What if an Atheist baker refused to create a religious cake?

What I don't understand is why the baker doesn't make THE WORST CAKE EVER for the event -- just ruin the event. That to me is the way to respond - not to let it become a federal case
There are many such scenarios - which is why discrimination is hateful and wrong. Period.

So should a gay photographer have to shoot the Westboro Baptist Church picnic or calendar - or better yet trying to dsrupt a gay wedding with a lawful demonstration? If not, why not?
Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true.

Because for thousands of years homosexuals have been denied cake. One day equality will win out and gays will finally know what it is like to walk into a bakery and buy a cake. Until that day, none of us are free. *sob*

We are guaranteed 3 things in our Constitution. The right to life, to liberty, and the right to pursue happiness.
This is the definition of Liberty:
1. The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
2. The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.
3. A right to engage in certain actions without control or interference by a government or other power.

What you want to do is take the atheist's privileges away and insist on prohibition:
1. the act of ordering that something not be done.

Want cake? Find cake. Forcing cake removes baker's liberty.
What I don't understand is why the baker doesn't make THE WORST CAKE EVER for the event -- just ruin the event. That to me is the way to respond - not to let it become a federal case

Then our federally appointed cake Czar might take away his bakery license.
What I don't understand is why the baker doesn't make THE WORST CAKE EVER for the event -- just ruin the event. That to me is the way to respond - not to let it become a federal case

Yep..if you're going to force me to do something that goes against my convictions,like bake a homo a cake?
I'm gonna have an off day at the ol bakery. Hey!! Who the hell put salt in the sugar bin?
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,

No one has a right to be served by any business, just as you don't have a right to go in other people's homes. They decide who they serve and who the invite in. That's called "freedom of association," a concept turds like you don't understand.

Others have explained how you are wrong multiple times, so no need for me to do it again. I will say that all your whining will do you no good. Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true. Get used to it.

Equality is the right for an Atheist to refuse to bake a religious cake, same as a Religious person has the right to refuse a gay persons cake.
Both can find a baker who will do them and each of these bakers has their freedoms also.
Inequality would be to put a sign up that says no religious people will be served in the Atheists Bakery or no gays will be served in the Religious Bakery.
Others have explained how you are wrong multiple times, so no need for me to do it again. I will say that all your whining will do you no good. Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true. Get used to it.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
Oh please tell me.
-I- asked -you- a question - for you to have a valid respone, -you - need to tell me...
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I've dealt with crazy teabagger questions before. It will save us both time if you just tell the answer you are looking for.
I cannot answer a question about why you feel a certain way - only you can do that.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?

I don't feel I am entitled to associate with anyone I want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs. I would love to hang with Jennifer Garner or Bill Gates, but I don't see that happening. Now will you make your point?
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
Oh please tell me.
-I- asked -you- a question - for you to have a valid respone, -you - need to tell me...
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I've dealt with crazy teabagger questions before. It will save us both time if you just tell the answer you are looking for.
I cannot answer a question about why you feel a certain way - only you can do that.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I don't feel I am entitled to associate with anyone I want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs....
So why do you want to force people to associate with everyone, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,

No one has a right to be served by any business, just as you don't have a right to go in other people's homes. They decide who they serve and who the invite in. That's called "freedom of association," a concept turds like you don't understand.

Others have explained how you are wrong multiple times, so no need for me to do it again. I will say that all your whining will do you no good. Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true. Get used to it.

Nobody whines more than queers trying to get special privileges for themselves.

No one "explained" how I was wrong. They simply posted their ill-informed opinions. "Equality" is not a right. It's an insolent demand from thugs.

It was explained. You just aren't smart enough to understand. That's why I didn't try again. I guess It sucks to be you.
Others have explained how you are wrong multiple times, so no need for me to do it again. I will say that all your whining will do you no good. Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true. Get used to it.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
Oh please tell me.
-I- asked -you- a question - for you to have a valid respone, -you - need to tell me...
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
BULLDOG is another little puppy dog who is afraid to answer a simple question.
Personally, I don't think he understand the question.

Whenever you present the libturds with facts and logic they behave like a dear caught in the headlights.
Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true.

Because for thousands of years homosexuals have been denied cake. One day equality will win out and gays will finally know what it is like to walk into a bakery and buy a cake. Until that day, none of us are free. *sob*

We are guaranteed 3 things in our Constitution. The right to life, to liberty, and the right to pursue happiness.
This is the definition of Liberty:
1. The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
2. The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.
3. A right to engage in certain actions without control or interference by a government or other power.

What you want to do is take the atheist's privileges away and insist on prohibition:
1. the act of ordering that something not be done.

