What hypocrisy! 60 minutes aghast at Facebook emphasis on negative news.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching 60 minutes interview with Ms. Frances Haugen a former product manager hired by Facebook to help protect against election interference who said FB had "conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook." Scott Pelley reports.

WOW... how novel..(SARCASM!!!).
I'm not defending FB as I've been banned for my comments so I have no problem with this whistleblower's exposures.
BUT coming from CBS NEWS???
FACT is MSM follows these findings from this study:
Psychology: Why bad news dominates the headlines
"Why is the news filled with disaster and corruption?
It may be because we’re drawn to depressing stories without realising, says psychologist Tom Stafford
Participants often chose stories with a negative tone – corruption, set-backs, hypocrisy and so on – rather than neutral or positive stories. People who were more interested in current affairs and politics were particularly likely to choose the bad news. And yet when asked, these people said they preferred good news. On average, they said that the media was too focussed on negative stories. The researchers present their experiment as solid evidence of a so called "negativity bias", psychologists' term for our collective hunger to hear, and remember bad news.
It isn't just schadenfreude, the theory goes, but that we've evolved to react quickly to potential threats.
Bad news could be a signal that we need to change what we're doing to avoid danger.
As you'd expect from this theory, there's some evidence that people respond quicker to negative words.
In lab experiments, flash the word “cancer”, “bomb” or “war” up at someone and they can hit a button in response quicker than if that word is “baby”, “smile” or “fun” (despite these pleasant words being slightly more common).
We are also able to recognize negative words faster than positive words, and even tell that a word is going to be unpleasant before we can tell exactly what the word is going to be.
So the reason FB, CBS news, etc. emphasis on "negative" stories is because most of us pay more attention to these exceptions.
I use the word EXCEPTION specifically, because most of you with any semblance of reality recognize a simple fact:
Bad events, people, etc. are the EXCEPTION! If the situation was reversed, more bad events, etc. WE WOULDN"T BE ALIVE!!!
So why do news groups present negative news?
According to the study..."Bad news could be a signal that we need to change what we're doing to avoid danger."
People pay attention to the exception situation in this case "bad news".
BUT should especially news organizations make money by emphasis on "bad news"? This is what happens and
the MSM saw this possibility that "negative news" might be lessened with Trump as the President. Hence this:
The American Press fans the flames of Left Wing hate every chance that they get.
The George Floyd case is a great example.
The Police kill about twice as many White suspects annually than Black suspects.
But they always politicize and racialize the Black cases.
If Floyd had been White you would have never heard of him and he definitely would have been turned into a martyr.
The American Press fans the flames of Left Wing hate every chance that they get.
The George Floyd case is a great example.
The Police kill about twice as many White suspects annually than Black suspects.
But they always politicize and racialize the Black cases.
If Floyd had been White you would have never heard of him and he definitely would have been turned into a martyr.

How many black people have died in this nation since Floyd died?

MANY.....but we do not know them.

Lefties are in this for money and power. They don't give a FUCK about FLoyd.
You say "negative news", I say "fake news" written to stir up passions.
You are correct in that the biased MSM takes a whole news story extracts any positives especially positives regarding America, the flag, the military, a GOP politician and then because they don't report the whole story, through altering context, not stating the facts, etc. i.e. fake news through context modification!
Case in point:
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment)
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
But when you do a google search for :"there were good people on both sides" Results: 19,030,000,000...
That's 19.03 BILLION results!!!
But the part that I'm repeating several times that the MSM and evidently many people haven't read,I did a Google search on: & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
Results: 339,000 or 0.001781430% of the 19.03 BILLION, that's 56,135 times the number of times you would hear Trump denouncing Neo-nazis and white supremacist when he said:
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists"
Perfect example of the BIASED MSM not telling the whole news because it wasn't positive!

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