What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?

Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.

That's why I wrote the thread title! It is NOT necessary to have storm troopers hauling illegals to detention centers and haul them out! ONLY idiots think that!
As I said... All we need to do is NOT make it EASIER for "illegals" i.e. "sanctuary cities"... by every time an "illegal" is found... deport them!

By the way do you really know other then the Governor in Blazing Saddles who Le Pétomane really was???
No and don't care since that's not who I'm championing....... Try to stay on track.......

Good luck with shutting down sanctuary city laws and getting those lawmakers and their supportive law enforcement to comply without resorting to drastic measures. Look at the issue realistically, not idealistically.
We won't know until we try.

I say we try.

So do a very great many other people, by the look of it.

Welcome to the next round in the long-running fight over Illegal Aliens and Anchor Babies.
Basically all I'm saying is it's pretty much a lost cause unless some drastic measures are taken and only a very few (thankfully) support drastic measures. If we can concentrate on illegal felons, Kate's Law that would be a step in the right direction., as for the rest, I don't hold out any hope that our lawmakers, local, State and Federal will ever be able to work together.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Yes i understand it. Having said that it is not my job to solve it. That is the job our elected officials are paid to do with our taxes. In fact the security of our nation should be their top priority and an open border is unacceptable
Yeah, that nest of self serving contentious vipers will actually be able to do something about it......
It is the only choice we have. They are the only ones responsible for it.
They are? Guess the people who elected them don't share the blame........ :dunno:
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Yes i understand it. Having said that it is not my job to solve it. That is the job our elected officials are paid to do with our taxes. In fact the security of our nation should be their top priority and an open border is unacceptable
Yeah, that nest of self serving contentious vipers will actually be able to do something about it......
It is the only choice we have. They are the only ones responsible for it.
They are? Guess the people who elected them don't share the blame........ :dunno:
No they don't.

Regardless of why you or I vote for someone they are first and foremost obligation is to the laws of our nation.
...Basically all I'm saying is it's pretty much a lost cause unless some drastic measures are taken and only a very few (thankfully) support drastic measures...
1. your opinion labeling it a Lost Cause is just that; one not shared by many of your countrymen.

2. to some, anything that sends Illegal Aliens back across the border constitute 'drastic measures'.

3. to make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs

...If we can concentrate on illegal felons, Kate's Law that would be a step in the right direction., as for the rest, I don't hold out any hope that our lawmakers, local, State and Federal will ever be able to work together.
The underlying dynamic is changing rapidly... stay tuned.

Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Seeing that about 90% of illegals are from Mexico and points south, yes, those go 500 miles south of our border. Those from other countries... well, we could send them home and seize assets from US accounts from their home countries to pay the costs plus fines. I bet these countries would have planes and ships stacked up waiting to transport their citizens home.

Sure because obviously all illegal aliens are living in Beverly Hills with money to burn.

Churchill's quote is great but he could have set the barometer at 30 seconds for some of you.
I'll be your Huckleberry.....

I am most definitely in favor of kicking in doors, demanding ID on the streets, going through the records of every employer, etc.... to ACTIVELY seek out and remove these people and their families from this country. As well as confiscating all property and monies they didn't bring into the country with them.

Yep...and once the illegals realize they are screwed they'll leave on their own.
...Basically all I'm saying is it's pretty much a lost cause unless some drastic measures are taken and only a very few (thankfully) support drastic measures...
1. your opinion labeling it a Lost Cause is just that; one not shared by many of your countrymen.

2. to some, anything that sends Illegal Aliens back across the border constitute 'drastic measures'.

3. to make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs

...If we can concentrate on illegal felons, Kate's Law that would be a step in the right direction., as for the rest, I don't hold out any hope that our lawmakers, local, State and Federal will ever be able to work together.
The underlying dynamic is changing rapidly... stay tuned.
I've heard that before. From both sides........
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Yes i understand it. Having said that it is not my job to solve it. That is the job our elected officials are paid to do with our taxes. In fact the security of our nation should be their top priority and an open border is unacceptable
Yeah, that nest of self serving contentious vipers will actually be able to do something about it......
It is the only choice we have. They are the only ones responsible for it.
They are? Guess the people who elected them don't share the blame........ :dunno:
No they don't.

