“What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding – Monstrous Trafficking of Children?”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
“What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding – Monstrous Trafficking of Children?

Stephen Miller OBLITERATES Nancy Pelosi’s Nonsense and Lies on Biden’s Open Border
"What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding - Monstrous Trafficking of Children?" - Stephen Miller OBLITERATES Nancy Pelosi's Nonsense and Lies on Biden's Open Border (Video) (thegatewaypundit.com)
21 Mar 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Former White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the worsening Biden open borders crisis.
During their discussion Stephen unloaded on far left Speaker Nancy Pelosi who insists the open borders and trafficking of children is a humane policy.
Stephen Miller: And as far as Nancy Pelosi saying this is “value spaced”? What value what humanitarian principle is served by rewarding and encouraging the brutal, monstrous trafficking of minors? What value or humanitarian principle is served by making it easier for criminal organizations to savagely assault innocent men, women and children for profit? Because that is what is happening right now!​

Perhaps we should be shipping the masses of illegal aliens at the border directly to the Washington D.C. area.
While Chyna Joey Xi spends $86million to house up to 1200 illegal immigrant families into hotels.
It's no secret that pedophilia, sexual deviance and involvement in child sex trafficking is rampant in DC. It's how you get into "The Circular Firing Squad of Blackmail Club". John Roberts is the tip of the iceberg. Pelosi probably runs the show (with help of FBI, CIA and NSA) because she has all the photos and videos of those blackmailed. Millions need to go to DC and remove the occupants for tribunals and then bulldoze that Hell on Earth into dust. There is nothing historical about that place anymore. It's Satanic.
That’s $17,666 per family (while our NG slept on cold damp garage floors). Enjoy your measly $1400.00
Shows just how stupid these Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat moral bottom dwellers are.
It's estimated that more than 11 million renters will be homeless.
You haveto wonder why a swamp was chosen to build the Nation's Capitol... The Swamp has always been a corrupt place.
The only difference today is the magnitude of crap heaped upon the American people by the Swamp inhabitants of today.
“What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding – Monstrous Trafficking of Children?

Stephen Miller OBLITERATES Nancy Pelosi’s Nonsense and Lies on Biden’s Open Border
"What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding - Monstrous Trafficking of Children?" - Stephen Miller OBLITERATES Nancy Pelosi's Nonsense and Lies on Biden's Open Border (Video) (thegatewaypundit.com)
21 Mar 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Former White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the worsening Biden open borders crisis.
During their discussion Stephen unloaded on far left Speaker Nancy Pelosi who insists the open borders and trafficking of children is a humane policy.
Stephen Miller: And as far as Nancy Pelosi saying this is “value spaced”? What value what humanitarian principle is served by rewarding and encouraging the brutal, monstrous trafficking of minors? What value or humanitarian principle is served by making it easier for criminal organizations to savagely assault innocent men, women and children for profit? Because that is what is happening right now!​

Perhaps we should be shipping the masses of illegal aliens at the border directly to the Washington D.C. area.
While Chyna Joey Xi spends $86million to house up to 1200 illegal immigrant families into hotels.
It's no secret that pedophilia, sexual deviance and involvement in child sex trafficking is rampant in DC. It's how you get into "The Circular Firing Squad of Blackmail Club". John Roberts is the tip of the iceberg. Pelosi probably runs the show (with help of FBI, CIA and NSA) because she has all the photos and videos of those blackmailed. Millions need to go to DC and remove the occupants for tribunals and then bulldoze that Hell on Earth into dust. There is nothing historical about that place anymore. It's Satanic.
That’s $17,666 per family (while our NG slept on cold damp garage floors). Enjoy your measly $1400.00
Shows just how stupid these Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat moral bottom dwellers are.
It's estimated that more than 11 million renters will be homeless.
You haveto wonder why a swamp was chosen to build the Nation's Capitol... The Swamp has always been a corrupt place.
The only difference today is the magnitude of crap heaped upon the American people by the Swamp inhabitants of today.
No theyd use it as another excuse for DC statehood....ship em to the various Chaz's and homeless encampments......
I can understand if these people are fleeing their country in a time of war. The only "war" they are really fleeing is from Poverty. There is a crisis with the Mexican Government. This is NOT Amnesty, by what the Democrats are calling it.

The left created this "crisis" as their so-called talking points. They made it clear, that these kids need to be here for a reason. The kids are actually being used as pawns. Not just by the cartels and traffickers that are bringing them here. These people who "claim" to be parents of these kids, are not parents. They are either working for the cartels/traffickers, so they can later come in --- after the kids have been accepted in. They are also being used as pawns by the U.S. Government, so they can grow up here illegally and vote (when they get older).

