What, if anything, should be done to stop "white flight"?

What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?
No idea how you Correlate the two

Because higher crime rates are a big cause of white flight.
Yes it causes good blacks to live to

It causes good blacks to move to

So lowering the crime rate helps them too.
Help them how it helps everybody

Yep. Reducing crime helps everyone except the criminals.

What is hard to understand? Fewer crimes are good for everyone except the people who commit the crimes.
why do we care about them???
they just commited a crime,,,

I don't.
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?
No idea how you Correlate the two

Because higher crime rates are a big cause of white flight.
Yes it causes good blacks to live to

It causes good blacks to move to

So lowering the crime rate helps them too.
Help them how it helps everybody

Yep. Reducing crime helps everyone except the criminals.

What is hard to understand? Fewer crimes are good for everyone except the people who commit the crimes.
why do we care about them???
they just commited a crime,,,

I don't.
then why bring them up???
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?
No idea how you Correlate the two

Because higher crime rates are a big cause of white flight.
Yes it causes good blacks to live to

It causes good blacks to move to

So lowering the crime rate helps them too.
Help them how it helps everybody

Yep. Reducing crime helps everyone except the criminals.

What is hard to understand? Fewer crimes are good for everyone except the people who commit the crimes.
why do we care about them???
they just commited a crime,,,

I don't.
then why bring them up???

I could have said that lower crimes rates are good for everyone. But it is not good for those who prey on other people. That is true whether I care about them or not.
When I was born, the neighborhood was in the city and my parents moved to the suburbs closer to my Dad's work in 1964 and we had a house instead of an apartment. After leaving, white flight took over and the entire neighborhood and city were overrun by black families moving from the rural areas to the city. A great deal of the neighborhood was leveled by expansion of the airport and UPS taking residence.

In 2010, I went back to the same neighborhood to teach in an inner city middle school. The school was overrun with recent immigrants, many who did not speak English, who took up residence as black families moved to the suburbs, encompassing entire "hoods" filled with drugs, crime, and booze. The inner city know is a mix of Africans, Asians, Cubans, and Mexicans who now reside in the older neighborhoods, filled with drugs, crime and booze. Even those neighborhoods are segregated by ethnicity. All the Cubans live together, all the Africans live together, and all of the Asians live together.

The suburbs are now filled with a mix of black and white families, as many of the white families have moved on to outlying counties that are lily white.

The county where my Dad grew up in a very rural area had a significant black population as he grew up, but when I taught there, I had 3 black students in a high school of over 600 for the county.

White flight is a fact of life and jobs are the driving force. I live in a military town, and none of that exists here except in the non-military population. There are two distinctive "black" neighborhoods in the entire county. Everywhere else is mixed.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?
No idea how you Correlate the two

Because higher crime rates are a big cause of white flight.
Yes it causes good blacks to live to

It causes good blacks to move to

So lowering the crime rate helps them too.
Help them how it helps everybody

Yep. Reducing crime helps everyone except the criminals.

What is hard to understand? Fewer crimes are good for everyone except the people who commit the crimes.
why do we care about them???
they just commited a crime,,,

I don't.
then why bring them up???

I could have said that lower crimes rates are good for everyone. But it is not good for those who prey on other people. That is true whether I care about them or not.
it could also mean times are good and they dont need to prey on others,,,
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?
No idea how you Correlate the two

Because higher crime rates are a big cause of white flight.
Yes it causes good blacks to live to

It causes good blacks to move to

So lowering the crime rate helps them too.
Help them how it helps everybody

Yep. Reducing crime helps everyone except the criminals.

What is hard to understand? Fewer crimes are good for everyone except the people who commit the crimes.
why do we care about them???
they just commited a crime,,,

I don't.
then why bring them up???

I could have said that lower crimes rates are good for everyone. But it is not good for those who prey on other people. That is true whether I care about them or not.
it could also mean times are good and they dont need to prey on others,,,

So the criminals are only criminals because times are hard? I don't buy that except in rare occasions. Certainly not violent criminals.
What causes white flight. I dunno for sure. But I know Chicago neighborhoods on the south and west sides that were once wonderful places for families to live are now killing zones dominated by black and Hispanic muderous thugs roaming those once peaceful streets.

When the influx starts perhaps a lot of folks want to get out while the getting is good, i.e. before property values plumit. If that’s racism so be it, but people have a right to protect their investments in their homes.
Democrats grow the negative black culture. Drowns our the good.

The good? Like you wanting fewer cops on the street so you can have street fights without being interrupted?
No idea how you Correlate the two

Because higher crime rates are a big cause of white flight.
Yes it causes good blacks to live to

It causes good blacks to move to

So lowering the crime rate helps them too.
Help them how it helps everybody

Yep. Reducing crime helps everyone except the criminals.

What is hard to understand? Fewer crimes are good for everyone except the people who commit the crimes.
why do we care about them???
they just commited a crime,,,

I don't.
then why bring them up???

I could have said that lower crimes rates are good for everyone. But it is not good for those who prey on other people. That is true whether I care about them or not.
it could also mean times are good and they dont need to prey on others,,,

So the criminals are only criminals because times are hard? I don't buy that except in rare occasions. Certainly not violent criminals.
most crime is due to ease,,if its easier to steal then they steal,,,
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats
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Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
If you live in a neighborhood where Blacks and Hispanics are moving in, then you are no better than they are.
I used to get the 'cop eyeball' being the only white , i didn't understand it then, now i do


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