What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?

NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Yes i understand it. Having said that it is not my job to solve it. That is the job our elected officials are paid to do with our taxes. In fact the security of our nation should be their top priority and an open border is unacceptable
The fact that we're considering deportation in any way is sickening to me. Especially these pro lifers who love sending new born babies back to impoverished areas in Mexico.

When you let 20 illegals camp on your property and foot the bill for their care then you can preach to us. Set an example...no? I thought so.
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.

That's why I wrote the thread title! It is NOT necessary to have storm troopers hauling illegals to detention centers and haul them out! ONLY idiots think that!
As I said... All we need to do is NOT make it EASIER for "illegals" i.e. "sanctuary cities"... by every time an "illegal" is found... deport them!

By the way do you really know other then the Governor in Blazing Saddles who Le Pétomane really was???
...Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.

Why would "legal hispanic immigrants" who have done it the right way be against any effort to enforce the laws THEY OBEY???
I've a daughter-in-law who went through the arduous naturalization process and I know her and her fellow "legal immigrants" are really pissed they did it legally
while these "illegals" are deified! Are protected! Are venerated! It is totally out of whack with reality!

The political reality of the situation is simple. Reality isn't something that you have a clear grasp of (this thread's OP is the exception) so you'll probably just say, "nan-ahh" to what I"m about to explain.

You needn't be an illegal alien to sympathize with them. You needn't be a woman who has availed herself of her right to terminate a pregnancy to sympathize with those who have. And you needn't have experienced discrimination personally to sympathize with those who do.

When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.
...Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.

Why would "legal hispanic immigrants" who have done it the right way be against any effort to enforce the laws THEY OBEY???
I've a daughter-in-law who went through the arduous naturalization process and I know her and her fellow "legal immigrants" are really pissed they did it legally
while these "illegals" are deified! Are protected! Are venerated! It is totally out of whack with reality!

The political reality of the situation is simple. Reality isn't something that you have a clear grasp of (this thread's OP is the exception) so you'll probably just say, "nan-ahh" to what I"m about to explain.

You needn't be an illegal alien to sympathize with them. You needn't be a woman who has availed herself of her right to terminate a pregnancy to sympathize with those who have. And you needn't have experienced discrimination personally to sympathize with those who do.

When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.

Well guess what? If the person who was stopped reacted as Sandra did, well great! One less illegal, cop hating, disrespectful law breaking person to deal with!
I've watched that tape of Bland who obviously never saw this from Chris Rock...

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
Pedestrians going to Tijuana from San Diego at the San Ysidro crossing must choose between a line for Mexicans who get walk through unchecked,
and a line for foreigners who must show a passport, fill out a form and - if staying more than a week - pay 322 pesos, or roughly $20, for a six-month permit.


For Mexico, it is a step toward closing an escape route for American criminals who disappear in Mexico. Border inspectors will tap into international criminal databases.
News from The Associated Press
...When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.


Creating the conditions for Self-Deportation doesn't involve a single traffic stop, nor the slightest bias towards anyone named Jose nor Maria.

If Jose or Maria want a job, or a house, or a car, or a bank account, etc., etc., etc., they merely show their ID Card indicating US Citizenship (or other acceptable status), and/or undergo an eVerify -type query to a centralized database, just like anybody else with a different name or a different ethnic heritage.

So long as Citizenship Status Verification is applied evenly and equitably across the board, the Worst Case Scenario you attempt to serve-up here, will never materialize.
Last edited:
...Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.

Why would "legal hispanic immigrants" who have done it the right way be against any effort to enforce the laws THEY OBEY???
I've a daughter-in-law who went through the arduous naturalization process and I know her and her fellow "legal immigrants" are really pissed they did it legally
while these "illegals" are deified! Are protected! Are venerated! It is totally out of whack with reality!

The political reality of the situation is simple. Reality isn't something that you have a clear grasp of (this thread's OP is the exception) so you'll probably just say, "nan-ahh" to what I"m about to explain.

You needn't be an illegal alien to sympathize with them. You needn't be a woman who has availed herself of her right to terminate a pregnancy to sympathize with those who have. And you needn't have experienced discrimination personally to sympathize with those who do.

When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.

Well guess what? If the person who was stopped reacted as Sandra did, well great! One less illegal, cop hating, disrespectful law breaking person to deal with!
I've watched that tape of Bland who obviously never saw this from Chris Rock...

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Again, politically, it is great to have the GOP sponsoring taking blacks out from behind their wheel for minor traffic offenses and cheering that they "committed suicide" from the emotional impact.

I can't fix stupid. You'll remain broken.
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Yes i understand it. Having said that it is not my job to solve it. That is the job our elected officials are paid to do with our taxes. In fact the security of our nation should be their top priority and an open border is unacceptable
Yeah, that nest of self serving contentious vipers will actually be able to do something about it......
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.

Why would "legal hispanic immigrants" who have done it the right way be against any effort to enforce the laws THEY OBEY???
I've a daughter-in-law who went through the arduous naturalization process and I know her and her fellow "legal immigrants" are really pissed they did it legally
while these "illegals" are deified! Are protected! Are venerated! It is totally out of whack with reality!

