What, if anything, should be done to stop "white flight"?

Speaking from what I have heard from others, and what I have experienced myself...

White flight is not the result of minorities moving into an area.
White flight happens when whatever people of any kind that move into an area, bring problems into the area.

My condo area, has many flaws with the Association. But one thing they do well, is get rid of disturbances.

You cause problems for the other people, and the other people cause problems for you.

We have many Mexicans that live here, and Asians, but virtually no black people.

The last black couple that moved in, their son brought a baseball bat, and started smashing up their place, was chased by police across the neighborhood, and went to jail. The Asso. fined them $500 for disturbing the peace, and they moved out.

I've heard and read about similar effects elsewhere. It isn't minorities moving in that causes the problem. It's simply when they cause problems. Without a Condo asso, all you can do is sell your house and leave.

Gentrification, only happens when crime is eliminated, and they start raising rent and house prices, which forces out the people who cause the problems.

Problem people, and being poor, go hand in hand. So if you jack up the rents and housing prices, they eventually are forced out.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
"White Flight and Black Menace... they work together"

-- Mystery Men

Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.

And self preservation....

Apparently liberal dogma and government policy is that blacks cannot be successful unless they live in proximity to whites. Black kids cannot succeed unless they sit next to white kids in school.

cognitive dissonance.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

I think that is an excellent question. Jitsie? Care to answer this one? Or just avoid it like usual?

It wasn't addressed to jitsie. I understand him. It was addressed to you.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.
someone person puts in the time for retirement and because you dont like them you would strip away their retirement?....who the fuck do you think you are?...

Someone with no retirement fund whatsoever.

Here he said he was going to take pensions from people in the education department and from mayors. Prior to this he said he would take teacher's pensions. And he an I had one of our first arguments over people living outside the US and drawing Social Security. Like the fact that you draw the money you put in means you can't travel or live where you want. He thinks promises made don't have to be kept. Which is not surprising.

I didnt make any promises. How far can you go to bind people yet to be born to your promises?
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.

Simpler would be a return to sound money and and a cessation of making promises other people have to keep.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

I think that is an excellent question. Jitsie? Care to answer this one? Or just avoid it like usual?

It wasn't addressed to jitsie. I understand him. It was addressed to you.

I don't have any reason to stop anyone from doing anything that doesn't hurt someone.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.
someone person puts in the time for retirement and because you dont like them you would strip away their retirement?....who the fuck do you think you are?...

Someone with no retirement fund whatsoever.

Here he said he was going to take pensions from people in the education department and from mayors. Prior to this he said he would take teacher's pensions. And he an I had one of our first arguments over people living outside the US and drawing Social Security. Like the fact that you draw the money you put in means you can't travel or live where you want. He thinks promises made don't have to be kept. Which is not surprising.

I didnt make any promises. How far can you go to bind people yet to be born to your promises?

You didn't make them any promises. But their employer did when they were hired. Typically it is in a contract when they are hired.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
Many people in inner-city urban areas had successful times and they still stayed in the city,, They just moved to a better part of the city I grew up with a yard,, If you grew up in the neighborhood you don’t leave because you have more money maybe you make yours bigger maybe you expand your house maybe you moved to the next nice neighborhood close by so you’re near your relatives you’re near your mother you’re near your nieces and your nephew so your kids can grow up with these family members. I like your sound thou
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

I think that is an excellent question. Jitsie? Care to answer this one? Or just avoid it like usual?

It wasn't addressed to jitsie. I understand him. It was addressed to you.

I don't have any reason to stop anyone from doing anything that doesn't hurt someone.

So white flight isnt a problem then. Theres your answer.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

Good question. I see moving to the suburbs as a sign of success.
Urban areas have nice areas that are always expanding, The question you should be asking is why did American urban areas go from almost 100% white to now almost 100% minority.. and for that I can help you

And why is that?
Democrats saw they could get votes by siding with negative black culture, giving in to their wants, democrats flooded these urban communities with latino and Afro refugees, that had no interest in assimilating. And years of fighting enough was enough, they were tired of there sins coming home with broken body Parts fighting for culture so the moms
Demanded to move

If that is true (and I am not saying it is), what is your answer? Do you demand ethnic groups abandon their traditions? And no, I am not saying crime is a tradition for anyone.
I would say we immediately go and fix the people hurt most by these policies, White and black Americans that have been forgotten. We put a hult on immigration in these communities and force the elite democrat communities to start taking in these foreigners.
Immediately get foreigners out of our public schools and get them in to elite democrat communities.

i would implement family building programs, Home economic programs.

