What I don't understand about gun Nazis

Haven't heard that about CA, you got a link?

California Gun Confiscation Program Heralded As Model For Nation

California’s Gun Confiscation Program Hits Firearm Owners Hard

They are forcefully seizing people guns despite the obvious unconstitutionality of suspending people Constitutional rights without any due process.

So please, dont tell me no one intends to take anyon es guns. They do, they are and it will grow in scope and ferocity.

LA got their ass kicked in court after Katrina because of the unconstitutional crap they pulled.

Judge Carl J. Barbier presided over the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Judge Barbier signed the permanent injuncation against the City of New Orleans. The city admitted the firearm confiscations carried out by Nagin and Riley were unconstitutional and illegal.

New Orleans Mayor Admits Illegal Gun Confiscation

But what good does it do anyone AFTER THE FACT? These LEOs come to get my guns, you know I dont know if I would cooperate.

You know this stuff doesnt happen all the time but it can.

Here is a video of the house to house search in Boston looking for the Marathon bombers.

In this video the cops are filing out peaceful law abiding citizens UNDER GUN POINT WITH THEIR FINGERS ON THE TRIGGER of their weapons. All that would have been needed for a catastrophe would have been a trip or mistaken shadow. BLAM! -> dead innocent

What is most disturbing about this video is not that it happened, but that it proves that the government has been planning to do this for a very long time and trained people for this military tactical search.

One thing I think you have yet to figure out is you're preaching to the choir. The people in CA should be suing the hell out of the State in federal court for abuse of power and civil rights violations. The people in Watertown should have told those cops that wanted to search without a warrant to piss up a rope unless they could produce an eye witness saying the suspect entered their home. Without a witness, exigent circumstances didn't exist. If they forced their way in, they also should have sured for civil rights violations and abuse of power.

The people in LA got their guns back or were paid for the ones lost, plus they set a legal precedent where no one else will try the same crap.
One thing I think you have yet to figure out is you're preaching to the choir. The people in CA should be suing the hell out of the State in federal court for abuse of power and civil rights violations. The people in Watertown should have told those cops that wanted to search without a warrant to piss up a rope unless they could produce an eye witness saying the suspect entered their home. Without a witness, exigent circumstances didn't exist. If they forced their way in, they also should have sured for civil rights violations and abuse of power.

The people in LA got their guns back or were paid for the ones lost, plus they set a legal precedent where no one else will try the same crap.
And I am in agreement of 95% of what you are saying excewpt for this; you think no one is trying to take our guns. The far left is and withthe polarized system of politics we have today all it would take is another George W Bush to provoke another Democratic majority in Congress with a Dem President as well, and WALLAH! We have a gun registration followed by a gun confiscation rolled out in stages. First they would get those with 'mental issues' like PTSD or take psychotropic drugs of any kind. Then they go after the people who have had any history of domestic disturbances. Then the people with any questionable behavior of any kind; DWI's, Frequent arrests for misdemeanors, hell even back taxes.

Whether the rationale actually makes sense or not is irrelevant. After 24/7 media campaining on the popular pshyche they could convince people guns need to be confiscated from people that spit on the side walk.
One thing I think you have yet to figure out is you're preaching to the choir. The people in CA should be suing the hell out of the State in federal court for abuse of power and civil rights violations. The people in Watertown should have told those cops that wanted to search without a warrant to piss up a rope unless they could produce an eye witness saying the suspect entered their home. Without a witness, exigent circumstances didn't exist. If they forced their way in, they also should have sured for civil rights violations and abuse of power.

The people in LA got their guns back or were paid for the ones lost, plus they set a legal precedent where no one else will try the same crap.
And I am in agreement of 95% of what you are saying excewpt for this; you think no one is trying to take our guns. The far left is and withthe polarized system of politics we have today all it would take is another George W Bush to provoke another Democratic majority in Congress with a Dem President as well, and WALLAH! We have a gun registration followed by a gun confiscation rolled out in stages. First they would get those with 'mental issues' like PTSD or take psychotropic drugs of any kind. Then they go after the people who have had any history of domestic disturbances. Then the people with any questionable behavior of any kind; DWI's, Frequent arrests for misdemeanors, hell even back taxes.

Whether the rationale actually makes sense or not is irrelevant. After 24/7 media campaining on the popular pshyche they could convince people guns need to be confiscated from people that spit on the side walk.

I don't think they will take that complicated route. The real meat and potatoes is the new Supreme Court Justice (or justices in the near future) that could actually rule that gun ownership is not a constitutional right. From there, legislatures could take action without worrying about court challenges.

If it's no longer a constitutional right, then law makers can make any law for or against the ownership of guns, and even pass legislation making gun manufacturers liable for any deaths.

Given the upcoming election, the nomination of justices is paramount for the continued freedom to bear arms in our country.
One thing I think you have yet to figure out is you're preaching to the choir. The people in CA should be suing the hell out of the State in federal court for abuse of power and civil rights violations. The people in Watertown should have told those cops that wanted to search without a warrant to piss up a rope unless they could produce an eye witness saying the suspect entered their home. Without a witness, exigent circumstances didn't exist. If they forced their way in, they also should have sured for civil rights violations and abuse of power.

The people in LA got their guns back or were paid for the ones lost, plus they set a legal precedent where no one else will try the same crap.
And I am in agreement of 95% of what you are saying excewpt for this; you think no one is trying to take our guns. The far left is and withthe polarized system of politics we have today all it would take is another George W Bush to provoke another Democratic majority in Congress with a Dem President as well, and WALLAH! We have a gun registration followed by a gun confiscation rolled out in stages. First they would get those with 'mental issues' like PTSD or take psychotropic drugs of any kind. Then they go after the people who have had any history of domestic disturbances. Then the people with any questionable behavior of any kind; DWI's, Frequent arrests for misdemeanors, hell even back taxes.

