What I don't understand about gun Nazis

1. Why is it that we should not hold all Muslims to blame for a few lunatic few terrorists by forcibly screeing them in any way, but we should hold all gun owners suspect of being guilty until proven innocent with various screening processes because of a few lunatic domestic terrorists?

Here's the thing. We ARE screening Muslims coming in from other countries. Most of the terrorist attacks being carried out on American Soil are by American-born Muslims who were - wait for it - able to get a gun they shouldn't have had.

The thing is, every time we have a mass shooting, within days, we find out that the shooter - Lanza, Loughner, Holmes, Mercer - was some kind of dangerous lunatic that everyone in their lives knew was nuts. the thing is, we don't have effective screenings if such obviously damaged people are able to get guns.

2, Why is it that we should trust the police and the military with guns more than the average citizen?

Because the police and military have been trained, are under a command structure that demands accountability, and are answerable for their actions. You know, "Well Regulated'.

As opposed to guys like Lanza, Loughner, Holmes, Mercer, who are just dangerous lunatics.

3. When you finally get a lib stooge on the Supreme Court to rip up the 2nd Amendment, only needing one more after Scalia died, how will you round up all the guns?

Well, first, I don't think you will see a comprehensive gun ban from SCOTUS. They will just reset the clock back to pre-Heller where states and cities can regulate guns.

second, long term, your gun culture IS dying. Only 22% of Americans own guns. That's down from 35% in 1970.

Because the police and military have been trained, are under a command structure that demands accountability, and are answerable for their actions. You know, "Well Regulated'.

Yes...the police and military in Germany were well trained......and when they marched the innocent men, women and children into gas chambers the people going into the gas chambers appreciated how well trained those police and military were....

and how many mass shootings were there in 2015....4...half of which were muslim terrorists.....

how many times a year do Americans use guns responsibly to stop violent criminals attack...according to bill clinton and obama....1,500,000 times....

Hmmmm....can you tell which number is bigger?
I see, so only if guns are "well regulated" can they be made legal.

Are we then to have Muslims "well regulated" as well?

Where is a "Well-regulated" qualification placed on "Freedom of Religion", as it clearly is on the right to bear arms?

I'm all for a regulation on religion that only the ones that can prove that they are speaking for a Magic Sky Pixie can legally operate. We test it by throwing their clergy off the top of a tall building. any of them God catches on the way down must be a legitimate religion.
1. Why is it that we should not hold all Muslims to blame for a few lunatic few terrorists by forcibly screeing them in any way, but we should hold all gun owners suspect of being guilty until proven innocent with various screening processes because of a few lunatic domestic terrorists?

Here's the thing. We ARE screening Muslims coming in from other countries. Most of the terrorist attacks being carried out on American Soil are by American-born Muslims who were - wait for it - able to get a gun they shouldn't have had.

The thing is, every time we have a mass shooting, within days, we find out that the shooter - Lanza, Loughner, Holmes, Mercer - was some kind of dangerous lunatic that everyone in their lives knew was nuts. the thing is, we don't have effective screenings if such obviously damaged people are able to get guns.

2, Why is it that we should trust the police and the military with guns more than the average citizen?

Because the police and military have been trained, are under a command structure that demands accountability, and are answerable for their actions. You know, "Well Regulated'.

As opposed to guys like Lanza, Loughner, Holmes, Mercer, who are just dangerous lunatics.

3. When you finally get a lib stooge on the Supreme Court to rip up the 2nd Amendment, only needing one more after Scalia died, how will you round up all the guns?

Well, first, I don't think you will see a comprehensive gun ban from SCOTUS. They will just reset the clock back to pre-Heller where states and cities can regulate guns.

second, long term, your gun culture IS dying. Only 22% of Americans own guns. That's down from 35% in 1970.

No....more people are buying guns than ever before, the greatest growth area are women and minorities groups in the past who had the lowest gun ownership rate.

The General Social Survey is where the anti gun nuts are getting this idea that gun ownership is down...the other surveys show it is where it was before or it is growing....

The guy in charge of the GSS is an anti gunner who hopes his work will help politicians become less afraid of banning guns....and another factor is that modern gun owners are not admitting to anonymous phoners that they own guns.....
Yes...the police and military in Germany were well trained......and when they marched the innocent men, women and children into gas chambers the people going into the gas chambers appreciated how well trained those police and military were....

Those people were marched into gas chambers because their neighbors, most of whom owned guns, happily turned them in, dumbass.

They didn't rush out with their guns and say "I'm stopping you because you are wrong",

they said, "The Jew is hiding in the attic!"

But I am so sure that more guns on the streets is the answer. Yessirreeeeeeeeee................ get more guns out there. Then we can see more than two mass shooting a week. Getting real boring when there are only one or two a week.

You of course think like a 12 year old....normal people who own and carry guns do not commit gun crime or gun murder....

