What, if anything, should be done to stop "white flight"?

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Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

These things are enabled by the activist and leftist Supreme Court we had at the time. See Sims V Reynolds 1964 which ensured that big cities would dominate their states. Like all their decisions, from Roe to Griswald to Loving to Murrey Vs Curlett , they went against centuries of self government and culture and fundamentally defeated the subject population (Americans).

Big cities will always dominate due to the population density. Half of the population of Georgia lives in the greater Atlanta area, despite it accounting for only 14% of the land area. The population of the greater Boston area is 80% of the population of Massachusetts.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.

When Ted Kennedy pushed the 1965 immigration act he promised that it would not affect the "prevailing culture", that they wouldnt take American jobs and that no one country would be allowed to send more than 10% of the yearly quota.

Never trust a liberal. They dont have the same goals as you do.

In the words of the traitor himself as he gaslighted the US into his new plan...

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset ... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge ... the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage.'
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

These things are enabled by the activist and leftist Supreme Court we had at the time. See Sims V Reynolds 1964 which ensured that big cities would dominate their states. Like all their decisions, from Roe to Griswald to Loving to Murrey Vs Curlett , they went against centuries of self government and culture and fundamentally defeated the subject population (Americans).

Big cities will always dominate due to the population density. Half of the population of Georgia lives in the greater Atlanta area, despite it accounting for only 14% of the land area. The population of the greater Boston area is 80% of the population of Massachusetts.

Then explain why the Supreme Court made its ruling.

edited: for harshness
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There isn't enough money in the world to make me live in a city
Ok, Jeremiah Johnson, everyone is impressed.

Not choosing to live in a major city does not mean living like Jeremiah Johnson. I have spent a good portion of my life living in rural and/or suburban areas. I never thought of myself as Jeremiah Johnson.
I guess these people think there's no electricity or running water out in the country.

I grew up in the shitty end of city now I can't imagine living on less than 5 acres of land
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.
someone person puts in the time for retirement and because you dont like them you would strip away their retirement?....who the fuck do you think you are?...
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
If you live in a neighborhood where Blacks and Hispanics are moving in, then you are no better than they are.
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  • #35
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.
someone person puts in the time for retirement and because you dont like them you would strip away their retirement?....who the fuck do you think you are?...

Someone with no retirement fund whatsoever.

Here he said he was going to take pensions from people in the education department and from mayors. Prior to this he said he would take teacher's pensions. And he an I had one of our first arguments over people living outside the US and drawing Social Security. Like the fact that you draw the money you put in means you can't travel or live where you want. He thinks promises made don't have to be kept. Which is not surprising.
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  • #37
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

I think that is an excellent question. Jitsie? Care to answer this one? Or just avoid it like usual?
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.
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  • #39
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?

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