What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

Open for business or open for "selective" business?

That's up to them, moron. It's not up to you or the government.

You see, when business owners make their own decisions, that's called freedom. When the government makes decisions for them, that's called fascism.
I cannot answer a question about why you feel a certain way - only you can do that.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I don't feel I am entitled to associate with anyone I want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs....
So why do you want to force people to associate with everyone, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?

What makes you think I do?

You've been saying it for a few days now.

If they have a shop serving the public, and I want to buy what they have, I expect service like anyone else. Otherwise, you are full of shit.

No one with a brain cares what you expect.
What is so horrible about a business owner having the right to choose what work he wants to take on and what jobs he wants to take a pass on?

Outside of racial discrimination, I don't have a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept.
The problem this is raising is that OP has a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept based solely on the customers race, gender, economic class, or sexuality.
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.
How low does the number have to before people don't deserve equal rights?

Well there is less registered native americans...
What is so horrible about a business owner having the right to choose what work he wants to take on and what jobs he wants to take a pass on?

Outside of racial discrimination, I don't have a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept.
The problem this is raising is that OP has a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept based solely on the customers race, gender, economic class, or sexuality.

Lets take it to a different level...

Supposing Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Google decided they don't want to sell their software to bigots and stopped all there software being used in some states in America.... The Car Manufacturers followed them... So they go
'Are you from Indiana?'

We don't need your business...

Would you support this...
What is so horrible about a business owner having the right to choose what work he wants to take on and what jobs he wants to take a pass on?

Outside of racial discrimination, I don't have a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept.
The problem this is raising is that OP has a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept based solely on the customers race, gender, economic class, or sexuality.

Lets take it to a different level...

Supposing Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Google decided they don't want to sell their software to bigots and stopped all there software being used in some states in America.... The Car Manufacturers followed them... So they go
'Are you from Indiana?'

We don't need your business...

Would you support this...
No, In my opinion no business should have the right to discriminate against a person based on their beliefs or lifestyle (so long as their beliefs and lifestyle aren't illegal)
Who cares what people do in their life and how does that affect you and your religion your marriage? It doesn't, you just want to control people because you have no control over your life. Lol you are pretty petty!
This is better than as comedy! Fags all of sudden want to change the meaning of marriage so everybody else throughout the history of mankind was wrong about the definition of marriage. It is not people, who want keep marriage as it meant to be, who want to control other people; it is faggots who want to control and already changed the meaning of the word "gay." The word used to mean:
Gay - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
""The term was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy".
"By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was recommended by major LGBT groups and style guides to describe people attracted to members of the same sex"

Just curious: why would you care about a non-homo baker not willing to bake a homo-cake when you live off the grid in Alaska?
I just think it's funny how the "religious" want to control everyone to their thinking. It really doesn't affect me up here in alaska. I just don't think its a big deal. And it's none of anyone's business what they do or who they marry. I don't see gay people acting like you say "in your face". But I suspect there are some that do that. I see far more religious people "in your face" judging everyone but themselves. and I do not agree with religion. I think it's wrong. Even jesus never went to church, Because he knew they were all corrupt from the one time he did go. And I using the bible there is no American that is a christian I have never met one. I mean they say they are christian but they don't even know what it means! It's just a word that they corrupted as they did the word gay.
What is so horrible about a business owner having the right to choose what work he wants to take on and what jobs he wants to take a pass on?

Outside of racial discrimination, I don't have a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept.
The problem this is raising is that OP has a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept based solely on the customers race, gender, economic class, or sexuality.

Lets take it to a different level...

Supposing Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Google decided they don't want to sell their software to bigots and stopped all there software being used in some states in America.... The Car Manufacturers followed them... So they go
'Are you from Indiana?'

We don't need your business...

Would you support this...
No, In my opinion no business should have the right to discriminate against a person based on their beliefs or lifestyle (so long as their beliefs and lifestyle aren't illegal)
Time to declare homosexuality illegal again? That should fix the problem.
What is so horrible about a business owner having the right to choose what work he wants to take on and what jobs he wants to take a pass on?

Outside of racial discrimination, I don't have a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept.
The problem this is raising is that OP has a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept based solely on the customers race, gender, economic class, or sexuality.

Lets take it to a different level...

Supposing Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Google decided they don't want to sell their software to bigots and stopped all there software being used in some states in America.... The Car Manufacturers followed them... So they go
'Are you from Indiana?'

We don't need your business...

Would you support this...

Sure,because they'd be broke in short order.
What is so horrible about a business owner having the right to choose what work he wants to take on and what jobs he wants to take a pass on?

Outside of racial discrimination, I don't have a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept.
The problem this is raising is that OP has a problem with business owners deciding which jobs to accept based solely on the customers race, gender, economic class, or sexuality.

Lets take it to a different level...

Supposing Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Google decided they don't want to sell their software to bigots and stopped all there software being used in some states in America.... The Car Manufacturers followed them... So they go
'Are you from Indiana?'

We don't need your business...

Would you support this...
No, In my opinion no business should have the right to discriminate against a person based on their beliefs or lifestyle (so long as their beliefs and lifestyle aren't illegal)
Time to declare homosexuality illegal again? That should fix the problem.
Or you can quit worrying about what two men do behind closed doors; I know it's hard for you not to think about it.

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