What I Saw in 20+ Years Working as a Federal Contractor

-10. At the bottom of the pile is the SEC. The Security and Exchange commission is the epitome of stupidity, incompetence, arrogance and disdain for anything about the people of the USA. When I read that there was a scandal regarding a good number of SEC employees who spent the entirety of their days downloading and trading porn on the job and doing things that should not be done on the clock I was totally not surprised at all. The SEC epitomizes the object of the phrase 'Who watches the watch dogs?'

I'd like to hear more about your experiences with the SEC.
-10. At the bottom of the pile is the SEC. The Security and Exchange commission is the epitome of stupidity, incompetence, arrogance and disdain for anything about the people of the USA. When I read that there was a scandal regarding a good number of SEC employees who spent the entirety of their days downloading and trading porn on the job and doing things that should not be done on the clock I was totally not surprised at all. The SEC epitomizes the object of the phrase 'Who watches the watch dogs?'

I'd like to hear more about your experiences with the SEC.

Wasn't mine, but several people I knew worked with them, one up in New York and the other two down in DC somewhere. I seem to recall others but cant focus on anyone else in particular.

I am not going to give particulars, but I had never heard of stories as bad as what allegedly went on there.

Here are some reports that give some similarities to what I had been told.

Report: SEC staffers watched porn as economy crashed - CNN.com

As the country was sinking into its worst financial crisis in more than 70 years, Security and Exchange Commission employees and contractors cruised porn sites and viewed sexually explicit pictures using government computers, according to an agency report obtained by CNN.

"During the past five years, the SEC OIG (Office of Inspector General) substantiated that 33 SEC employees and or contractors violated Commission rules and policies, as well as the government-wide Standards of Ethical Conduct, by viewing pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive images using government computer resources and official time," said a summary of the investigation by the inspector general's office.

More than half of the workers made between $99,000 and $223,000. All the cases took place over the past five years.

"It is nothing short of disturbing that high-ranking officials within the SEC were spending more time looking at pornography than taking action to help stave off the events that brought our nation's economy to the brink of collapse," said Rep. Darrell Issa. The Republican is the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Federal Eye - SEC porn scandal results in zero firings, agency says

SEC porn scandal results in zero firings, agency says

By Ed O'Keefe

None of the Securities and Exchange Commission employees caught using government computers to view pornographic images has been fired, according to the agency.

The SEC inspector general investigated 28 employees and five contractors for accessing inappropriate images and Web sites, according to a report released late last week.

Of the employees, eight resigned and six were suspended for periods lasting one to 14 days, the inspector general, H. David Kotz, said in an letter Tuesday to Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa). Five were issued formal reprimands, six were issued informal counseling or warning letters, and three are currently facing disciplinary action.

All five contractors caught were removed from their contracts, Kotz added.

The SEC comes up with different numbers, but they also add up to no firings.

How is it that the SEC can track down and put in prison Martha Stewart for *gasp* changing her investments based on something a friend leaked to her, but they cant seem to prosecute a single fraudulent bankster involved with the real estate bubble?

lol, they are part of the oligarchy elite's appearance of control and faux fairness.
I have worked off and on for the US government as a contractor, usually in short 6 month contracts, though some were shorter and some went for years.
Contracting is good, especially for the single folks who are mobile. Although you may not get the benefits you would a permanent job, the wages are significantly higher. If you incorporate yourself, you can get an extra tax break. Incorporation also provides limited liability. As an incorporated contractor, you're generally not responsible for the debts of the corporation unless you have provided a personal guarantee.

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