What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
They decided wrong.
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
They decided wrong.
Then, they should get another job, say, clearing the toilets in a church.
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
They decided wrong.
Then, they should get another job, say, clearing the toilets in a church.
You should go stuff your head in a toilet.
I would bake cakes for Christians, Muslims, and radicals like the KKK, Westboro, Neo Nazis,etc so long as they had the cash.

That said, it wouldn't be because I condone their beliefs, and instead it would be because business and business - and baking isn't a social service or a counseling service.
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?

Just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
Should a Jew be forced to make a cake celebrating Hitler's birthday?

Should a black be forced to bake a KKK cake?

Should a Mexican be forced to bake a cake honouring Cortez?

of course not its a matter of personal choice its only the militant qeers who make a fuss about things like that they lose my support because of there intorance and bulling attitude
If the customers were Christian they'd just go find another bakery and that would be the end of the story. If they were Muslim they'd blow up the bakery and that would be the end of the bakery. If they were homos they'd whine about rights violations and discrimination.
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?
Should the Jewish bakery be forced to bake a celebratory holocaust cake for a neo- Nazi group?
Or, the cake bakers could do their job and everyone gets on with their lives?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?
Should the Jewish bakery be forced to bake a celebratory holocaust cake for a neo- Nazi group?
They bake cakes for a living. The politics of their customers is none of their business. Their business is cakes, period.
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.

What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

Nobody would care except leftist like you who want to force your value system on others.
I don't see gay people acting like you say "in your face"
They just had a so called "Pride Parade" in Tampa. Is it not the in your face attitude?
Yeah, those fags and the Irish and their parades, eh?
Here's your gay pride parade:
Atheism according to Atheists isn't a religion, so the law wouldn't apply to them. You really need to do your homework.
You are shooting yourself in the foot by not recognizing secular beliefs equally as religious beliefs.
(1) first of all, it would be discriminatory if "religious free exercise" only applied to organized religions.
that would give members of some groups more protections of their beliefs than other people based on affiliation.
that would be discrimination by creed or unequal protection
(2) but more importantly, TK, not recognizing secular and political beliefs as equally "religious"
allows a DOUBLE STANDARD -- this justifies imposing secular political beliefs by law,
while prohibiting only the beliefs of Christians and opposed religions from being recognized by law.

How can we ever stop the imposition of secular political beliefs
if these are not recognized equally as religious? That's where the discrimination by creed
is coming from -- the refusal to recognize secular beliefs as equally religious.
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?
Should the Jewish bakery be forced to bake a celebratory holocaust cake for a neo- Nazi group?
They bake cakes for a living. The politics of their customers is none of their business. Their business is cakes, period.

Then why MAKE their politics a deliberate problem for others?

Why can't people respect each other's ways and not try to impose or sue either way?
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?
Should the Jewish bakery be forced to bake a celebratory holocaust cake for a neo- Nazi group?
They bake cakes for a living. The politics of their customers is none of their business. Their business is cakes, period.
You take your avatar too seriously.
You don't get to decide what their job is, Nazi.
They decided that. All I'm requiring of them is that they do it.
Do you require that they make a pedophile cake, too?
And that would make a difference why exactly? Is their money any less green?
Should the Jewish bakery be forced to bake a celebratory holocaust cake for a neo- Nazi group?
They bake cakes for a living. The politics of their customers is none of their business. Their business is cakes, period.
Lucky for me I live in America and my business is not subject to that fascism.
Why can't people respect each other's ways and not try to impose or sue either way?
That's not good enough for the PC Police.

Intimidation, submission, control, control, control.

They're not trying to improve anything.


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