I would have schools focus on where the cities Commerce is heading for instance in Boston commerce is heading in financial pharmaceutical finance direction, I would have programs set up so they can have access to these jobs .

I would pay reparations to those Americans affected by the immigration polices of democrats, I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department,I would rip the pensions away from any person in the education department anyone that worked on any educational policy in the past 50 years. All mayors will be ripped of their pensions .

time to rebuild America.
someone person puts in the time for retirement and because you dont like them you would strip away their retirement?....who the fuck do you think you are?...

Someone with no retirement fund whatsoever.

Here he said he was going to take pensions from people in the education department and from mayors. Prior to this he said he would take teacher's pensions. And he an I had one of our first arguments over people living outside the US and drawing Social Security. Like the fact that you draw the money you put in means you can't travel or live where you want. He thinks promises made don't have to be kept. Which is not surprising.

I didnt make any promises. How far can you go to bind people yet to be born to your promises?

You didn't make them any promises. But their employer did when they were hired. Typically it is in a contract when they are hired.

There is a (fringe) movement dedicated to encouraging the US and states to default on their promises in order to make sure nobody trusts them in the future.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
Many people in inner-city urban areas had successful times and they still stayed in the city,, They just moved to a better part of the city I grew up with a yard,, If you grew up in the neighborhood you don’t leave because you have more money maybe you make yours bigger maybe you expand your house maybe you moved to the next nice neighborhood close by so you’re near your relatives you’re near your mother you’re near your nieces and your nephew so your kids can grow up with these family members. I like your sound thou

If staying in the city is what you want, then go for it. For many, many others, the chance at the suburbs was a dream come true. Every city and town has changed in the last 50 years. Every community has changed. Some for better and some for worse.
Definition of a mixed neighborhood: The time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out.

but more to the point... why would you want to stop people from doing anything?

I think that is an excellent question. Jitsie? Care to answer this one? Or just avoid it like usual?

It wasn't addressed to jitsie. I understand him. It was addressed to you.

I don't have any reason to stop anyone from doing anything that doesn't hurt someone.

So white flight isnt a problem then. Theres your answer.

In my OP I asked "what, if anything should be done". That was all. For some it is a major issue. For some it is just part of the inevitable changes we see in our lives.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
Many people in inner-city urban areas had successful times and they still stayed in the city,, They just moved to a better part of the city I grew up with a yard,, If you grew up in the neighborhood you don’t leave because you have more money maybe you make yours bigger maybe you expand your house maybe you moved to the next nice neighborhood close by so you’re near your relatives you’re near your mother you’re near your nieces and your nephew so your kids can grow up with these family members. I like your sound thou

If staying in the city is what you want, then go for it. For many, many others, the chance at the suburbs was a dream come true. Every city and town has changed in the last 50 years. Every community has changed. Some for better and some for worse.
Ppl are spending a million dollars for a house now in Boston residential neighborhoods when suburbs with big yard are 400-500 thousand a year.. what are you talking about
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
Many people in inner-city urban areas had successful times and they still stayed in the city,, They just moved to a better part of the city I grew up with a yard,, If you grew up in the neighborhood you don’t leave because you have more money maybe you make yours bigger maybe you expand your house maybe you moved to the next nice neighborhood close by so you’re near your relatives you’re near your mother you’re near your nieces and your nephew so your kids can grow up with these family members. I like your sound thou

If staying in the city is what you want, then go for it. For many, many others, the chance at the suburbs was a dream come true. Every city and town has changed in the last 50 years. Every community has changed. Some for better and some for worse.
Ppl are spending a million dollars for a house now in Boston residential neighborhoods when suburbs with big yard are 400-500 thousand a year.. what are you talking about

I am talking about wanting to live outside the city. Not everyone dreams of a house in the inner city. Houses in nice areas in the city are always more expensive.
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
Many people in inner-city urban areas had successful times and they still stayed in the city,, They just moved to a better part of the city I grew up with a yard,, If you grew up in the neighborhood you don’t leave because you have more money maybe you make yours bigger maybe you expand your house maybe you moved to the next nice neighborhood close by so you’re near your relatives you’re near your mother you’re near your nieces and your nephew so your kids can grow up with these family members. I like your sound thou

If staying in the city is what you want, then go for it. For many, many others, the chance at the suburbs was a dream come true. Every city and town has changed in the last 50 years. Every community has changed. Some for better and some for worse.
Ppl are spending a million dollars for a house now in Boston residential neighborhoods when suburbs with big yard are 400-500 thousand a year.. what are you talking about

I am talking about wanting to live outside the city. Not everyone dreams of a house in the inner city. Houses in nice areas in the city are always more expensive.
Ok and so why did almost 90% leave? They been in Boston since the 1600’s what’s the reason
Is white flight a big problem? Is gentrification the answer?

