What I consider to be THE most damaging of Trump’s revelations


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
This thread is NOT for the beyond-hope, Trump ass kissers; these folks who even deny that Donnie-baby met with Russians even when Donnie-baby openly admits, are beyond hope.

Rather, this thread is more for those republicans who are still able to think on their own.

Now, during the NYT interview with Trump, this president stated that we was royally pissed at Sessions for having recused himself from all matters regarding the on-going (and fairly new) investigation on Russian meddling and the possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

He question arises as to WHY is Trump so thoroughly pissed at Sessions….

Mindful that there are OTHER duties that are entailed in an AG position description, Sessions has recused himself from just ONE aspect of those duties…..and Trump’s anger and statement that he would not have selected Sessions had he known that he would recuse himself, is very telling.

What Trump is actually admitting (although he’s too stupid to realize it) is that the ONLY reason he had selected Sessions to be AG was to DROWN the Russian investigation from the on-set…NO OTHER reason BUT that…….In other words, Trump was looking for a lackey in Sessions to do his bidding, and when Sessions recused himself from that task, Sessions stopped being useful to Trump.

Basically, Trump tried to stack the deck to his own favor, and when that didn’t work out, the orange charlatan had NO use for the guy who was the first senator to endorse him.

Bottom line is that Trump DEMANDS for his sheep to be loyal to HIM PERSONALLY and NOT to the Constitution or the rule of law……..just like any other Mafia thug who demands, FOREMOST, loyalty to the “family”.
You may be the most prolific anti-Trump poster here. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome really really bad.

If I might, was there anything Obama did you didn't like?
It took one post and six minutes for the "...but....but....Obama" whiner to show up with the standard trump excuse for everything and anything. "But....but....Obama".
This thread is NOT for the beyond-hope, Trump ass kissers; these folks who even deny that Donnie-baby met with Russians even when Donnie-baby openly admits, are beyond hope.

Rather, this thread is more for those republicans who are still able to think on their own.

Now, during the NYT interview with Trump, this president stated that we was royally pissed at Sessions for having recused himself from all matters regarding the on-going (and fairly new) investigation on Russian meddling and the possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

He question arises as to WHY is Trump so thoroughly pissed at Sessions….

Mindful that there are OTHER duties that are entailed in an AG position description, Sessions has recused himself from just ONE aspect of those duties…..and Trump’s anger and statement that he would not have selected Sessions had he known that he would recuse himself, is very telling.

What Trump is actually admitting (although he’s too stupid to realize it) is that the ONLY reason he had selected Sessions to be AG was to DROWN the Russian investigation from the on-set…NO OTHER reason BUT that…….In other words, Trump was looking for a lackey in Sessions to do his bidding, and when Sessions recused himself from that task, Sessions stopped being useful to Trump.

Basically, Trump tried to stack the deck to his own favor, and when that didn’t work out, the orange charlatan had NO use for the guy who was the first senator to endorse him.

Bottom line is that Trump DEMANDS for his sheep to be loyal to HIM PERSONALLY and NOT to the Constitution or the rule of law……..just like any other Mafia thug who demands, FOREMOST, loyalty to the “family”.
The Kushner Russian investigation panel is today behind closed doors isn't it..? My DVR broke and I can't get on live TV.
This thread is NOT for the beyond-hope, Trump ass kissers; these folks who even deny that Donnie-baby met with Russians even when Donnie-baby openly admits, are beyond hope.

Rather, this thread is more for those republicans who are still able to think on their own.

Now, during the NYT interview with Trump, this president stated that we was royally pissed at Sessions for having recused himself from all matters regarding the on-going (and fairly new) investigation on Russian meddling and the possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

He question arises as to WHY is Trump so thoroughly pissed at Sessions….

Mindful that there are OTHER duties that are entailed in an AG position description, Sessions has recused himself from just ONE aspect of those duties…..and Trump’s anger and statement that he would not have selected Sessions had he known that he would recuse himself, is very telling.

What Trump is actually admitting (although he’s too stupid to realize it) is that the ONLY reason he had selected Sessions to be AG was to DROWN the Russian investigation from the on-set…NO OTHER reason BUT that…….In other words, Trump was looking for a lackey in Sessions to do his bidding, and when Sessions recused himself from that task, Sessions stopped being useful to Trump.

Basically, Trump tried to stack the deck to his own favor, and when that didn’t work out, the orange charlatan had NO use for the guy who was the first senator to endorse him.

Bottom line is that Trump DEMANDS for his sheep to be loyal to HIM PERSONALLY and NOT to the Constitution or the rule of law……..just like any other Mafia thug who demands, FOREMOST, loyalty to the “family”.
The Kushner Russian investigation panel is today behind closed doors isn't it..? My DVR broke and I can't get on live TV.

Of course, he doesn't speak in public.
When I read the title, before opening the thread, I was hopeful that what you were going to post as the biggest revelation is how psychotic, paranoid, anti-American and hyperbolic has been the reaction of the left wing.

That would have given me hope, but once again you delve into all the above. I really do not think there is hope for you and your ilk.
When I read the title, before opening the thread, I was hopeful that what you were going to post as the biggest revelation is how psychotic, paranoid, anti-American and hyperbolic has been the reaction of the left wing.

That would have given me hope, but once again you delve into all the above. I really do not think there is hope for you and your ilk.

Not as long as Trump and his cronies are in charge of the USA.
You may be the most prolific anti-Trump poster here. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome really really bad.

If I might, was there anything Obama did you didn't like?

YES........I had many, many problems with the Obama administration; foremost were my discord with Obama for NOT kicking McConnell and Boehner in the testicles hard enough....AND for not throwing a lot of Wall Street crooks in jail......AND for making the ACA too pro-hospital and big drug pharmas.
You may be the most prolific anti-Trump poster here. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome really really bad.

If I might, was there anything Obama did you didn't like?

YES........I had many, many problems with the Obama administration; foremost were my discord with Obama for NOT kicking McConnell and Boehner in the testicles hard enough....AND for not throwing a lot of Wall Street crooks in jail......AND for making the ACA too pro-hospital and big drug pharmas.
Well then, we have found something we can agree on.

I guess I will have to re-think my opinion of you.
Sessions should not have recused himself. Period. Full stop.

WRONG......IF we are still a nation of laws.....

Sessions rightfully recused himself based on 28 CFR 45.2 — which states that:

DOJ employees may not "participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution, or who would be directly affected by the outcome."
Sessions should not have recused himself. Period. Full stop.

I guess he felt he must. Trump is not above the law, no matter what you think.

Sessions only had brief encounters with the Russian Ambassador. There was no reason for him to recuse himself.
Were you in the room taking notes for Sessions when he met with that Russian? If not, how can you dismiss them as merely 'brief' and unimportant? Further, he initially denied any such meetings and did not include them on his initial SF 86 disclosure form, which is a commission of perjury for each omission. Those meetings, were indeed, cause and reason for recusal, your obscure and faulty reasoning notwithstanding.

My oh my, how you radical RWNJ's and sundry nationalistic fascists claim to be four square Constitutionalists on the one hand, but dismiss all of that if the Liar-in-Chief needs added support to prop up another of his lies. Bloody hypocrites with the ethicality of gutter snipes!!
Trump is pissed at Sessions for recusing himself INSTEAD of Sessions servicing Trump's interests in burying the Russian investigation.....

I do NOT like Sessions; however, up to this point he has done nothing BUT having committed the unpardonable "sin" of NOT covering for Trump....PERIOD !!!

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