Regardless of why you or I vote for someone they are first and foremost obligation is to the laws of our nation.
I don't disagree but then realty raises it's ugly head.........
The point is (which has the added benefit of being the truth) that if a Hispanic and a Caucasian show up and have similar skills for the same opening today, there is a built in bias that the Hispanic may have fraudulent papers allowing him to pass e-verify. You admit that above.

If you tell the employer that he will face a jail stretch if he hires an illegal alien, is there a chance in hell that he will risk it by hiring the Hispanic?

If, when they run the background checks on their current employees, and there is incomplete records for Juanita in Accounting and the employer is facing a jail stretch if Juanita is still employed there when the "jack booted thugs" show up....what do you think the odds are that Juanita will be employed there? About zero.

As for the rest of the post....I don't know what you mean by "different"...

Here is what you wrote:

If Jose or Maria want a job, or a house, or a car, or a bank account, etc., etc., etc., they merely show their ID Card indicating US Citizenship, and/or undergo an eVerify -type query to a centralized database, just like anybody else with a different name or a different ethnic heritage.

I'm curious what is meant by "different"....different than what?
...If Jose or Maria want a job, or a house, or a car, or a bank account, etc., etc., etc., they merely show their ID Card indicating US Citizenship, and/or undergo an eVerify -type query to a centralized database, just like anybody else with a different name or a different ethnic heritage. I'm curious what is meant by "different"....different than what?
Oh, for goodness sake, must we go through this grade-school exercise?

OK... given that you won't let it go... fine... let's do it.

Define 'different'?

Everybody NOT named Jose or Maria.

A level of granularity identical to that you utilized in your opening gambit in this particular sequence.
...The point is (which has the added benefit of being the truth) that if a Hispanic and a Caucasian show up and have similar skills for the same opening today, there is a built in bias that the Hispanic may have fraudulent papers allowing him to pass e-verify. You admit that above...

If EVERYONE is subjected to an eVerify -type query and verification process, then no substantive bias exists, at-law.

...If you tell the employer that he will face a jail stretch if he hires an illegal alien, is there a chance in hell that he will risk it by hiring the Hispanic?...
The Devil is in the details.

You are looking at the macro-level solution (make it a felony to hire an Illegal) without taking into account the common-sense controls that would define specific query procedures and hold harmless and un-prosecutable, any who executed those procedures in good faith --- controls that would be built into the details of any such approach to make it viable.

But... fail to run an eVerify -style background check, or hire someone who fails that check - regardless of their ethnicity - then you're in deep chit - and rightfully so.

...If, when they run the background checks on their current employees, and there is incomplete records for Juanita in Accounting and the employer is facing a jail stretch if Juanita is still employed there when the "jack booted thugs" show up....what do you think the odds are that Juanita will be employed there? About zero...
Then Juanita continues in her employment, with the employer reporting the discrepancy to ICE; the employer's 'due diligence' having been fulfilled. We can even build-in that control so that employers cannot fire an existing employee because of an 'incomplete' return, pending a re-query or an ICE investigation outcome. Problem solved.

Oh, and, by the way, US law enforcement officers, charged with enforcing US Immigration Law, are not "jack booted thugs"...

...regardless of the imagery that Pro-Illegals continue to serve-up, in a flagging and fading effort to stave-off the approaching firming-up of resolve on the part of the American People, to (finally) beat back this wave of 12,000,000 invaders.


Pro-Illegal advocates and defenders are big on telling the rest of us why Anti-Illegals measures cannot be implemented.

Such protestations are now beginning to fall upon deaf ears.

A delightful and previously unanticipated and most happy and timely and fortunate development.
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The point is (which has the added benefit of being the truth) that if a Hispanic and a Caucasian show up and have similar skills for the same opening today, there is a built in bias that the Hispanic may have fraudulent papers allowing him to pass e-verify. You admit that above.

If you tell the employer that he will face a jail stretch if he hires an illegal alien, is there a chance in hell that he will risk it by hiring the Hispanic?

