What human cost is acceptable in controlling illegal immigration?

So are 10 million illegals responsible for the criminal act of one?

And does the vile act of one person, destroying a family through murder justify the tearing apart of other families at the border? No,

Curious, it happens on both ends, but it seems to me that one act of family separation is more cruel than the other.

It doesn’t have to be an either or you know.

It is like saying one act of violence (murder) is more cruel than another (rape). Does it matter which is more cruel when both are vile? Does it justify the “less cruel” act?

Well in the case of the child separation issue, the children were reunited with their parents, where possible. The government righted that wrong. In Tibbetts and Steinle's case they won't be. There's no way to resurrect the dead.

While both acts are admittedly cruel, there's just something more so about losing your child, forever. Through the act of violence.
Stop deporting illegals or as some like play at arguing (undocumented).
Institute e-verify. Any company found hiring anyone not allowed to be working is fined the amount of wages that a well paid worker in that field would have made in a year. Then put on a watch list. Visited unannounced. If they hire again someone not allowed then the fine doubles. If again triple. Eventually they will be deporting themselves since there will be no work.
So are 10 million illegals responsible for the criminal act of one?

And does the vile act of one person, destroying a family through murder justify the tearing apart of other families at the border? No,

Curious, it happens on both ends, but it seems to me that one act of family separation is more cruel than the other.

It doesn’t have to be an either or you know.

It is like saying one act of violence (murder) is more cruel than another (rape). Does it matter which is more cruel when both are vile? Does it justify the “less cruel” act?

Well in the case of the child separation issue, the children were reunited with their parents, where possible. The government righted that wrong In Tibbetts and Steinle's case they won't be. There's no way to resurrect the dead.

While both acts are admittedly cruel, there's just something more so about losing your child, forever. Through the act of violence.

Actually...many parents agreed to be deported on the promise their children would sent with them. They weren’t. They remain in US custody with government saying it isn’t their responsibility to unite them. Thank god for the courts holding their feet to the fire.

The bigger question is this. Why does trauma they need to be Placed on a scale and weighed against the other? Is it so damn hard to say both acts are horrible? We can’t do anything about the dead child...any more than we can do anything about the dead father, who killed himself after his child was taken. Two families permanently destroyed. But we can do our best to bring justice to the murdered child and we can make sure this policy of forceably 100%seperation at the border ends. And doing so does not mean no border enforcement.
No. An invasion is when a state sends people.

You apparently don't know a damn thing about the Mexican-American war...or the Re-Conquista

Let me rephrase that, you don't know Jack shit about anything moron.

I was about to thank your post, until you called her a moron. Is that any way to get a point across?
And no one is arguing against enforcing border control. That is a straw an. The argument is against a specific policy that goes to far.

Like abolishing ICE?
Wrong again.

ICE has only been in existence since 2003; prior to that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was responsible for administering immigration law, applications for asylum, and deportations.

Calling for ICE to be dissolved, and its thuggish tactics ended, returning that responsibility to the United States Customs Service, not DHS, is not to advocate that immigration laws not be enforced – the notion that it does is a lie.
Actually...many parents agreed to be deported on the promise their children would sent with them. They weren’t. They remain in US custody with government saying it isn’t their responsibility to unite them
'Keep up the good work.' Once-critical judge praises Trump team's reunification efforts
Yes. AFTER the judge blasted them and held their feet to the fire.

Earlier articles
Will kids of deported parents ever see families again? Feds won't say

Trump administration says ACLU – not government – should find deported parents
No. An invasion is when a state sends people. These are migrants, either economic or fleeing intolerable conditions. Calling them invaders is just demonizing and dehumanizing them.

An invasion is when foreigners flood into a country, violating that country's sovereignty. Whether organized by their own home state, or unorganized an invasion is an invasion.

And who cares if they are “demonized and dehumanized”? If they don't like it—if they don't like any of the consequences of illegally invading a foreign country—they can stay the f••• out of our country, or else come here by legal means.

And taking the side of such foreign invaders, as you openly do, against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, is treason. At best, it makes you no better than the invading foreign filth whose side you are taking.
Actually...many parents agreed to be deported on the promise their children would sent with them. They weren’t. They remain in US custody with government saying it isn’t their responsibility to unite them
'Keep up the good work.' Once-critical judge praises Trump team's reunification efforts
Yes. AFTER the judge blasted them and held their feet to the fire.

Earlier articles
Will kids of deported parents ever see families again? Feds won't say

Trump administration says ACLU – not government – should find deported parents

Still, the fact remains the government righted their wrong. Even the judge acknowledged that. The only way the families at the center of my OP will ever get to see their children again is at their grave sites.
So are 10 million illegals responsible for the criminal act of one?

Yanno, that's not what I said at all. So, I'll ask you this, are they all law abiding citizens? None of them are, given they broke the law to get here.

