What I Miss The Most.

Most of my entire childhood was running around with my friends having fun outdoors. My parents restricted television to an hour or two a day but I usually didn't watch it at all. No electronic devises at all.

If we weren't riding our bikes, we were:

Blazing trails in the nearby riverbed, which had a lot of bamboo (cain, actually).
Playing Frisbee or football or baseball.
Flying kites.
Playing with Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars or plastic army men.
Walking into town a mile or two away without fear of being accosted by groomers or pedophiles.

All in all, I was probably within the final generation when kids could be kids. Before public school indoctrination became the America's longest standing “pandemic.”
Holy SHIT!
Could we have been neighbors and not even known it??

Or maybe...

...maybe inconceivable to some that that is how America largely was just about everywhere back then. So inconceivable that some of them actually think we're making it up.
I miss the Good Old America when everyday was a "Pride Day" for normal families. Real families with a real (Female) Mom and a Real (Man) for a Dad.
Anyone notice the more America loses its morals and standards and values the more shootings, crime, illegals, inflation, government control, and so on we have? A lack of the real, and traditional families. Today they raise a generations of dumb, lazy, selfish, immoral, moronic kids who are influenced by the Leftwinger’s Standards.
Before the Reagan giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else? Yes yes, blame the victims, brainwashed functional moron....
You understand that uncle Milty didn't actually think that he was female or demand that you did?

You understand the difference yes?

I don't believe most drag participants expect you to believe they are actually female.
Having been divorced twice, remarried and cheating on new 3rd wife while pregnant is pretty "normal" compared to someone showering with his daughter and having a crackhead son who screws his dead brother's wife and his own niece.

I'm just sayin'.
None of that Biden crap happened except on the GOP BS machine. Except his widow and brother finding some solace in each other, you hater ghouls... Keep voting for the Lying scum who rob you blind, brainwashed functional moron.
I miss the Good Old America when everyday was a "Pride Day" for normal families. Real families with a real (Female) Mom and a Real (Man) for a Dad.
Anyone notice the more America loses its morals and standards and values the more shootings, crime, illegals, inflation, government control, and so on we have? A lack of the real, and traditional families. Today they raise a generations of dumb, lazy, selfish, immoral, moronic kids who are influenced by the Leftwinger’s Standards.
There are numerous points in your post that I could challenge, but I'll keep it to one. Have you ever considered the possibility that people are not embracing "Leftwinger's Standards," but are instead reject RW extremism?
These lowIQ ignorant bags of human sewage would rather be executed during a Chinese occupation than admit this Obiden BS is destined for collapse. Complete Chaos in every big city, open border, debt, crime, courts, jury awards, lawsuits all out of control. You cant keep a Country going like this. Stupid much?
Fuck the bidens.

You, on the other hand, will go to ANY means to defend that POS trump.
It's OK for you and dear leader, because someone may have done something worse.
Let's see you name 3 things Trump did wrong.
Yes exactly, but somebody convinced the extreme right in America that that couldn't continue, and so they've torn all that normal tolerance down.

This anger and violence against each other was made in America, not some other hated country.
Bullshit bitch! It was made in Canada, and we're coming to take you over, you fuckin' Canooks!

Because..wait..why would anybody want to go to Canada again?

Maybe pickled Moose is your favorite thing? :dunno:
Does your cult leader fit into this 'normal' dad category?
If a Dad has been divorced twice, remarried and cheats on new 3rd wife while pregnant considered 'normal'?

I miss 'normal' too.

Now you want to talk about what people do in bed?

You fools crack me the hell up! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Fuck the bidens.

You, on the other hand, will go to ANY means to defend that POS trump.
It's OK for you and dear leader, because someone may have done something worse.

Look at what the cult member just said!

Sure fella, and Biden thinks Men can actually give birth……

And you call us a cult?

Loon much?

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