Whether the rationale actually makes sense or not is irrelevant. After 24/7 media campaining on the popular pshyche they could convince people guns need to be confiscated from people that spit on the side walk.

Feel free to point out where I've EVER said the regressives wouldn't try to confiscate guns. In fact I posted the video of Feinstein saying exactly that. Like I said, you're preaching to the choir. We on the same sheet of music now?
One thing I think you have yet to figure out is you're preaching to the choir. The people in CA should be suing the hell out of the State in federal court for abuse of power and civil rights violations. The people in Watertown should have told those cops that wanted to search without a warrant to piss up a rope unless they could produce an eye witness saying the suspect entered their home. Without a witness, exigent circumstances didn't exist. If they forced their way in, they also should have sured for civil rights violations and abuse of power.

The people in LA got their guns back or were paid for the ones lost, plus they set a legal precedent where no one else will try the same crap.
And I am in agreement of 95% of what you are saying excewpt for this; you think no one is trying to take our guns. The far left is and withthe polarized system of politics we have today all it would take is another George W Bush to provoke another Democratic majority in Congress with a Dem President as well, and WALLAH! We have a gun registration followed by a gun confiscation rolled out in stages. First they would get those with 'mental issues' like PTSD or take psychotropic drugs of any kind. Then they go after the people who have had any history of domestic disturbances. Then the people with any questionable behavior of any kind; DWI's, Frequent arrests for misdemeanors, hell even back taxes.

Whether the rationale actually makes sense or not is irrelevant. After 24/7 media campaining on the popular pshyche they could convince people guns need to be confiscated from people that spit on the side walk.

Feel free to point out where I've EVER said the regressives wouldn't try to confiscate guns. In fact I posted the video of Feinstein saying exactly that. Like I said, you're preaching to the choir. We on the same sheet of music now?

In post #4 you stated:
"How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing."

I took what you said literally, but now I see you were being sarcastic.

With my Aspergers I dont do sarcasm very well unless it is obvious.

My apologies on getting you 180 degrees wrong, lol.
Why was it too much of a hassle joe.........it was because they knew that unlike the rest of Europe, the Swiss did not disarm their civilians and in fact their civilians were heavily armed and ready to fight.....435,000 armed civilians kept the Germans from invading....

Uh, no, what kept the Swiss from being invaded is that they became disgusting collaborators without one German boot hitting their soil.

"Here. process this gold for me!"

"Could you take it out of that guy's tooth, first? "

Yes....hitler just decided after conquering all the other European countries that sure, I won't take over and entirely control this country and process my own freaking gold....I'll just leave them alone..........

What stopped the invasion of Switerland, and they had plans to do it...was the cost.....they knew that unlike the rest of Europe where the people gave up their guns and were defenseless, the Swiss had 435,000 civilians with guns who were ready to fight.....
Yes...last year....a total of 4......and 2 of those were muslim terrorists....

Another DIck Tiny Gun Lie Debunked.

So far in 2015, we've had 274 days and 294 mass shootings

Wrong...gang bangers shooting each other over a dice game is not a mass shooting........why do you guys always have to lie in order to push your agenda? Oh yeah...because the truth, the facts and reality don't support one thing you believe...so all you have are lies and emotions......

There were a total of 4 mass shootings by the actual definition of a mass public shooting in 2015....and of those 2 were islamic terrorists....
Joe we can't debate when it is clear you have failed to learn fundamental truths.

An unarmed society is NOT a safe society. It is the opposite.

Japanese women can walk through Tokyo alone at night without fear of being a victim of a crime.
The same can not be said for American women.

Japanese women can walk through Tokyo alone at night without fear of being a victim of a crime.

Yes.....this happens because women are smaller and weaker than men....which is why guns make them equal......women who carry guns stop rape more successfuly than those without guns.......so it would seem that those who support unarmed women favor rape over women stopping the rape with a gun...right?
Yes....hitler just decided after conquering all the other European countries that sure, I won't take over and entirely control this country and process my own freaking gold....I'll just leave them alone..........

What stopped the invasion of Switerland, and they had plans to do it...was the cost.....they knew that unlike the rest of Europe where the people gave up their guns and were defenseless, the Swiss had 435,000 civilians with guns who were ready to fight.....
Which is exactly why the Dhimmicrats want to disarm the public.

IF we had lost all our guns to gun confiscation, do you think Obama would be stepping down after only two terms?
Joe we can't debate when it is clear you have failed to learn fundamental truths.

An unarmed society is NOT a safe society. It is the opposite.

Japanese women can walk through Tokyo alone at night without fear of being a victim of a crime.
The same can not be said for American women.

Japanese women can walk through Tokyo alone at night without fear of being a victim of a crime.

Yes.....this happens because women are smaller and weaker than men....which is why guns make them equal......women who carry guns stop rape more successfuly than those without guns.......so it would seem that those who support unarmed women favor rape over women stopping the rape with a gun...right?

Actually if a woman did or did not have a gun she is safer due to the fact that she legally could.

If we had a law where nobody was allowed to be armed, then women would be more of a target because the criminal would know they had no way to defend themselves.
1. Why is it that we should not hold all Muslims to blame for a few lunatic few terrorists by forcibly screeing them in any way, but we should hold all gun owners suspect of being guilty until proven innocent with various screening processes because of a few lunatic domestic terrorists?

The converse is equally true, as I have pointed out many times.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


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