What I don't understand about gun Nazis

Hillary Clinton can enact all the gun restrictions she wants to. I will not comply. She's a criminal and should be in jail instead of campaigning. I will not register any of my guns, and I will sell them to whomever I want to, and I will carry them with me wherever I go. I'm sure that I am not alone on this.
"What I don't understand about gun Nazis"

You also don't understand what a straw man fallacy is either; your thread premise is an example of one, and it fails as a consequence.

A straw man fallacy is when one contrives a lie about his opponent in an effort to misrepresent his opponent's position on the issue, such as the lie that there are 'gun Nazis,' and then attacks that contrived 'position' (straw man) in an effort to win the 'argument.'

No one presumes gun owners to be 'guilty,' the notion is ridiculous idiocy.

No one trusts the police and military more than the average citizen with guns, that's delusional nonsense.

And no one seeks to 'rip up' the Second Amendment, or 'round up all the guns,' that's as ignorant as it is moronic.
Keep on lying you fucking retard
Nope......we arrest violent criminals caught carrying guns and lock them up a long time.

How violent do you have to be with a gun? And how long incarcerated.

Let's say I don't have a police record and I have a gun. Which I use one drunken night to scare my girlfriend and pistol whip the guy she is with. Violent crime with gun.

How long in jail?

How about if I take my gun into a gun free area and end up accidentally shooting someone.
Not violent crime but still gun crime.
How long in jail?

Or will it be up to you and the NRA to determine what is violent gun crime?

And how much will it cost? Jailing someone a long time gets expensive. And there will be new jails needed. Those are expensive. Jail population is going to grow as more and more guns hit the streets.

So what about the cost? I think all the jails and costs should be paid as a tax by gun and ammo purchases as well as a fee on CCW permits.

That'd work to generate money for jailing gun criminals a long time. And the people who want nothing to do with guns wouldn't have to pay for the jails.

Maybe the NRA could run the jails. S&W a sponsor. Make it a for profit enterprise.

What do you think? Jailing people who commit crime with a gun for a long time is your idea. And not a bad idea. But you gotta pay for it somehow. And we are already spending billions of medical dollars on people who are shot and injured. Can't ask the general pubic to pay more for jails.

Especially with the record profits the gun industry is having.

Why should the NRA and people who did not use guns to commit crimes be forced to pay a special tax for crimes they did not commit....?

That really is stupid.

Murder and attempted murder should be life in prison.

Pistol whipping.....using a gun...10 years......and since the person doing the pistol whipping will more than likely already have a criminal record and have been prohibited from owning the gun...another 10 years for illegal ownership of the gun.

It is cheaper to lock up violent criminals than to have them loose on the streets.
Nope......we arrest violent criminals caught carrying guns and lock them up a long time.

How violent do you have to be with a gun? And how long incarcerated.

Let's say I don't have a police record and I have a gun. Which I use one drunken night to scare my girlfriend and pistol whip the guy she is with. Violent crime with gun.

How long in jail?

How about if I take my gun into a gun free area and end up accidentally shooting someone.
Not violent crime but still gun crime.
How long in jail?

Or will it be up to you and the NRA to determine what is violent gun crime?

And how much will it cost? Jailing someone a long time gets expensive. And there will be new jails needed. Those are expensive. Jail population is going to grow as more and more guns hit the streets.

So what about the cost? I think all the jails and costs should be paid as a tax by gun and ammo purchases as well as a fee on CCW permits.

That'd work to generate money for jailing gun criminals a long time. And the people who want nothing to do with guns wouldn't have to pay for the jails.

Maybe the NRA could run the jails. S&W a sponsor. Make it a for profit enterprise.

What do you think? Jailing people who commit crime with a gun for a long time is your idea. And not a bad idea. But you gotta pay for it somehow. And we are already spending billions of medical dollars on people who are shot and injured. Can't ask the general pubic to pay more for jails.

Especially with the record profits the gun industry is having.

And the 1,500,000 Americans actually stopping violent criminal attack are saving Americans even more money......should we give anyone who stops a violent crime a tax break?
Why should the NRA and people who did not use guns to commit crimes be forced to pay a special tax for crimes they did not commit....?

You are all in the same boat. And you wouldn't be paying for the crime. The money would fund the additional jails and long term incarceration.

How come you wouldn't say how you would pay for this idea of yours? You think jails are free?

Why should the general public pay for the long term incarceration of a person who committed a crime using a gun?

In my pistol whipping scenario, you have the guy in jail for 10 years minimum. At what cost? Let's say 50k a year. 500k over 10.

Now if the guy had beaten the girlfriends friend with a stick and didn't kill him, first time offender would have got minimal jail.time for assault.

But because he used a gun , the penalty is much greater and the cost is much greater.

