What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.
Should a Jew be forced to make a cake celebrating Hitler's birthday?

Does the Jew offer Hitler cakes to the general public?


Okay then. He can't be forced to make a Hitler cake for anyone.

Should a black be forced to bake a KKK cake?

Does the black offer KKK cakes to the general public?


Okay then. He can't be forced to make a KKK cake for anyone.

Should a Mexican be forced to bake a cake honouring Cortez?

Does the Mexican offer Cortez cakes to the general public?


Okay then. He can't be forced to make a Cortez cake for anyone.

Are there any other false analogies you care to make?

Hitler and Cortez had birthdays, a birthday cake is a birthday cake.

Much ado about nothing, really, but again, Republicans take the bait.

The whole issue is stupid, if I was a baker, I'd make anybody a cake.

If I was offended by them, I'd just piss in the cake and gloat in silence.
Atheism is the ultimate religious freedom. All governments should be secular.

Communism and other nontheistic communal systems have been referred to as "Secular Religion".
Marxism and National Socialism have been referred to as "Secular Religions".
Contemporary terms also refer to Global Warming as a Secular Religion.

Raymond Aron and JP Taylor characterized the Communist Manifesto as the description of a great secular religion ... And mentioned the Manifesto itself ... "must be counted as a holy book in the same class as the Bible."

One man's Secularism is another man's Religion.

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Communism and other nontheistic communal systems have been referred to as "Secular Religion".
Marxism and National Socialism have been referred to as "Secular Religions".

In China you can't legally belong to a religion if you're in the communist party. It's against the law. It's officially an atheist country. I wonder if they have gay cake protections.
Communism and other nontheistic communal systems have been referred to as "Secular Religion".
Marxism and National Socialism have been referred to as "Secular Religions".

In China you can't legally belong to a religion if you're in the communist party. It's against the law. It's officially an atheist country. I wonder if they have gay cake protections.
I wonder if they have an all gay gulag.
Communism and other nontheistic communal systems have been referred to as "Secular Religion".
Marxism and National Socialism have been referred to as "Secular Religions".

In China you can't legally belong to a religion if you're in the communist party. It's against the law. It's officially an atheist country. I wonder if they have gay cake protections.
I wonder if they have an all gay gulag.

Sure they do..they're transferred there right after they all take their "shower".
Yes comrade homo,I assure you those are shower heads.....
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,
Men... not sexual deviants and perverts.

You know who else used the same tactic of dehumanizing their enemies? Hitler.
Oh, dearie-me, a Godwin-ism, and another bullshit faux analogy, for anyone lacking the balls to stand up to it... try again, Junior.
Help me out here….I don't get it... why the fag wants to force somebody to bake a fucking cake for him and doesn't bake his own cake or have his mom do it for him?

that evidently would be asking waaaaaaaaaaay too much of them

just who is dividing and tearing country apart...You see it with this dumb stuff over a frikken law in a state none of these people probably live in...

so they resort to bullying, threats and get the lamesteam media working with them for it

Enough to gag a maggot.
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!
You see it with this dumb stuff over a frikken law in a state none of these people probably live in...
.and they don't even know what's in the law. Typical leftist behavior to jump on the bandwagon if the directive comes down through party-line or media or George Soros' financed community organizer mobilization. They don't even realize that they let others do the thinking for them.
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!
OMG! Based on your "input" you have no idea what the law says. Well, another lefty having somebody else thinking for him. UH… sorry you maybe you learned from the Palosi gang that laws do not need to be read just passed.
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!

Sure they can order it.

They just won't get it.

See, we told you that marriage was a sacrament. You wouldn't believe us, and you insisted on trying to change the definition. But to us, it's still a sacrament. We knew that the REASON you wanted to change the definition was in order to make it *illegal* for us to believe as we do...but it's not going to work out for you.

Christians aren't going to recant their faith. You can bring all the force of state to bear..and we will die before we recant. Just as we have always died when disgusting fascist and tyrannical pukes have attempted to use the state to dictate religion. Unless you physically restrain and drag us to the homo wedding ceremonies, unless you drug us and drag us to camps where we must create cake or be whipped and killed, we aren't going to endorse homo weddings. Not with cakes, not with art, not with poetry, not with music.

It isn't going to happen, because it's a tenet of our FAITH that homo weddings are SACRILEGE.

And there's nothing you can do about it...except to imprison, torture and kill us.

I've no doubt that idea gives you a little thrill, because I know that desire is what motivates the anti-Christian pigs.
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!

Sure they can order it.

They just won't get it.

See, we told you that marriage was a sacrament. You wouldn't believe us, and you insisted on trying to change the definition. But to us, it's still a sacrament. We knew that the REASON you wanted to change the definition was in order to make it *illegal* for us to believe as we do...but it's not going to work out for you.

