What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?

Just fucking do like Wal-Mart, they have a photo catalogue of cakes and decorations available, if it ain't in the catalogue, it can't be made.....
IOW, don't do custom cakes and eliminate the reason your shop exists.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

They are conflicted, because there is just so much hate for them to spew, and yet so little time within the day to do it.

the hate is all coming from the left. If you believe that homosexualiy is abnormal then you are to be hated and denigrated. Freedom of thought and belief are foreign concepts to libtardians.

Nice display of butthurt! Low on facts, however.

nope, just reality and truth. Watch the libs on TV, the hate is obvious. Do you think Sharpton is not a hater? how about Matthews, Maddow, Schultz, Combs, Whoopi, rosie? All rampant screeching haters.
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.
What if the local KKK chapter wants you to cater an event in a clearing in the woods, at night?
"It’s very easy to stomp on the rights of a class of citizens – Christians, in this case – who draw no popular support in the media. And painting anyone as “hating the Gays” is the easiest thing in the world. But how far will you extend the reach of the government in making sure they don’t “discriminate” against anyone? "

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Christians draw no popular support in DA MEDIA????
since when?------I agree that there are issue of FASHION-----like "gay rights"------etc------but I never noticed the complete disenfranchisement of christians
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.

So you think that a black bakery would be forced to make a KKK cake????????????? Don't be foolish.
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Show us please where Christianity says not to serve sinners.
That's irrelevant. What's in play here is defining the circumstances under which a vendor can refuse to enter into a contract with a customer, if there are any. Thus, it is legitimate to ask, if Christian run businesses can be forced to do business with those whose lives they oppose (something I disagree with, BTW), can we not then force, say, a black owned catering business to cater a KKK event, should the local KKK group wish to seriously mess with them? I mean, that's really what's going on here. Some gay people want to be refused service so they can squeal loudly and pretend to be offended.

Of course you think it is 'irrelevant'.

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

Some Christians want to be able to refuse service, and that is why they are squeling loudly and pretending to be offended.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

As it is for left wingers.

You kids keep preaching political correctness while branding those who are not with a scarlet A on their shirt as people lose their NBA teams and jobs who are at guilt. You also preach how virtuous it is to do such things as recycle and not drink biggie sodas much like a preacher in the pulpit on Sundays.

You preach that there is no salvation except for our collective salvation through big government, and this is all OK since you don't utter the word G-d.
"It’s very easy to stomp on the rights of a class of citizens – Christians, in this case – who draw no popular support in the media. And painting anyone as “hating the Gays” is the easiest thing in the world. But how far will you extend the reach of the government in making sure they don’t “discriminate” against anyone? "

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Christians draw no popular support in DA MEDIA????
since when?------I agree that there are issue of FASHION-----like "gay rights"------etc------but I never noticed the complete disenfranchisement of christians

then you haven't been watchiing much. But say anything negative about islam-------------------
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

They are conflicted, because there is just so much hate for them to spew, and yet so little time within the day to do it.

the hate is all coming from the left. If you believe that homosexualiy is abnormal then you are to be hated and denigrated. Freedom of thought and belief are foreign concepts to libtardians.

you're yammering again, go have some more beer.
I demand that our local jewish deli cater my pork Barbeque. We want pig ribs, hams, and pork roast. We demand it. If they refuse we will sue for discrimination. :beer: We also want some jewish beer, the deli owner, He-brews it.
Stupid pork stenched goyim, Jewish delis don't carry pork to begin with, so your premise fails, I guess that's why you are a goy :coffee:
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air
just make a really shitty cake with a really lame looking hitler..or dead in a bunker ..have some fun with it,get creative..
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Show us please where Christianity says not to serve sinners.
That's irrelevant. What's in play here is defining the circumstances under which a vendor can refuse to enter into a contract with a customer, if there are any. Thus, it is legitimate to ask, if Christian run businesses can be forced to do business with those whose lives they oppose (something I disagree with, BTW), can we not then force, say, a black owned catering business to cater a KKK event, should the local KKK group wish to seriously mess with them? I mean, that's really what's going on here. Some gay people want to be refused service so they can squeal loudly and pretend to be offended.

Of course you think it is 'irrelevant'.

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

Some Christians want to be able to refuse service, and that is why they are squeling loudly and pretending to be offended.

you have it backwards, they do not want to be forced to do business with someone whose lifestyle is against their religious beliefs-----------------not the word "forced" thats the issue.
I've never seen any laws against discriminating against Hitler

But if koshergrl wants to pass one, she is welcome to try
Christians are going to find it very difficult to convince a court that being Christian means they should be able to discriminate against gays or other sinner groups. For one thing, homosexuality isn't actually a sin. Homosexual acts are, but being homosexual isn't. A homosexual not having sex right in front of you no more commits sin than a heterosexual not having sex right in front of you is. The heterosexual can sin having heterosexual sex just like the homosexual can if the heterosexual isn't married to the person (which probably accounts for the majority of heterosexual sex.) But if not actually doing anything sexual, neither is commiting a sin.

The baker example works if the baker wouldn't wanna make a wedding cake for a heterosexual couple if they had sex prior to the wedding.
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.
What if the local KKK chapter wants you to cater an event in a clearing in the woods, at night?
Well unless you're catering company normally caters events in clearings in the woods at night you shouldn't have a problem. :cool:
Christians are going to find it very difficult to convince a court that being Christian means they should be able to discriminate against gays or other sinner groups. For one thing, homosexuality isn't actually a sin. Homosexual acts are, but being homosexual isn't. A homosexual not having sex right in front of you no more commits sin than a heterosexual not having sex right in front of you is. The heterosexual can sin having heterosexual sex just like the homosexual can if the heterosexual isn't married to the person (which probably accounts for the majority of heterosexual sex.) But if not actually doing anything sexual, neither is commiting a sin.

The baker example works if the baker wouldn't wanna make a wedding cake for a heterosexual couple if they had sex prior to the wedding.

how do you justify signs that say "no shirt, no shoes, no service" ? is that not discrimination?

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