The political reality of the situation is simple. Reality isn't something that you have a clear grasp of (this thread's OP is the exception) so you'll probably just say, "nan-ahh" to what I"m about to explain.

You needn't be an illegal alien to sympathize with them. You needn't be a woman who has availed herself of her right to terminate a pregnancy to sympathize with those who have. And you needn't have experienced discrimination personally to sympathize with those who do.

When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.

Well guess what? If the person who was stopped reacted as Sandra did, well great! One less illegal, cop hating, disrespectful law breaking person to deal with!
I've watched that tape of Bland who obviously never saw this from Chris Rock...

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Again, politically, it is great to have the GOP sponsoring taking blacks out from behind their wheel for minor traffic offenses and cheering that they "committed suicide" from the emotional impact.

I can't fix stupid. You'll remain broken.

Right... and what group is trying to tell "blacks" they have been ethnically cleansed every time (which is for 44% of women having an abortion have had several before.)
Blacks which make up less then hispanics in USA are also in favor of immigration laws being enforced because of stupidity like yours!
They know very well that Democrats favor "illegals" because they represent potential voters.... but once "illegals" recognize they are not going to be accepted i.e.
"sanctuary cities" abolished... where will the Dems get their votes? Not from the blacks!!!
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.

That's why I wrote the thread title! It is NOT necessary to have storm troopers hauling illegals to detention centers and haul them out! ONLY idiots think that!
As I said... All we need to do is NOT make it EASIER for "illegals" i.e. "sanctuary cities"... by every time an "illegal" is found... deport them!

By the way do you really know other then the Governor in Blazing Saddles who Le Pétomane really was???
No and don't care since that's not who I'm championing....... Try to stay on track.......

Good luck with shutting down sanctuary city laws and getting those lawmakers and their supportive law enforcement to comply without resorting to drastic measures. Look at the issue realistically, not idealistically.
...When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.


Creating the conditions for Self-Deportation don't involve a single traffic stop, nor the slightest bias towards anyone named Jose nor Maria.

If Jose or Maria want a job, or a house, or a car, or a bank account, etc., etc., etc., they merely show their ID Card indicating US Citizenship, and/or undergo an eVerify -type query to a centralized database, just like anybody else with a different name or a different ethnic heritage.

So long as Citizenship Verification is applied evenly and equitably across the board, the Worst Case Scenario you attempt to serve-up here, will never materialize.

Sure...there has never been anyone who used false papers, false SSN, incomplete paperwork, or any type of entry error on the part of the government. Here is a story of a news reporter who has been on the no-fly list for 2 years--after filing the appropriate paperwork to correct the DHS's original error.
Mistakes on "No Fly List" Keeping Travelers Grounded

Are you saying those without a "different name or a different ethnic heritage" will not have to go through e-verify? How convenient for them....

Define different. (this should be good).
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
Funny but there are those who consider themselves conservatives and would use "storm trooper" tactics if they had their way.
Getting our politicians to actually make law enforcement in areas that are against deportation would be an enormous task in and of itself. To start we need to make sure all illegal felons we find are deported then jailed if they return.
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.

That's why I wrote the thread title! It is NOT necessary to have storm troopers hauling illegals to detention centers and haul them out! ONLY idiots think that!
As I said... All we need to do is NOT make it EASIER for "illegals" i.e. "sanctuary cities"... by every time an "illegal" is found... deport them!

By the way do you really know other then the Governor in Blazing Saddles who Le Pétomane really was???
No and don't care since that's not who I'm championing....... Try to stay on track.......

Good luck with shutting down sanctuary city laws and getting those lawmakers and their supportive law enforcement to comply without resorting to drastic measures. Look at the issue realistically, not idealistically.
We won't know until we try.

I say we try.

So do a very great many other people, by the look of it.

Welcome to the next round in the long-running fight over Illegal Aliens and Anchor Babies.
Maybe you can't round up every one of the little illegal shitheads but you can round up a bunch of them and send them back to Mexico or wherever the hell they came from.

You can put anybody in jail that gives them work.

You can take them off the welfare roles.

You can deny them health care.

You can deny education to them.

If you do those things then many of them will go back on their own.

Trump has it right on this issue.

"A nation that cannot determine who becomes citizens or believes that it must allow the children of those who defy its laws to become citizens is no longer a sovereign nation."
It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.

Why would "legal hispanic immigrants" who have done it the right way be against any effort to enforce the laws THEY OBEY???
I've a daughter-in-law who went through the arduous naturalization process and I know her and her fellow "legal immigrants" are really pissed they did it legally
while these "illegals" are deified! Are protected! Are venerated! It is totally out of whack with reality!

The political reality of the situation is simple. Reality isn't something that you have a clear grasp of (this thread's OP is the exception) so you'll probably just say, "nan-ahh" to what I"m about to explain.

