What I don't understand about gun Nazis

Is the OP saying there should be no screening, and anyone should be able to walk into any arms supply dealer and purchase any kind of arms there?

Not at all. They want guns available out of vending machines !

Why is it that you can't discuss gun control without the nuts jumping straight too "you are banning all guns!!"

You don't want discussion. You refer to what YOU support as common sense and say nothing else is feasible. By the way, when you use the word nuts referring to gun owners, it proves you don't want discussion.
Is the OP saying there should be no screening, and anyone should be able to walk into any arms supply dealer and purchase any kind of arms there?

Background checks are already in place at gun shops. If you don't believe me, go into one today and try to buy a gun. You'll fill out a piece of paper. Screening takes place.

I had a gun stolen out of my LOCKED vehicle sitting on MY private property. If that gun is misused for a crime, what background check should have taken place for the THIEF that stole it? If someone who has no history or record of criminal activity goes into a gun shop and buys a gun legally, he'll pass a background check. If he misuses the gun after that point, nothing you idiots have proposed will stop that. Then, we have the thieves who buy them off the street. What background check are they going to go through in order to steal them?
Murder and attempted murder should be life in prison.

Pistol whipping.....using a gun...10 years......and since the person doing the pistol whipping will more than likely already have a criminal record and have been prohibited from owning the gun...another 10 years for illegal ownership of the gun.

It is cheaper to lock up violent criminals than to

Ah well 2nd A nut. Your idea of locking people up for very long periods of time didn't meet with approval.

Seems no one wants to pay for the additional.costs to incarcerate.

And being the stupid short sighted dumb fucks you gun nutters are, rather than trying to help reduce gun violence, you all want to do nothing. Or want to make all people help pay for your fetish.

But the others gun nutters have spoken. Your idea sucks cause no one wants to pay for it.

Who proposed paying for it? I don't recall any legislation saying our Congress wants to build more prisons to house people who committed criminal acts with guns.

So do tell: how do we reduce gun violence? What is your big idea in detail?
Ya cause after all neither one of those Countries would have lasted a day if they had not already been armed. You are an idiot. Remind us how when it suits your narrative we lost Vietnam not cause of the arms shipped in or the North Vietnamese but because we gave up.

I realize that you are slow and shit, but the fact is, the Vietcong didn't take us on with saturday night specials. They took us on with AK-47's that the Russians delivered by the crateload. And it took them decades to push us out before we finally gave up.

But oh-boy, Vietnam became a gun-lover's paradise after they pushed us out, didn't it?

Um. No, it became a communist dictatorship with killing fields and re-education camps.

Joe do not change the subject as you often do, when losing the debate. We are debating weapons, not the consequences of the war.

If the VC and NVA had no access to weapons, they would not have beaten the French or Americans. Even a fool like you must recognize that.

And...the VC and NVA beat the French and Americans essentially with the AK-47. They had almost no air force or navy. They had little in the way of artillery or tanks. They won by using an automatic rifle operated by a foot soldier.

I'm sorry, did someone hear a malignant narcissist try to edge his way into a conversation?
And what happened in those countries twit..........tired of dealing with the natives...those countries pulled out...because it was too much of a hassle dealing with the natives armed with rifles.....

You actually do have the reasoning ability of an 8 year old.......

Um, no, it was too much of a hassle fighting over something that wasn't that important to them.

That's what you don't seem to get, because you are kind of stupid. If the Russians were fighting for the SURVIVAL OF THE USSR, they'd have slaughtered every last fucking Afghan without a second thought, no matter how many guns and Arabs the CIA smuggled in.

If the US was fighting for the Survival of America, we'd have slaughtered every last Vietnamese if we had to. (instead of the three million we managed to kill, because we couldn't admit we made a mistake.)

It strikes me that when your "armed resistance" ends up with 3 million of your own people dead, and you end up with a ruthless dictatorship that sends all the losers off to reeducation camps, you really didn't win all that much.
Shows what you propose didn't work.

No, it shows it wasnt' done.

