What I don't understand about gun Nazis

Grow a pair Joey. It is way past time you be a man.

In a free society, you must learn that shit happens. At any rate my son, government will only make matters worse...but I fear you are much to dense to understand.

THe government might make it worse for YOU, but that assumes I give a shit.

Point is, other free societies are free and don't have a Joker Holmes or 33,000 gun deaths a year. Guns do not equal freedom. and your need to compensate for a tiny dick is not worth putting our children at risk.

Says the one with a pussy between his legs that says I shouldn't have guns but won't do a damn thing personally to keep me from LEGALLY owning them.


he wants guys with guns to come after your guns
An unarmed society is NOT a safe society. It is the opposite.

How do you know what you claim is true? There are other societies without guns that are safer than our society.
All you need do is research history. It is really just that simple.

There are untold number of societies, throughout human history, where disarmed citizens were not safe.
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An unarmed society is NOT a safe society. It is the opposite.

How do you know what you claim is true? There are other societies without guns that are safer than our society.
It is unfortunate that any American would ask such a silly question. I suspect if you questioned this fundamental truth 100 years ago, in any city in America, you might have gotten your ass kicked.

It use to be that ALL Americans knew this fundamental truth...it was one of the original ideas behind the founding of our nation.
All you need do is research history. It is really just that simple.

There are untold number of societies, throughout human history, where disarmed citizens were not safe.

I don't have a way back machine.

Why don't you tell me the society comparable to ours that exists today with no guns and more violence than we have.

You made the claim dude. It ain't on me to do your research.
I call bullshit on your claim. Prove me wrong.
All you need do is research history. It is really just that simple.

There are untold number of societies, throughout human history, where disarmed citizens were not safe.

I don't have a way back machine.

Why don't you tell me the society comparable to ours that exists today with no guns and more violence than we have.

You made the claim dude. It ain't on me to do your research.
I call bullshit on your claim. Prove me wrong.
I am sorry, but you must have me confused with a teacher. You will have to do the work yourself. It will be far more rewarding if you do.

Again...to ask me to prove something all Americans once knew, really makes you look dumb.
My son your point is stupid and childish. That is why I will not address.

If you want to live in a society where the individual has no freedom and you can be assured that no mass murderers are lurking about, try to find one.

GUy, the problem is you associate the ability of mass murderers to get guns with "Freedom". In fact, most industrialized democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are.

I'm sure there are potential mass murderers lurking about the UK or Japan, but guess what, they can't walk into a gun store and walk out with a machine gun and a 100 round drum magazine like Joker Holmes did.

Yes...last year....a total of 4......and 2 of those were muslim terrorists....

there are 357,000,000 guns in private hands....not being used to commit mass shootings or crime......not a problem......

Criminals get guns in Japan when they want them........and fully automatic rifles and grenades......

Japan is not a violent society.....they have very little crime of any kind....and almost no violent crime to begin with...you could give all of them actual military rifles and they would still have the same crime rate....
All you need do is research history. It is really just that simple.

There are untold number of societies, throughout human history, where disarmed citizens were not safe.

I don't have a way back machine.

Why don't you tell me the society comparable to ours that exists today with no guns and more violence than we have.

You made the claim dude. It ain't on me to do your research.
I call bullshit on your claim. Prove me wrong.

Britain, Europe, China, Japan, South America......do you ever read history? Our society is less violent than it was in the past...because of guns...back in history time the strong enslaved, raped and murdered the weak because they weak were weak and couldn't stop the attackers....guns changed that...

Here....look up the Mongols...not one gun among them....see how nice they were...

Look up Rome......look up the Zulu...the Aztec...you must have gone to public school........
"What I don't understand about gun Nazis"

You also don't understand what a straw man fallacy is either; your thread premise is an example of one, and it fails as a consequence.

A straw man fallacy is when one contrives a lie about his opponent in an effort to misrepresent his opponent's position on the issue, such as the lie that there are 'gun Nazis,' and then attacks that contrived 'position' (straw man) in an effort to win the 'argument.'

No one presumes gun owners to be 'guilty,' the notion is ridiculous idiocy.

No one trusts the police and military more than the average citizen with guns, that's delusional nonsense.

And no one seeks to 'rip up' the Second Amendment, or 'round up all the guns,' that's as ignorant as it is moronic.

But it's not. He is merely using the same form of warped logic on your argument as you use on ours. You all love to claim that if a gun law saves "just one life" it is worth it. But when we use that same form of simplistic logic "if just one life is saved by banning all Muslims" you have a conniption.

Get used to having conniptions cause i feel you are going to see more of your silly logic and tactics thrown back in your face.
"What I don't understand about gun Nazis"

You also don't understand what a straw man fallacy is either; your thread premise is an example of one, and it fails as a consequence.

A straw man fallacy is when one contrives a lie about his opponent in an effort to misrepresent his opponent's position on the issue, such as the lie that there are 'gun Nazis,' and then attacks that contrived 'position' (straw man) in an effort to win the 'argument.'