Why does something need to be done? People have the right to live where ever they want and can afford to.
What if the place you want to live is ruined by political policy?

First you would have to determine whether or not people left for the suburbs because of those bad policies or because they were successful and wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Ohh I know

Of course you do. lol
Take Boston for instance Boston had a very large population of hard-working successful people and then you had a small population of welfare queen black women who made wrong decisions in their lives, failing miserably we’re pissed off that their child’s school wasn’t being funded by Democrats, Democrats saw they can use this loudmouth black women for votes so instead of funding their schools they decided to bus the kids from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods of parents that were doing the right thing. At the same time simultaneously as the whites are moving out the welfare queens thought they were winning Democrats immediately flooded their neighborhoods with refugees from Latin America and African countries that absolutely took their public schools to Third World levels, The parents took our wages and drove them down to the ground. Now we’re all fucked because of Democrats

Or, there was once a larger number of hard-working, successful people in Boston. Then with the improvement in both cars and roads, the idea of commuting became more palatable to them. So they moved out to the suburbs to have roomier homes, more spacious yards, more green spaces, less pollution, lower crime rates and a better life.

That left a vacuum. Poorer people moved into the neighborhoods. Investors bought up the homes and rented them. Renters have less invested in the neighborhoods.

As for the education, that can also be attributed to poor black cultural issues. Being smart in school is considered to be "acting white". When I was in college I did a paper on it. Many urban schools do not announce any academic award ceremonies, because many of the smart kids will not come to school that day because they risk being ostracized for "acting white".

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing idea was that good students would have an influence on bad students. Like a positive peer pressure. Educators finally realized that the opposite was happening. The smart students were seen as nerds and picked on even more. Many girls tried to dumb down to avoid losing popularity. So they started putting the smarter students in the separate gifted classes, and they excelled.
You make some good points, but that always happened. You still can’t explain why almost 90% left and all around the same time.

What kind of time span are you talking about them leaving? 10 years? 1 year? The 1980s were a prosperous time. It started a lot of white flight to the suburbs.
Many people in inner-city urban areas had successful times and they still stayed in the city,, They just moved to a better part of the city I grew up with a yard,, If you grew up in the neighborhood you don’t leave because you have more money maybe you make yours bigger maybe you expand your house maybe you moved to the next nice neighborhood close by so you’re near your relatives you’re near your mother you’re near your nieces and your nephew so your kids can grow up with these family members. I like your sound thou

If staying in the city is what you want, then go for it. For many, many others, the chance at the suburbs was a dream come true. Every city and town has changed in the last 50 years. Every community has changed. Some for better and some for worse.
Ppl are spending a million dollars for a house now in Boston residential neighborhoods when suburbs with big yard are 400-500 thousand a year.. what are you talking about

I am talking about wanting to live outside the city. Not everyone dreams of a house in the inner city. Houses in nice areas in the city are always more expensive.
Ok and so why did almost 90% leave? They been in Boston since the 1600’s what’s the reason

Modern society has made it easier to move, commute, and maintain contact with families back home.

From the 1600s to the early 1900s, if you were over 75 miles from your hometown, you rarely got back home. Make it over 200 and it was rare to get back. Contrast that with now. I gre up in Tuscaloosa AL. My children live in Cullman AL, Huntsville AL, and Chattanooga Tn. I am in Atlanta. Before the quarantine, I managed to see my kids most months, and talk to them at least once a week. I see my brothers (in Tuscaloosa) at least every other month.

I can be in Tuscaloosa in 2.5 hours. In the 1800s, a trip of a few hundred miles could take days. A trip across country could take weeks. Now it is a few hours on a plane.

The only communications until the invention of the phone was to write letters. (telegraph was too expensive) And that could take weeks. Even with relatively modern phone lines, you didn't call often because it was too expensive. Now I can FaceTime with my Grandson once a week.

We, as a society have become more and more mobile. And so we can live where we choose to live, not where we have to live.

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