.

Oh wait, that was you Lefties.

Political correctness is respect for other people, can't be more American than that

Politics of personal destruction????

Fakewinger, you lefties are the undisputed KINGS of revisionism. One need only point to your sad attempts to rewrite Hitler's and Nazi Germany's history as ANYTHING other than what it TRULY WAS: radical, far left, National SOCIALISM.

Yall failed epic tryna blame that one on us.:lol::cuckoo:

Yall will fail again with your efforts to rewrite history's very likely, real, coming vindication of George W. Bush.
LOL. Another dimwit trying to sell everyone on the idea that Fascism, and it's virulent offspring, Nazism, were left wing movements. Righteous, you are a real stupid ass for even trying to rewrite history in that manner.
The affluence of the 1920s couldn't last.

Reparations bankrupted Germany, most of the allioes were in debt to US banks, and the GOLD STANDARD also helped create the conditions for the DEFLATION that plagued the world
The affluence of the 1920s couldn't last.

Reparations bankrupted Germany, most of the allioes were in debt to US banks, and the GOLD STANDARD also helped create the conditions for the DEFLATION that plagued the world

Gotta love revisionist right wing history..

Harding/Coolidge had a booming economy until the rampant deregulation of business lead us into the Great Depression

Still laughing at PC/Frankies Joe McCarthy threads
You came to tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile plains. Burn down your cities and leave our farms and the cities will spring up again as if by magic. But destroy the farms and the grass will grow in the city...YOU shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind on this cross of gold.

William Jennings Bryan
Given at the 1896 Democratic convention.

The gold standard was partially responsible for the conditions leading up to the great depression, folks.

It was not the sole factor leading to the '29 depression, but it was certainly part of the equasion.

Now the above does not mean that I entirely spported FDR's wholesale THEFT of gold owned by US citizens.

But for those of you who imagine that we can orchestrate a modern economy based on a gold standard, I am here to tell yas' that that system can be as destructive to an economy as runaway inflation.
LOL. Another dimwit trying to sell everyone on the idea that Fascism, and it's virulent offspring, Nazism, were left wing movements. Righteous, you are a real stupid ass for even trying to rewrite history in that manner.

I'd advise you to back down now sheep.

Your lies, and sad attempts @ revisionism will get you pwned here, just I like destroyed KerryWonOhio, the last brainwashed moonbat who claimed what you did.

Proud to be in such retarded company?:lol::cuckoo:
The affluence of the 1920s couldn't last.

Reparations bankrupted Germany, most of the allioes were in debt to US banks, and the GOLD STANDARD also helped create the conditions for the DEFLATION that plagued the world

1. When does it ever 'last'?

2. To what degree was the reversal of Mellon's conservative fiscal policies, by Hoover and FDR, responsible for it 'not lasting'?

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