Please....you refuse to answer this question...

in 2012...over 11.1 million people carried guns for self defense....our gun murder rate went down.

in 2013..over 12.8 million people carried guns for self defense...our gun murder rate went down again....

in 2014 over 13 million people carried guns for self defense and our gun murder rate went down again.....

Virginia passed concealed carry in bars last year......the State Police checked the statistics and found that violent crime in Bars went down 5.1%......

Where in those statistics is anything you believe born out?

You think like a 12 year old....try to do some research.
Yes...the police and military in Germany were well trained......and when they marched the innocent men, women and children into gas chambers the people going into the gas chambers appreciated how well trained those police and military were....

Those people were marched into gas chambers because their neighbors, most of whom owned guns, happily turned them in, dumbass.

They didn't rush out with their guns and say "I'm stopping you because you are wrong",

they said, "The Jew is hiding in the attic!"


No...those people were sent into gas chambers because fools like you allowed themselves to be disarmed in every country in Europe after World War 2.....and since they could not resist...12 million people were murdered from all over Europe...not war dead...simply murdered because the Germans did not like them.....

They were disarmed...and trusted their government when they were told the police and military were the only ones who needed guns....that happened in the Wiemar Republic 20 years before hitler started murdering people....
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

Nope......we arrest violent criminals caught carrying guns and lock them up a long time...also we support the various inner city groups trying to help young males trapped in these gang infested neighborhoods who end up doing the killing.....

As far as the mentally ill.....they are not the problem.....there are millions of mentally ill people in this country who never harm anyone and they are bat crap crazy.....

Get rid of gun free zones and these nuts won't have anywhere to shoot people...since almost all of them pick gun free zones to do their killing.
As this Globalist Third World misery assault rapidly spreads across our country, so too does the assault on our Constitution. America is now in deep dark decline. The Constitution is all we have left. We'll have to fight with everything we have to preserve it.
What's the worst that could happen from following the same Progressive gun controls as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and North Korea?

Hitler relaxed Germany's gun laws. It was easier to get a gun in Nazi Germany than it is in Germany today.

No twit.....hitler kept in place the gun restrictions created by the Weimar Republic......and used the lists they created when they regisgtered all the guns in the 1920s......he allowed his nazis and their allies to have guns but disarmed any remaining opponents and the Jews....

it was complete gun control for those he intended to murder......

mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to people who don't have guns....
If you want to actually address gun violence...then you have to actually deal with generations of teenage mothers raising male children without adult males in the home acting to teach the younger males how to be civilized men.

That is the only way to stop the gun violence since the majority of gun murder happens in tiny areas of our inner cities over run with young males raised by teen mothers....who lack impulse control because they are not taught the adult male aspect of emotional restraint.

There are two programs that try to address this....and there need to be more.....

"Gun Violence" is Not a Disease - The Truth About Guns

Examples have included Richmond, Virginia’s Project Exile and Cure Violence (formerly Ceasefire—Chicago) in Illinois. Variations in gun laws and rates of violent crime among cities and states also point strongly to interpersonal, cultural and economic factors affecting rates of violence (compare violent crime and shootings in Chicago, the District of Columbia, Los Angeles and New Orleans with, say, Vermont, Utah and New Hampshire).
This is the truth about gun violence...

Gun Violence Significantly Increased by Social Interactions

Andrew Papachristos, an associate professor of sociology at Yale, analyzed police and gun homicide records from 2006 to 2011 for people living in a high-crime neighborhood in Chicago. He found that 41 percent of all gun homicides occurred within a network of less than 4 percent of the neighborhood's population, and that the closer one is connected to a homicide victim, the greater that person's chances were for becoming a victim. Each social tie removed from a homicide victim decreased a person's odds of becoming a victim by 57 percent.
If you want to actually address gun violence...then you have to actually deal with generations of teenage mothers raising male children without adult males in the home acting to teach the younger males how to be civilized men.

That is the only way to stop the gun violence since the majority of gun murder happens in tiny areas of our inner cities over run with young males raised by teen mothers....who lack impulse control because they are not taught the adult male aspect of emotional restraint..

In other words.....liberals.
If you want to actually address gun violence...then you have to actually deal with generations of teenage mothers raising male children without adult males in the home acting to teach the younger males how to be civilized men.

That is the only way to stop the gun violence since the majority of gun murder happens in tiny areas of our inner cities over run with young males raised by teen mothers....who lack impulse control because they are not taught the adult male aspect of emotional restraint..

In other words.....liberals.

Yes.......behind all of it...you find a liberal...pushing bad policies that create social breakdowns that lead to single teen mothers raising boys who end up shooting each other....
How about you go have a chat with Sen. Dianne Reinstein
and get back to us on that, no one wants rip up the 2nd and roundup all the guns thing.