Christians aren't going to recant their faith. You can bring all the force of state to bear..and we will die before we recant. Just as we have always died when disgusting fascist and tyrannical pukes have attempted to use the state to dictate religion.

I dumbed my point down into the single digit IQ range, and it STILL sailed six miles over your head.
I doubt that would happen because the athiest baker would be taking business that the religious baker refused and laugh his way to the bank! And hopefully put the religious baker out of business!!!
Let's see if I can dumb it down enough for even a potato to get it.


BRIDE: I would like to order a cake. I'm marrying the most wonderful man in the world!

BAKER: Congratulations! What kind of wedding cake would you like?


BRIDE: I would like to order a cake. I'm getting married again! The last guy turned out to be a total flake, but this one is Mr. Right.

BAKER: Congratulations! What kind of wedding cake would you like?


BRIDE: I would like to order a cake. I'm getting married again! Third time's the charm!

BAKER: Congratulations! What kind of wedding cake would you like?


HOMO: I would like to order a cake. I'm marrying the most wonderful man in the world!

BAKER: Get out of here you unholy piece of shit! My cakes are for traditional, biblical marriages!


Self-righteous hypocrite high five!
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!

Sure they can order it.

They just won't get it.

See, we told you that marriage was a sacrament. You wouldn't believe us, and you insisted on trying to change the definition. But to us, it's still a sacrament. We knew that the REASON you wanted to change the definition was in order to make it *illegal* for us to believe as we do...but it's not going to work out for you.

Christians aren't going to recant their faith. You can bring all the force of state to bear..and we will die before we recant. Just as we have always died when disgusting fascist and tyrannical pukes have attempted to use the state to dictate religion. Unless you physically restrain and drag us to the homo wedding ceremonies, unless you drug us and drag us to camps where we must create cake or be whipped and killed, we aren't going to endorse homo weddings. Not with cakes, not with art, not with poetry, not with music.

It isn't going to happen, because it's a tenet of our FAITH that homo weddings are SACRILEGE.

And there's nothing you can do about it...except to imprison, torture and kill us.

I've no doubt that idea gives you a little thrill, because I know that desire is what motivates the anti-Christian pigs.
Omg lady nobody is doing that! Nobody is forcing you to do anything gay! What you are doing is falling for this media frenzy of gays against straights and the media is feeding it and laugh themselves silly as their ratings go up. Gays do not have a war going on with religion, religion has a war against gays! Just let them live in peace marry or civil unions and you will find out that this religious Armageddon is all a fantasy drummed up by the media!!!!
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!

Sure they can order it.

They just won't get it.

See, we told you that marriage was a sacrament. You wouldn't believe us, and you insisted on trying to change the definition. But to us, it's still a sacrament. We knew that the REASON you wanted to change the definition was in order to make it *illegal* for us to believe as we do...but it's not going to work out for you.

Christians aren't going to recant their faith. You can bring all the force of state to bear..and we will die before we recant. Just as we have always died when disgusting fascist and tyrannical pukes have attempted to use the state to dictate religion. Unless you physically restrain and drag us to the homo wedding ceremonies, unless you drug us and drag us to camps where we must create cake or be whipped and killed, we aren't going to endorse homo weddings. Not with cakes, not with art, not with poetry, not with music.

It isn't going to happen, because it's a tenet of our FAITH that homo weddings are SACRILEGE.

And there's nothing you can do about it...except to imprison, torture and kill us.

I've no doubt that idea gives you a little thrill, because I know that desire is what motivates the anti-Christian pigs.
Omg lady nobody is doing that! Nobody is forcing you to do anything gay! What you are doing is falling for this media frenzy of gays against straights and the media is feeding it and laugh themselves silly as their ratings go up. Gays do not have a war going on with religion, religion has a war against gays! Just let them live in peace marry or civil unions and you will find out that this religious Armageddon is all a fantasy drummed up by the media!!!!

Wow. Another hysteric. It seems to be a theme.
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!

Sure they can order it.

They just won't get it.

See, we told you that marriage was a sacrament. You wouldn't believe us, and you insisted on trying to change the definition. But to us, it's still a sacrament. We knew that the REASON you wanted to change the definition was in order to make it *illegal* for us to believe as we do...but it's not going to work out for you.

Christians aren't going to recant their faith. You can bring all the force of state to bear..and we will die before we recant. Just as we have always died when disgusting fascist and tyrannical pukes have attempted to use the state to dictate religion.

I dumbed my point down into the single digit IQ range, and it STILL sailed six miles over your head.
You are smart! You remembered your IQ rating! (Well, the single digit part of it but not the number, it will come) Cool! Now, go brush your teeth bedtime is close.

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