What I Miss The Most.

Haven't you noticed, it's in your face Pride Month.
Where am I supposed to see this "In your face" activity?
I was in WalMart yesterday, walked through the entire store to the automotive section in the back of the store, I did notice some multi colored volleyballs in a bin.
Was that ^^^^ in my face, was I supposed to be offended?
The 'goodle days' were the years following our victories in WW2. Ike was president, America enjoyed power and prestige and was the envy of the world, Norman Rockwell illustrated Americana on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post, youth were getting our own music and entertainment, movies were now in color. We were supreme in the world in every way. I wuz there and it was great. :)

Sadly, it all came crashing down in the 1960's. :(
Where am I supposed to see this "In your face" activity?
I was in WalMart yesterday, walked through the entire store to the automotive section in the back of the store, I did notice some multi colored volleyballs in a bin.
Was that ^^^^ in my face, was I supposed to be offended?
My governor wept sympathetic tears as he publicly embraced Pride Month, as if representing everyone in the state.

Good Old America where the family would sit around the television laughing at the antics of Milton Berle dressed in drag.
Yes exactly, but somebody convinced the extreme right in America that that couldn't continue, and so they've torn all that normal tolerance down.

This anger and violence against each other was made in America, not some other hated country.
Of course it should be normalized, but it has. Which was just one more domino falling, leading the the acceptance of pedophilia and incest. In case you haven't noticed, the current thing is men and women actually believing they're the opposite sex. That was also considered "abnormal" at one time, now the media is obsessed with it.

This current thing hurts nobody, while cheating does.

If there is no victim, I could really not care less
With the males not wearing dresses themselves as a lifestyle.
Remember when Joe Namath had a TV commercial wearing Panty Hose.
OMG, the world almost ended.

FUCK all you sensitive 'lil cult members.
See, you are afraid to criticize trump
You deflect to Biden because you are afraid to confront all of trump’s indiscretions, which are factual and plentiful.
PRESIDENT Trump isn't what's wrong with this country. You ignore the last 2 years of destruction
PRESIDENT Trump isn't what's wrong with this country. You ignore the last 2 years of destruction
Whatever dude.
I don't see the 'destruction' that you are screaming.

Oh yeah, trump started the crash of the economy with his COVID response, but of course you blame it all on others, when our leader, the POTUS, failed miserably at his job, LEADING.

"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." djt
Whatever dude.
I don't see the 'destruction' that you are screaming.

Oh yeah, trump started the crash of the economy with his COVID response, but of course you blame it all on others, when our leader, the POTUS, failed miserably at his job, LEADING.

"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." djt

Will the Democrats take responsibility for overseeing more COVID deaths than the Trump era, during the first two years he was out office? Or for the vaccine mandates that delayed the recovery and cost hundreds of thousands of people their jobs? Or the enormous amount of inflationary money that was spent on COVID, even after the pandemic had ran its course?

How is that not "mishandling" the COVID response?
Will the Democrats take responsibility for overseeing more COVID deaths than the Trump era, during the first two years he was out office? Or for the vaccine mandates that delayed the recovery and cost hundreds of thousands of people their jobs?

They should take responsibility for the Republican governors actions that mandated vaccines and businesses to close?
I miss the Good Old America when everyday was a "Pride Day" for normal families. Real families with a real (Female) Mom and a Real (Man) for a Dad.
Anyone notice the more America loses its morals and standards and values the more shootings, crime, illegals, inflation, government control, and so on we have? A lack of the real, and traditional families. Today they raise a generations of dumb, lazy, selfish, immoral, moronic kids who are influenced by the Leftwinger’s Standards.

I miss almost everything from the past.

In this present times I don't like Globlalism, I don't like New World Order and I hate Wokeness.
They should take responsibility for the Republican governors actions that mandated vaccines and businesses to close?

The states that opened before anyone else and didn't have vaccine mandates were overwhelming led by a Republican Governor. You know as well as I do that the red states recovered faster than the blue states. That's an inarguable fact.
The states that opened before anyone else and didn't have vaccine mandates were overwhelming led by a Republican Governor.

I think there was one.

North Dakota I believe.

You know as well as I do that the red states recovered faster than the blue states. That's an inarguable fact.

If you say so but that isn't what I asked. I had one shot. I had to or I couldn't attend concerts I had bought tickets for pre-pandemic. The Republican governor of Ohio forced that on me.

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