The sellers and buyers of guns and ammo should fund the addition costs of making gun readily available, knowing that a certain amount of crimes committed with a gun will result in much longer jail sentences.

Now maybe the reality of long jail sentences will deter gun crime. Which would make those additional taxes a cheap proposition.
That money could then help people who were gun shot and lived.

But to ask the general public to fund additional jails and longer sentences so you can be tough on gun crime isn't gonna work.
And the 1,500,000 Americans actually stopping violent criminal attack are saving Americans even more money......should we give anyone who stops a violent crime a tax break?

Back to this happy horseshit again eh? The correct number is 2.5 million. Or was it 500k? When you look at your favorite surveys, the number is all over the place.

Did you read that survey I found that estimated realistically around 70k legitimate DGUs happened per year?

I know you didn't. It wouldn't fit your fantasy.
And the 1,500,000 Americans actually stopping violent criminal attack are saving Americans even more money......should we give anyone who stops a violent crime a tax break?

Back to this happy horseshit again eh? The correct number is 2.5 million. Or was it 500k? When you look at your favorite surveys, the number is all over the place.

Did you read that survey I found that estimated realistically around 70k legitimate DGUs happened per year?

I know you didn't. It wouldn't fit your fantasy.
Lets go with your 70 thousand then, remind me which is greater? 11k or 70k?
Why should the NRA and people who did not use guns to commit crimes be forced to pay a special tax for crimes they did not commit....?

You are all in the same boat. And you wouldn't be paying for the crime. The money would fund the additional jails and long term incarceration.

How come you wouldn't say how you would pay for this idea of yours? You think jails are free?

Why should the general public pay for the long term incarceration of a person who committed a crime using a gun?

In my pistol whipping scenario, you have the guy in jail for 10 years minimum. At what cost? Let's say 50k a year. 500k over 10.

Now if the guy had beaten the girlfriends friend with a stick and didn't kill him, first time offender would have got minimal jail.time for assault.

But because he used a gun , the penalty is much greater and the cost is much greater.

The sellers and buyers of guns and ammo should fund the addition costs of making gun readily available, knowing that a certain amount of crimes committed with a gun will result in much longer jail sentences.

Now maybe the reality of long jail sentences will deter gun crime. Which would make those additional taxes a cheap proposition.
That money could then help people who were gun shot and lived.

But to ask the general public to fund additional jails and longer sentences so you can be tough on gun crime isn't gonna work.

Your anti-gun ideas are stupid.

Why should gun owners pay for crimes committed by others who use a gun? Should we tax alcohol for the people who kill other people with cars while drunk? Maybe we should just tax the sales of cars!!!
As this Globalist Third World misery assault rapidly spreads across our country, so too does the assault on our Constitution. America is now in deep dark decline. The Constitution is all we have left. We'll have to fight with everything we have to preserve it.

Agreed. Obama has violated the Constitution by unilaterally writing Executive Orders that conflict with laws regarding illegal immigration. Obama even exemptions for his own health care law he shoved down our throats unilaterally. SCOTUS will hear these cases eventually, and my guess is they will rubber stamp them as "OK" like the stooges they have been appointed to be.

Of course, the left will cheer these decisions and then later have Trump become their president with all of this new Constitutional power SCOTUS just handed to him on a silver platter.

And you and others on the right will continue to lie, this post being one of many examples.

Not hilarious, just sad.

I got news for ya, everyone lies. EVERYONE!! Even Obama and even you lie.

That's why centralized power will always be a failure. We need checks and balances, not contest to find the most holy and righteous politician.
Why should the NRA and people who did not use guns to commit crimes be forced to pay a special tax for crimes they did not commit....?

You are all in the same boat. And you wouldn't be paying for the crime. The money would fund the additional jails and long term incarceration.

How come you wouldn't say how you would pay for this idea of yours? You think jails are free?

Why should the general public pay for the long term incarceration of a person who committed a crime using a gun?

In my pistol whipping scenario, you have the guy in jail for 10 years minimum. At what cost? Let's say 50k a year. 500k over 10.

Now if the guy had beaten the girlfriends friend with a stick and didn't kill him, first time offender would have got minimal jail.time for assault.

But because he used a gun , the penalty is much greater and the cost is much greater.

The sellers and buyers of guns and ammo should fund the addition costs of making gun readily available, knowing that a certain amount of crimes committed with a gun will result in much longer jail sentences.

Now maybe the reality of long jail sentences will deter gun crime. Which would make those additional taxes a cheap proposition.
That money could then help people who were gun shot and lived.

But to ask the general public to fund additional jails and longer sentences so you can be tough on gun crime isn't gonna work.

Your anti-gun ideas are stupid.

Why should gun owners pay for crimes committed by others who use a gun? Should we tax alcohol for the people who kill other people with cars while drunk? Maybe we should just tax the sales of cars!!!