You'll be shocked to know that not all illegal immigrants are angels. Some, like the guy who killed Tibbetts, or the guy who killed Kate Steinle are violent felons. Do you want those types here in the country?

Apparently you do.

Jaywalkers aren’t law abiding citizens.

No one thinks they are all angels. They aren’t all devils either.

And yes violent felons should be deported. I think that is something most agree on.

Here is the problem Coyote we deport the violent criminal and they keep on returning.

I do understand not every illegal is a violent criminal but how do you stop the violent ones from entering this nation?
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And taking the side of such foreign invaders, as you openly do, against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, is treason.

Why Treason? Treason is an executable offense. She has neither aided nor abetted our enemy or given comfort to them. I will go so far as to say that illegal immigrants are not so much enemies as they are felons under the law.

When did having a different opinion amount to treason? Why make such an irresponsible statement?
Actually...many parents agreed to be deported on the promise their children would sent with them. They weren’t. They remain in US custody with government saying it isn’t their responsibility to unite them
'Keep up the good work.' Once-critical judge praises Trump team's reunification efforts
Yes. AFTER the judge blasted them and held their feet to the fire.

Earlier articles
Will kids of deported parents ever see families again? Feds won't say

Trump administration says ACLU – not government – should find deported parents

Still, the fact remains the government righted their wrong. Even the judge acknowledged that. The only way the families at the center of my OP will ever get to see their children again is at their grave sites.
And the trauma caused to all those children...that will just go away?

It was a horrible thing to do. Inexcusable. Why is it necessary to compare the two other than to somehow devalue the harm done because at least they weren’t killed?

Will the little boy who’s father committed suicide see his father again?
So are 10 million illegals responsible for the criminal act of one?

Yanno, that's not what I said at all. So, I'll ask you this, are they all law abiding citizens? None of them are, given they broke the law to get here.

You'll be shocked to know that not all illegal immigrants are angels. Some, like the guy who killed Tibbetts, or the guy who killed Kate Steinle are violent felons. Do you want those types here in the country?

Apparently you do.

Jaywalkers aren’t law abiding citizens.

No one thinks they are all angels. They aren’t all devils either.

And yes violent felons should be deported. I think that is something most agree on.

Here is the problem Coyote we deport the violent criminal and they keep on returning.

I do understand not every illegal is a violent criminal but how do yoh stop the violent ones from entering this nation?

Do you need to seperate parents and children to stop them?
So are 10 million illegals responsible for the criminal act of one?

Yanno, that's not what I said at all. So, I'll ask you this, are they all law abiding citizens? None of them are, given they broke the law to get here.

You'll be shocked to know that not all illegal immigrants are angels. Some, like the guy who killed Tibbetts, or the guy who killed Kate Steinle are violent felons. Do you want those types here in the country?

Apparently you do.

Jaywalkers aren’t law abiding citizens.

No one thinks they are all angels. They aren’t all devils either.

And yes violent felons should be deported. I think that is something most agree on.

Here is the problem Coyote we deport the violent criminal and they keep on returning.

I do understand not every illegal is a violent criminal but how do yoh stop the violent ones from entering this nation?

Do you need to seperate parents and children to stop them?

Depends if the parent is the violent criminal...

So again how do you stop the violent criminal from entering?
Actually...many parents agreed to be deported on the promise their children would sent with them. They weren’t. They remain in US custody with government saying it isn’t their responsibility to unite them
'Keep up the good work.' Once-critical judge praises Trump team's reunification efforts
Yes. AFTER the judge blasted them and held their feet to the fire.

Earlier articles
Will kids of deported parents ever see families again? Feds won't say

Trump administration says ACLU – not government – should find deported parents

Still, the fact remains the government righted their wrong. Even the judge acknowledged that. The only way the families at the center of my OP will ever get to see their children again is at their grave sites.
And the trauma caused to all those children...that will just go away?

It was a horrible thing to do. Inexcusable. Why is it necessary to compare the two other than to somehow devalue the harm done because at least they weren’t killed?

Will the little boy who’s father committed suicide see his father again?

I'm not devaluing the trauma. But what the parents did by sending them here ALONE is traumatic enough. Do you think that kind of trauma will go away?

Death is permanent. The loss is permanent. The pain will go away to some degree, but it too is permanent. These illegal parents have some hope of seeing their children again. As inept as our government can be it is capable of reuniting them with their children. But as far as I know, the government can't resurrect the dead. Meaning Mollie and Kate will remain in rest six feet underground, and their parents will never see them alive again.

I know the pain of not having a father for most of my childhood. I can relate. I can also tell you that it is the parent who is responsible for the health and safety of their children. My father dumped me off on my grandmother and simply abrogated his responsibilities as a parent. My mother did the same. I'll never see her again because I chose not to associate myself with her and her subpar lifestyle. I know what it's like. I normally don't speak of things I have no experience in, but living in a dysfunctional family for the majority of my life gives me a unique perspective on matters like these.

Just a side note... who is this little boy you speak of?
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