If, when they run the background checks on their current employees, and there is incomplete records for Juanita in Accounting and the employer is facing a jail stretch if Juanita is still employed there when the "jack booted thugs" show up....what do you think the odds are that Juanita will be employed there? About zero.

As for the rest of the post....I don't know what you mean by "different"...

Here is what you wrote:

If Jose or Maria want a job, or a house, or a car, or a bank account, etc., etc., etc., they merely show their ID Card indicating US Citizenship, and/or undergo an eVerify -type query to a centralized database, just like anybody else with a different name or a different ethnic heritage.

I'm curious what is meant by "different"....different than what?

YUP! That may definitely happen! NO question! But once again the concept of "the exception becomes the rule" is illustrated by your example. YES ! It will happen! But again not all the time for everyone !
It won't be the rule but the exception and the greater good i.e. reducing "illegal immigrants" will mitigate the EXCEPTION!

I want for once and for all... PLEASE remember.. YOU describe the "EXCEPTIONAL" situation. It won't happen all the time!
Examples of WHAT it means to NOT enforce the existing laws!!!

Here Are Three of the Criminal Aliens Being Released Into Our Neighborhoods

According to a Texas Department of Safety report, in five-and-a-half years, there were more than 600,000 criminal charges against illegal aliens. That’s only Texas. It’s playing out in states all over the nation.

So, while ICE celebrated the apprehension of its 300th criminal illegal alien in fiscal year 2015 yesterday (out of millions that should be deported), they were simultaneously releasing animals like the following into our community.

Is our immigration system broken? You bet!
But it has nothing to do with the law, only its enforcement.

Sheriff Paul Babeu held a press conference today to announce an ICE release of 3 violent criminal illegals into Arizona. The three criminal illegals have been charged, convicted and sentenced to crimes including kidnapping, aggravated assault and murder. Instead of being deported back to their country of origin, ICE is releasing these violent criminal illegals into Arizona.

Babeu spoke with loved ones of the victims at his side.

-Musa Salah Abdelaziz Abdalla, 34, of Sudan, who has had multiple arrests for assault in Texas and Arizona. Abdalla violated probation three times and was sentenced to 13 months in prison in June 2014. Last month, he was released from prison and turned over to ICE officials, who then released him into the public on the same day claiming they could not locate travel documents proving his citizenship in Sudan.

-Dennis Valerievitch Tsoukanov, 33, of Russia, who along with two accomplices, kidnapped, beat and stabbed a police informant before pouring gasoline on him and setting him on fire in 2001. After testifying against his accomplices, he was given a 13-year sentence. Tsoukanov was released on Dec. 21, 2014, and turned over to ICE. He was released last month after ICE once again could not locate his travel documents.

– Nasser Hanna Hermez, 46, of Iraq, was charged with second-degree murder of his 7-week-old daughter in 2009. He pleaded guilty to negligent homicide and received a six-month prison sentence and three years’ probation. He was arrested in April for burglary, and sentenced to another two years’ probation. ICE released Hermez, citing his status as a legal permanent resident.

That’s only a snapshot. We have more than 360,000 criminal illegals in the United States – that we know about.
Here Are Three of the Criminal Aliens Being Released Into Our Neighborhoods | www.independentsentinel.com
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
It would be simple. Just cut off finding to any cities or state that refuses to enforce the law.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
Yeah, all the pro open borders as holes I vent ridiculous time and cost estimates to justify doing nothing. It's their standard sleazy modus operandi.
Are all officials who enforce federal law now called "storm troopers" by the radical left? Try settling in any other country in the world without a visa or a passport and collecting taxpayer welfare and having your kids educated and obtaining a freaking drivers license. As soon as you were tracked down in France or Germany or Norway you would be in jail pending a one way ticket. Why should the USA be any different? It should be noted that the same hypocrites who applauded FDR's decision not to allow Jews who fled the Nazis during WW2 into the U.S. because our immigration was full now want to open the borders to any criminal.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Why should we wait until then, so they can become voters?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Our growth and expansion phase is over only because liberal turds like you have done every thing you can to kill it.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

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