Example. Cho Seung-Hui. (The VA Tech shooter) Had they actually DONE a real background check, like an employer would have before hiring him, before a bank would have done before giving him a loan, they would have found out.

They would have found out in Eighth grade, he talked about how he wanted to "repeat Columbine".

They would have found out that he had been removed from a class at VA Tech for "Menacing behavior"

they would have found out about his strange behavior from his roommates at VA Tech, who were so concerned about him that they wouldn't invite guests to their room.

So instead of a half-assed NCIS that the NRA has spent decades watering down, I have a simple solution. The gun industry is responisible for all screenings.

And if a Cho or a Loughner or a Holmes gets pass their system, the families of victims can sue the crap out of them for negligence, just like any other product.
Shows what you propose didn't work.

No, it shows it wasnt' done.

Example. Cho Seung-Hui. (The VA Tech shooter) Had they actually DONE a real background check, like an employer would have before hiring him, before a bank would have done before giving him a loan, they would have found out.

They would have found out in Eighth grade, he talked about how he wanted to "repeat Columbine".

They would have found out that he had been removed from a class at VA Tech for "Menacing behavior"

they would have found out about his strange behavior from his roommates at VA Tech, who were so concerned about him that they wouldn't invite guests to their room.

So instead of a half-assed NCIS that the NRA has spent decades watering down, I have a simple solution. The gun industry is responisible for all screenings.

And if a Cho or a Loughner or a Holmes gets pass their system, the families of victims can sue the crap out of them for negligence, just like any other product.
Joe it is time to be a man, for once.

I know you want the elites to tell you what to do and you want a society where no one has any rights...but sorry son, that hasn't happened yet. Thank God.

In a free society...I know..I know you hate freedom...but son, in a free society unfortunately nuttie sick people do stupid harmful shit. Get over it and be a man for once.
Joe it is time to be a man, for once.

I know you want the elites to tell you what to do and you want a society where no one has any rights...but sorry son, that hasn't happened yet. Thank God.

In a free society...I know..I know you hate freedom...but son, in a free society unfortunately nuttie sick people do stupid harmful shit. Get over it and be a man for once.

Hey, how about addressing my point. If ANYONE had talked to Cho's family, teachers or fellow students, they would have said, "Hell, no, you can't give that guy a gun. He's nuts!!!"

Why do you assholes define "Freedom" as the ability to act like a complete shithead?

I don't feel "Free" if I have to worry some nut might shoot up my workplace, a theater I am going to or the school my kids go to.

Other industrial democracies have figured this out. You can still be free without arming your population like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming.
Joe it is time to be a man, for once.

I know you want the elites to tell you what to do and you want a society where no one has any rights...but sorry son, that hasn't happened yet. Thank God.

In a free society...I know..I know you hate freedom...but son, in a free society unfortunately nuttie sick people do stupid harmful shit. Get over it and be a man for once.

Hey, how about addressing my point. If ANYONE had talked to Cho's family, teachers or fellow students, they would have said, "Hell, no, you can't give that guy a gun. He's nuts!!!"

Why do you assholes define "Freedom" as the ability to act like a complete shithead?

I don't feel "Free" if I have to worry some nut might shoot up my workplace, a theater I am going to or the school my kids go to.

Other industrial democracies have figured this out. You can still be free without arming your population like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming.
My son your point is stupid and childish. That is why I will not address.

If you want to live in a society where the individual has no freedom and you can be assured that no mass murderers are lurking about, try to find one.
My son your point is stupid and childish. That is why I will not address.

If you want to live in a society where the individual has no freedom and you can be assured that no mass murderers are lurking about, try to find one.

GUy, the problem is you associate the ability of mass murderers to get guns with "Freedom". In fact, most industrialized democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are.

I'm sure there are potential mass murderers lurking about the UK or Japan, but guess what, they can't walk into a gun store and walk out with a machine gun and a 100 round drum magazine like Joker Holmes did.
My son your point is stupid and childish. That is why I will not address.

If you want to live in a society where the individual has no freedom and you can be assured that no mass murderers are lurking about, try to find one.