What the left wants is to appoint, NOT ELECT, a group of "experts" to decide who is most holy and righteous to obtain a fire arm, just like they do with their no fly list.
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

Our plan is very obvious, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". You deal with criminal behavior as it occurs. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, we don't preemptively prosecute people because we think they might commit a crime. So the law and the Constitution is all the plan we need.
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But I am so sure that more guns on the streets is the answer. Yessirreeeeeeeeee................ get more guns out there. Then we can see more than two mass shooting a week. Getting real boring when there are only one or two a week.
Gee, if you're that bored, you can move to Chicago or Baltimore (or a number of other Democrat-controlled cities), and see all the shootings you want....
Democratic AND LARGE Black Population.
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

Our plan is very obvious, "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed". You deal with criminal behavior as it occurs. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, we don't preemptively prosecute people because we think they might commit a crime. So the law and the Constitution is all the plan we need.
Bear arms, dumbfuck.

These are Bare Arms:
Your anti-gun ideas are stupid.

Why should gun owners pay for crimes committed by others who use a gun? Should we tax alcohol for the people who kill other people with cars while drunk? Maybe we should just tax the sales of cars!!!

Well you stupid fuck this long term jail time for any crime committed with a gun is not my idea. It is 2ndAmend idea.

But someone has to pay for the increased jails and longer minimum sentences. and that was the topic.

Why should the general public pay much more money for a crime just because a gun was used. And yes crimes with guns now cause longer prison sentences. But usually someone is shot.

2nd A wants 10 years mandatory for first time offender who pistol whips someone. That is assault. 2 years maybe

That longer, mandatory sentences whenever a gun is used for any kind of crime would get expensive fast.

How to pay for that was the topic. Of course you gun nuts don't want to pay for it. You think there are no costs to great to bear to have easy access to guns. But I doubt the non gun lovers would support that idea.
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

Our plan is very obvious, "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed". You deal with criminal behavior as it occurs. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, we don't preemptively prosecute people because we think they might commit a crime. So the law and the Constitution is all the plan we need.
Bear arms, dumbfuck.

These are Bare Arms:

So that's all you got, one misspelled word, really?
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

Our plan is very obvious, "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed". You deal with criminal behavior as it occurs. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, we don't preemptively prosecute people because we think they might commit a crime. So the law and the Constitution is all the plan we need.
Bear arms, dumbfuck.

These are Bare Arms:

So that's all you got, one misspelled word, really?
Yeah, the right is so important to you that you can't even spell the fucking thing, or be bothered to look it up...
Should we tax alcohol for the people who kill other people with cars while drunk? Maybe we should just tax the sales of cars!!!

What is it we require car owners to do to protect other people from accidents caused by another driver? Oh that's right. INSURANCE.
That's what drivers have to pay for their mistakes that cause others to be injured.

And Ray. We already tax the sales of cars. What where you trying to say Ray?

How about requiring gun owners to have insurance Ray?
No...those people were sent into gas chambers because fools like you allowed themselves to be disarmed in every country in Europe after World War 2.....and since they could not resist...12 million people were murdered from all over Europe...not war dead...simply murdered because the Germans did not like them.....

Hey, guy, every country the Germans invaded, they found a shitload of people who were happy to help.

No twit.....hitler kept in place the gun restrictions created by the Weimar Republic......and used the lists they created when they regisgtered all the guns in the 1920s......he allowed his nazis and their allies to have guns but disarmed any remaining opponents and the Jews....

But if you weren't a Jew, you had no problem getting a gun. The reality was, Germans were generally pretty happy with everything Hitler was doing and pretty much fought for him to the bitter end.

Even the half-ass July 20 Coup was staged by the Army only because Germany was clearly losing the war. And well into the 1950's, people considered the July 20 conspirators to be traitors. Wasnt until the 1970s people started naming shit after Stauffenberg (who wasn't any kind of a hero, really.)
Nope......we arrest violent criminals caught carrying guns and lock them up a long time...also we support the various inner city groups trying to help young males trapped in these gang infested neighborhoods who end up doing the killing.....

We lock up 2 million people. Most industrial democracies only lock up a few thousand.

if guns and prisons were a solution, we'd have the lowest crime rate in the industrialied world.

Need to go back to your "Excuse box", that one won't fly.
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

Our plan is very obvious, "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed". You deal with criminal behavior as it occurs. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, we don't preemptively prosecute people because we think they might commit a crime. So the law and the Constitution is all the plan we need.
Bear arms, dumbfuck.

These are Bare Arms:

So that's all you got, one misspelled word, really?
Yeah, the right is so important to you that you can't even spell the fucking thing, or be bothered to look it up...

Funny, you're the only dumb fuck so easily distracted by one misspelled word that you missed the whole point, or are you just too much of a retard to come up with anything other than playing the spelling Nazi"

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