Want cake? Find cake. Forcing cake removes baker's liberty.

Just because you want me to want something doesn't mean I do. As long as you argue against the imaginary straw man in your head, you will always win. Fortunately, he only exists in your head.
Should an atheist baker be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a religious person, event or group?

Absolutely 'yes'.

He should have the freedom to do business with whomever he likes.

It is in Society's Best Interests - as a matter of keeping the Peace - to insist on non-discrimination in a handful of key areas, such as race.

However, homosexuality is not such a key area... it only impacts 3% (-ish) of the population and is neither terribly important nor a threat to the Peace.

You might be right if only 3% supported equal rights for gays. Patriotic Americans know that we will never achieve the American ideal until we all enjoy the rights promised by the constitution. The Declaration of Independence didn't say " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, as long as they constitute more than 3% of the population,

No one has a right to be served by any business, just as you don't have a right to go in other people's homes. They decide who they serve and who the invite in. That's called "freedom of association," a concept turds like you don't understand.

Others have explained how you are wrong multiple times, so no need for me to do it again. I will say that all your whining will do you no good. Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true. Get used to it.

Nobody whines more than queers trying to get special privileges for themselves.

No one "explained" how I was wrong. They simply posted their ill-informed opinions. "Equality" is not a right. It's an insolent demand from thugs.

It was explained. You just aren't smart enough to understand. That's why I didn't try again. I guess It sucks to be you.

How can you "explain" something you don't understand? You're just an idiot who posted propaganda, and now you're afraid to answer a simple question. You run away just like the coward you are.
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Oh please tell me.
-I- asked -you- a question - for you to have a valid respone, -you - need to tell me...
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I've dealt with crazy teabagger questions before. It will save us both time if you just tell the answer you are looking for.
I cannot answer a question about why you feel a certain way - only you can do that.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I don't feel I am entitled to associate with anyone I want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs....
So why do you want to force people to associate with everyone, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?

What makes you think I do?
Just because you want me to want something doesn't mean I do. As long as you argue against the imaginary straw man in your head, you will always win. Fortunately, he only exists in your head.

Sort of like all these imaginary bakeries who refuse service to gays.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
Oh please tell me.
-I- asked -you- a question - for you to have a valid respone, -you - need to tell me...
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I've dealt with crazy teabagger questions before. It will save us both time if you just tell the answer you are looking for.
I cannot answer a question about why you feel a certain way - only you can do that.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?

I don't feel I am entitled to associate with anyone I want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs. I would love to hang with Jennifer Garner or Bill Gates, but I don't see that happening. Now will you make your point?

Of course you do. You feel you're entitled to force a baker to bake you a cake whether he wants to or not.
-I- asked -you- a question - for you to have a valid respone, -you - need to tell me...
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I've dealt with crazy teabagger questions before. It will save us both time if you just tell the answer you are looking for.
I cannot answer a question about why you feel a certain way - only you can do that.
Why do you feel you are entitled to associate with anyone you want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?
I don't feel I am entitled to associate with anyone I want, regardless of their opinions and beliefs....
So why do you want to force people to associate with everyone, regardless of their opinions and beliefs?

What makes you think I do?

You've been saying it for a few days now.
Equality will win out, and your fears will all come true.

Because for thousands of years homosexuals have been denied cake. One day equality will win out and gays will finally know what it is like to walk into a bakery and buy a cake. Until that day, none of us are free. *sob*

We are guaranteed 3 things in our Constitution. The right to life, to liberty, and the right to pursue happiness.
This is the definition of Liberty:
1. The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
2. The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.
3. A right to engage in certain actions without control or interference by a government or other power.

What you want to do is take the atheist's privileges away and insist on prohibition:
1. the act of ordering that something not be done.

Want cake? Find cake. Forcing cake removes baker's liberty.

Just because you want me to want something doesn't mean I do. As long as you argue against the imaginary straw man in your head, you will always win. Fortunately, he only exists in your head.

The old "straw man" defense is a lack of a viable defense. It attacks the individual instead of the issue.
I don't care what you want or don't want. What I care about is you taking my rights away and insisting I do what you want. I enjoy my liberty and refuse to give it up to capitulate to the "straw man" in your head. See how that works?
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I would go find a baker who would I'm sure there are many out there who will bake any kind of cake you want as long as you have the money to pay them.

Exactly. As a business owner. If Mason or Hitler which I hated ask me to build a shopping center. First question, do you have money? If not others will build for them anyway. That's the reality. BUT...
If Stephanie (here) ask me? I would say NO. Why? because I don't build home trailer.
If Rabii ask me? My first question will be, do own the land or palestinian? This will be so complicated.

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