Feinstein had two of her friends shot right in front of her, I can see why she has a strong opinion on the subject.

Here's the thing. You guys never tell us what your alternative plan is to keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics. You simply state this is the cost of freedom to have to worry at any moment, a disgruntled coworker or angry student might go on an "active shooter' incident.

What is the alternative plan for keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous lunatics?

Jail or a mental facility.

Everyone else should be treated as equals, unless you wish to have the current oligarchy continue to determine who is a lunatic and who is not and discriminate accordingly.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a report titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" It essentially said that those who are passionate about the sanctity of life, believe in their Second Amendment rights, or are veterans of the armed services pose a heightened security risk to the country and may require heightened monitoring.

Do you agree with this assessment? If so, then perhaps these people should walk around with a Star of David on their person like the Jews did in Nazi Germany.
Yes...the police and military in Germany were well trained......and when they marched the innocent men, women and children into gas chambers the people going into the gas chambers appreciated how well trained those police and military were....

Those people were marched into gas chambers because their neighbors, most of whom owned guns, happily turned them in, dumbass.

They didn't rush out with their guns and say "I'm stopping you because you are wrong",

they said, "The Jew is hiding in the attic!"


Europeans handed over their arms to Hitler in fear.

This may also happen in the US at some point, but my guess is not to the degree it did in Europe.

When will those on the left understand that America is not Europe, and never will be.......thank GOD!!!

So what will you do with the current militias in the US who refuse to surrender their arms? Should the US federal government declare war on them?
As this Globalist Third World misery assault rapidly spreads across our country, so too does the assault on our Constitution. America is now in deep dark decline. The Constitution is all we have left. We'll have to fight with everything we have to preserve it.

Agreed. Obama has violated the Constitution by unilaterally writing Executive Orders that conflict with laws regarding illegal immigration. Obama even exemptions for his own health care law he shoved down our throats unilaterally. SCOTUS will hear these cases eventually, and my guess is they will rubber stamp them as "OK" like the stooges they have been appointed to be.

Of course, the left will cheer these decisions and then later have Trump become their president with all of this new Constitutional power SCOTUS just handed to him on a silver platter.

As this Globalist Third World misery assault rapidly spreads across our country, so too does the assault on our Constitution. America is now in deep dark decline. The Constitution is all we have left. We'll have to fight with everything we have to preserve it.

Agreed. Obama has violated the Constitution by unilaterally writing Executive Orders that conflict with laws regarding illegal immigration. Obama even exemptions for his own health care law he shoved down our throats unilaterally. SCOTUS will hear these cases eventually, and my guess is they will rubber stamp them as "OK" like the stooges they have been appointed to be.

Of course, the left will cheer these decisions and then later have Trump become their president with all of this new Constitutional power SCOTUS just handed to him on a silver platter.


It's all flucked now. Preserving the Constitution is the only battle left. We can't lose that one.
As this Globalist Third World misery assault rapidly spreads across our country, so too does the assault on our Constitution. America is now in deep dark decline. The Constitution is all we have left. We'll have to fight with everything we have to preserve it.

Agreed. Obama has violated the Constitution by unilaterally writing Executive Orders that conflict with laws regarding illegal immigration. Obama even exemptions for his own health care law he shoved down our throats unilaterally. SCOTUS will hear these cases eventually, and my guess is they will rubber stamp them as "OK" like the stooges they have been appointed to be.

Of course, the left will cheer these decisions and then later have Trump become their president with all of this new Constitutional power SCOTUS just handed to him on a silver platter.

And you and others on the right will continue to lie, this post being one of many examples.

Not hilarious, just sad.
Nope......we arrest violent criminals caught carrying guns and lock them up a long time.

How violent do you have to be with a gun? And how long incarcerated.

Let's say I don't have a police record and I have a gun. Which I use one drunken night to scare my girlfriend and pistol whip the guy she is with. Violent crime with gun.

How long in jail?

How about if I take my gun into a gun free area and end up accidentally shooting someone.
Not violent crime but still gun crime.
How long in jail?

Or will it be up to you and the NRA to determine what is violent gun crime?

And how much will it cost? Jailing someone a long time gets expensive. And there will be new jails needed. Those are expensive. Jail population is going to grow as more and more guns hit the streets.

So what about the cost? I think all the jails and costs should be paid as a tax by gun and ammo purchases as well as a fee on CCW permits.

That'd work to generate money for jailing gun criminals a long time. And the people who want nothing to do with guns wouldn't have to pay for the jails.

Maybe the NRA could run the jails. S&W a sponsor. Make it a for profit enterprise.

What do you think? Jailing people who commit crime with a gun for a long time is your idea. And not a bad idea. But you gotta pay for it somehow. And we are already spending billions of medical dollars on people who are shot and injured. Can't ask the general pubic to pay more for jails.

Especially with the record profits the gun industry is having.

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