No one presumes gun owners to be 'guilty,' the notion is ridiculous idiocy.

No one trusts the police and military more than the average citizen with guns, that's delusional nonsense.

And no one seeks to 'rip up' the Second Amendment, or 'round up all the guns,' that's as ignorant as it is moronic.

How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Lol, you mean no one wants to do exactly what California is doing with mentally unqualified gun owners there? They are going house to house forcing people to give up their guns.

They did the exact same thing during the Katrina disaster.

Why folks like you persist in kidding yourself and spreading nonsense about what libtards intend to do is also part of the mystery here.

Haven't heard that about CA, you got a link? LA got their ass kicked in court after Katrina because of the unconstitutional crap they pulled.

Judge Carl J. Barbier presided over the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Judge Barbier signed the permanent injuncation against the City of New Orleans. The city admitted the firearm confiscations carried out by Nagin and Riley were unconstitutional and illegal.

New Orleans Mayor Admits Illegal Gun Confiscation
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And what happened in those countries twit..........tired of dealing with the natives...those countries pulled out...because it was too much of a hassle dealing with the natives armed with rifles.....

You actually do have the reasoning ability of an 8 year old.......

Um, no, it was too much of a hassle fighting over something that wasn't that important to them.

That's what you don't seem to get, because you are kind of stupid. If the Russians were fighting for the SURVIVAL OF THE USSR, they'd have slaughtered every last fucking Afghan without a second thought, no matter how many guns and Arabs the CIA smuggled in.

If the US was fighting for the Survival of America, we'd have slaughtered every last Vietnamese if we had to. (instead of the three million we managed to kill, because we couldn't admit we made a mistake.)

It strikes me that when your "armed resistance" ends up with 3 million of your own people dead, and you end up with a ruthless dictatorship that sends all the losers off to reeducation camps, you really didn't win all that much.

Why was it too much of a hassle joe.........it was because they knew that unlike the rest of Europe, the Swiss did not disarm their civilians and in fact their civilians were heavily armed and ready to fight.....435,000 armed civilians kept the Germans from invading....

That was one of his best roles......I have heard he is quite the mega A**hole.........but a good actor......

I really like it when you start posting the photos...they say so much....with so few words...
Joe it is time to be a man, for once.

I know you want the elites to tell you what to do and you want a society where no one has any rights...but sorry son, that hasn't happened yet. Thank God.

In a free society...I know..I know you hate freedom...but son, in a free society unfortunately nuttie sick people do stupid harmful shit. Get over it and be a man for once.

Hey, how about addressing my point. If ANYONE had talked to Cho's family, teachers or fellow students, they would have said, "Hell, no, you can't give that guy a gun. He's nuts!!!"

Why do you assholes define "Freedom" as the ability to act like a complete shithead?

I don't feel "Free" if I have to worry some nut might shoot up my workplace, a theater I am going to or the school my kids go to.

Other industrial democracies have figured this out. You can still be free without arming your population like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming.
You support the idea of a fascist Government that controls everything and tells you what and when to do anything. You should move to somewhere like North Korea so you can be happy.
Why was it too much of a hassle joe.........it was because they knew that unlike the rest of Europe, the Swiss did not disarm their civilians and in fact their civilians were heavily armed and ready to fight.....435,000 armed civilians kept the Germans from invading....

Uh, no, what kept the Swiss from being invaded is that they became disgusting collaborators without one German boot hitting their soil.

"Here. process this gold for me!"

"Could you take it out of that guy's tooth, first? "
Haven't heard that about CA, you got a link?

California Gun Confiscation Program Heralded As Model For Nation

California’s Gun Confiscation Program Hits Firearm Owners Hard

They are forcefully seizing people guns despite the obvious unconstitutionality of suspending people Constitutional rights without any due process.

So please, dont tell me no one intends to take anyon es guns. They do, they are and it will grow in scope and ferocity.

LA got their ass kicked in court after Katrina because of the unconstitutional crap they pulled.

Judge Carl J. Barbier presided over the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Judge Barbier signed the permanent injuncation against the City of New Orleans. The city admitted the firearm confiscations carried out by Nagin and Riley were unconstitutional and illegal.

New Orleans Mayor Admits Illegal Gun Confiscation

But what good does it do anyone AFTER THE FACT? These LEOs come to get my guns, you know I dont know if I would cooperate.

You know this stuff doesnt happen all the time but it can.

Here is a video of the house to house search in Boston looking for the Marathon bombers.

In this video the cops are filing out peaceful law abiding citizens UNDER GUN POINT WITH THEIR FINGERS ON THE TRIGGER of their weapons. All that would have been needed for a catastrophe would have been a trip or mistaken shadow. BLAM! -> dead innocent

What is most disturbing about this video is not that it happened, but that it proves that the government has been planning to do this for a very long time and trained people for this military tactical search.

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