GUy, the problem is you associate the ability of mass murderers to get guns with "Freedom". In fact, most industrialized democracies don't let their citizens own guns, and they are just as free as we are.

I'm sure there are potential mass murderers lurking about the UK or Japan, but guess what, they can't walk into a gun store and walk out with a machine gun and a 100 round drum magazine like Joker Holmes did.

Grow a pair Joey. It is way past time you be a man.

In a free society, you must learn that shit happens. At any rate my son, government will only make matters worse...but I fear you are much to dense to understand.
Grow a pair Joey. It is way past time you be a man.

In a free society, you must learn that shit happens. At any rate my son, government will only make matters worse...but I fear you are much to dense to understand.

THe government might make it worse for YOU, but that assumes I give a shit.

Point is, other free societies are free and don't have a Joker Holmes or 33,000 gun deaths a year. Guns do not equal freedom. and your need to compensate for a tiny dick is not worth putting our children at risk.
Joe it is time to be a man, for once.

I know you want the elites to tell you what to do and you want a society where no one has any rights...but sorry son, that hasn't happened yet. Thank God.

In a free society...I know..I know you hate freedom...but son, in a free society unfortunately nuttie sick people do stupid harmful shit. Get over it and be a man for once.

Hey, how about addressing my point. If ANYONE had talked to Cho's family, teachers or fellow students, they would have said, "Hell, no, you can't give that guy a gun. He's nuts!!!"

Why do you assholes define "Freedom" as the ability to act like a complete shithead?

I don't feel "Free" if I have to worry some nut might shoot up my workplace, a theater I am going to or the school my kids go to.

Other industrial democracies have figured this out. You can still be free without arming your population like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming.

Since you've identified that there are places you like, move. If you like what they do so much, go there.
Grow a pair Joey. It is way past time you be a man.

In a free society, you must learn that shit happens. At any rate my son, government will only make matters worse...but I fear you are much to dense to understand.

THe government might make it worse for YOU, but that assumes I give a shit.

Point is, other free societies are free and don't have a Joker Holmes or 33,000 gun deaths a year. Guns do not equal freedom. and your need to compensate for a tiny dick is not worth putting our children at risk.

Says the one with a pussy between his legs that says I shouldn't have guns but won't do a damn thing personally to keep me from LEGALLY owning them.
Grow a pair Joey. It is way past time you be a man.

In a free society, you must learn that shit happens. At any rate my son, government will only make matters worse...but I fear you are much to dense to understand.

THe government might make it worse for YOU, but that assumes I give a shit.

Point is, other free societies are free and don't have a Joker Holmes or 33,000 gun deaths a year. Guns do not equal freedom. and your need to compensate for a tiny dick is not worth putting our children at risk.
Joe we can't debate when it is clear you have failed to learn fundamental truths.

An unarmed society is NOT a safe society. It is the opposite.
"What I don't understand about gun Nazis"

You also don't understand what a straw man fallacy is either; your thread premise is an example of one, and it fails as a consequence.

A straw man fallacy is when one contrives a lie about his opponent in an effort to misrepresent his opponent's position on the issue, such as the lie that there are 'gun Nazis,' and then attacks that contrived 'position' (straw man) in an effort to win the 'argument.'

No one presumes gun owners to be 'guilty,' the notion is ridiculous idiocy.

No one trusts the police and military more than the average citizen with guns, that's delusional nonsense.

And no one seeks to 'rip up' the Second Amendment, or 'round up all the guns,' that's as ignorant as it is moronic.

How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Lol, you mean no one wants to do exactly what California is doing with mentally unqualified gun owners there? They are going house to house forcing people to give up their guns.

They did the exact same thing during the Katrina disaster.

Why folks like you persist in kidding yourself and spreading nonsense about what libtards intend to do is also part of the mystery here.
Is the OP saying there should be no screening, and anyone should be able to walk into any arms supply dealer and purchase any kind of arms there?

Not at all. They want guns available out of vending machines !

Why is it that you can't discuss gun control without the nuts jumping straight too "you are banning all guns!!"
Because it is not just one law or legal action; it is a PROCESS that has only one terminus - the ban of all guns.


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