As I mentioned many of times, I have no problem them coming here, if they do it the right way. I came here in 1971. I came here legally (courtesy of the US Marines). I did my Citizenship and all the things that are required by law to become a US citizen. I didn't flee from my country - even though, we were at war - The Vietnam War. But if I did, I would have gone through the proper steps to do so.

I am sure if I went to some other country and decided to flood their border, I would be shot on the spot. Or taken in as prisoner. I would not use kids as pawns, for my selffish reasons, so I can later dump them somewhere else, and I live a good life; while these kids stay poor and starving.
They are sending their kids because they know they will be let in and then the kids can get their parents and other family members in. Those kids are not vetted and we do not know if some of them are gang members, etc. We do not have an immigration problem, we have an administration problem that is more of the same Democratic crap on immigration which means votes."Don't come" but if you come we will let you in. Biden has been letting them in with a court date and that is the last we see of them until another amnesty. Why are we rewarding those who are breaking our immigration laws and laughing?
“What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding – Monstrous Trafficking of Children?

Stephen Miller OBLITERATES Nancy Pelosi’s Nonsense and Lies on Biden’s Open Border
"What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding - Monstrous Trafficking of Children?" - Stephen Miller OBLITERATES Nancy Pelosi's Nonsense and Lies on Biden's Open Border (Video) (thegatewaypundit.com)
21 Mar 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Former White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the worsening Biden open borders crisis.
During their discussion Stephen unloaded on far left Speaker Nancy Pelosi who insists the open borders and trafficking of children is a humane policy.
Stephen Miller: And as far as Nancy Pelosi saying this is “value spaced”? What value what humanitarian principle is served by rewarding and encouraging the brutal, monstrous trafficking of minors? What value or humanitarian principle is served by making it easier for criminal organizations to savagely assault innocent men, women and children for profit? Because that is what is happening right now!​

Perhaps we should be shipping the masses of illegal aliens at the border directly to the Washington D.C. area.
While Chyna Joey Xi spends $86million to house up to 1200 illegal immigrant families into hotels.
It's no secret that pedophilia, sexual deviance and involvement in child sex trafficking is rampant in DC. It's how you get into "The Circular Firing Squad of Blackmail Club". John Roberts is the tip of the iceberg. Pelosi probably runs the show (with help of FBI, CIA and NSA) because she has all the photos and videos of those blackmailed. Millions need to go to DC and remove the occupants for tribunals and then bulldoze that Hell on Earth into dust. There is nothing historical about that place anymore. It's Satanic.
That’s $17,666 per family (while our NG slept on cold damp garage floors). Enjoy your measly $1400.00
Shows just how stupid these Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat moral bottom dwellers are.
It's estimated that more than 11 million renters will be homeless.
You haveto wonder why a swamp was chosen to build the Nation's Capitol... The Swamp has always been a corrupt place.
The only difference today is the magnitude of crap heaped upon the American people by the Swamp inhabitants of today.
Look into who Jeffrey Epstein and his "girlfriend" Ghislane worked for - who Ghislane's father worked for - the living chiefs of THAT intel-org all attending his funeral.
Is there any wonder that the trial of Ghislane Maxwell is so sequestered and little is said by the Quisling Media and covering for the multitude of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats that drank from Epstein's well of young nubile girls?
It's no wonder that people like Pelosi attempt to downplay the trafficking of these Central American children in America.

....I am sure if I went to some other country and decided to flood their border, I would be shot on the spot. ......

I can vouch for that. One time I set literally one foot in Burma (back when it was called Burma), and the next thing I heard was several bolts being pulled back as Burmese soldiers emerged from the jungle look particularly unamused.


Police have reportedly launched a murder investigation into Chester Bennington’s death with insiders believing it is “extremely likely” the Linkin Park frontman was killed in eerily similar circumstances to his close friend Chris Cornell.
Detectives are looking into whether Chester Bennington was murdered, with the death scene later arranged to resemble a suicide. They have put a team of investigators in place and are refusing to rule out a criminal homicide charge.
Bennington was reportedly investigating the death of Cornell, and a connection to the PizzaGate pedophile sex trafficking ring when he suddenly and unexpectedly took his own life.
New information has come to light indicating that the sexual abuse Bennington suffered at the hands of a family friend growing up, may have actually been perpetrated by John Podesta, with whom his mother allegedly had a relationship. Was Bennington getting too close to the truth about PizzaGate? Did he learn of Podesta’s possible involvement in child trafficking and the Clinton Foundation? Did he learn the truth about the death of Chris Cornell? Did he pay for this knowledge with his life? David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this bombshell report!

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