You needn't be an illegal alien to sympathize with them. You needn't be a woman who has availed herself of her right to terminate a pregnancy to sympathize with those who have. And you needn't have experienced discrimination personally to sympathize with those who do.

When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.

Well guess what? If the person who was stopped reacted as Sandra did, well great! One less illegal, cop hating, disrespectful law breaking person to deal with!
I've watched that tape of Bland who obviously never saw this from Chris Rock...

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Again, politically, it is great to have the GOP sponsoring taking blacks out from behind their wheel for minor traffic offenses and cheering that they "committed suicide" from the emotional impact.

I can't fix stupid. You'll remain broken.

Right... and what group is trying to tell "blacks" they have been ethnically cleansed every time (which is for 44% of women having an abortion have had several before.)
Blacks which make up less then hispanics in USA are also in favor of immigration laws being enforced because of stupidity like yours!
They know very well that Democrats favor "illegals" because they represent potential voters.... but once "illegals" recognize they are not going to be accepted i.e.
"sanctuary cities" abolished... where will the Dems get their votes? Not from the blacks!!!

Again....I can't fix stupid. You shall remain broken.
...When you're talking about deporting 12 million people (and harassing about 80 million) named Juan and Maria, those named Juan and Maria are not going to happily say, "Oh well, those questions about my heritage were completely necessary." Basically any traffic stop will result in a Sandra Bland type of encounter if the driver is Hispanic.


Creating the conditions for Self-Deportation don't involve a single traffic stop, nor the slightest bias towards anyone named Jose nor Maria.

If Jose or Maria want a job, or a house, or a car, or a bank account, etc., etc., etc., they merely show their ID Card indicating US Citizenship, and/or undergo an eVerify -type query to a centralized database, just like anybody else with a different name or a different ethnic heritage.

So long as Citizenship Verification is applied evenly and equitably across the board, the Worst Case Scenario you attempt to serve-up here, will never materialize.

Sure...there has never been anyone who used false papers, false SSN, incomplete paperwork, or any type of entry error on the part of the government. Here is a story of a news reporter who has been on the no-fly list for 2 years--after filing the appropriate paperwork to correct the DHS's original error.
Mistakes on "No Fly List" Keeping Travelers Grounded

Are you saying those without a "different name or a different ethnic heritage" will not have to go through e-verify? How convenient for them....

Define different. (this should be good).

You are 100% correct! Those that continue to flaut the law will eventually get caught. But after all, don't have to get all
20 million illegals to save American lives. Just start with securing the wall. Next make sure that people are deported and
not allowed like Obama's been doing. Also the Federal government shouldn't be suing states like Arizona that is trying
to control illegals. That's simply making it EASIER for illegals!
If they are illegal i honestly would have no problem with harsh tactics. Send a damn message for once. Obviously human rights can not be abused but having your door kicked in because you're harboring criminals is not a human rights violation.

It is time we put an end to this mess.
And how do you plan on doing that? It's already been estimated that it would take 20 years and as much as $600 billion to accomplish and that is after we build a Berlin type wall all along the southern border.
I don't know.

What i think we need to do is LOCK DOWN our southern border. AFTER it is secure we can discuss how to handle the ones here but not until then.
Uummmmm, well our growth and expansion phase is long over with so we no longer need your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...........
How do you plan on locking down the southern border? Do you understand the scope of that undertaking alone?
Yes i understand it. Having said that it is not my job to solve it. That is the job our elected officials are paid to do with our taxes. In fact the security of our nation should be their top priority and an open border is unacceptable
Yeah, that nest of self serving contentious vipers will actually be able to do something about it......
It is the only choice we have. They are the only ones responsible for it.
...Sure...there has never been anyone who used false papers, false SSN, incomplete paperwork...
No doubt, we will continue to see some modest degree of fraudulent documentation, until new State and Federal drivers licenses, ID cards, etc., all carry the same tamper-proof mechanism(s) for guaranteeing uniqueness and authenticity.

And, of course, allowing 5% or 10% of the Illegals to slip through the cracks, during the transition, through the use of fraudulent documentation, is infintely preferable to allowing 100% of them to do so, by doing nothing at all.

...Are you saying those without a "different name or a different ethnic heritage" will not have to go through e-verify? How convenient for them... .Define different. (this should be good).

Your accusation is that those with Hispanic heritage (your Jose and Maria example) will experience bias in connection with e-Verify, etc.

My own suggestion is that everyone be subjected to e-Verify (or similar) queries, when applying for a job, buying or renting housing, vehicles, etc., etc., etc.

If everyone is treated the same - if everyone is obliged to present proof of citizenship status in order to obtain such things - then there is no bias extant in the process.

Perhaps you confused my suggestion (regarding equitable, no-exceptions, across-the-board verification) with that of some other colleague.

Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Seeing that about 90% of illegals are from Mexico and points south, yes, those go 500 miles south of our border. Those from other countries... well, we could send them home and seize assets from US accounts from their home countries to pay the costs plus fines. I bet these countries would have planes and ships stacked up waiting to transport their citizens home.

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