What if at the SOTU, someone shouts out "You lie!"?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?
Remember people, Trump isn't going to be addressing a bunch of his sycophantic followers, he's going to be in front of Congress where about half of the people disagree with him.

And.................if he gets a bad review for this speech, do you think he will skip giving the next one?
I was thinking about this today. I agree that he’d most likely have a meltdown.

We know his supporters would meltdown even though they cheered when Obama was shown disrespect
I hope they yell a bunch of shit and don't let him speak. Then, he says "goodnight" and leaves and never does that stupid speech again. FUCK the SOTU!!!
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?

I expect some dem to mouth off, but trump won’t have a meltdown, he’ll just hit back, like he always does. This SOTU is cant miss television
I hope they yell a bunch of shit and don't let him speak. Then, he says "goodnight" and leaves and never does that stupid speech again. FUCK the SOTU!!!

You don't think it's important for the president to tell the country where we have been and where his direction for the coming year is going?

I do.
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?

It would be like saying to Trump "you breath air".

He has no cognitive knowledgeable difference in his head between lying or telling the truth. That anyone would say he lies is something that doesn't even register in his mind. "Lying, what is this lying? Truth? Lying? Why do these people speak as though these are different things.

Lying Trump is pathological in his lying, it is in his DNA. I would expect he might even say "yeah so, these idiot Republicans here and the weirdos and Nazis that support me don't care if I lie. Many of them voted for an accused pedophile because Trump said to. You think they care if I'm lying?"
I was thinking about this today. I agree that he’d most likely have a meltdown.

We know his supporters would meltdown even though they cheered when Obama was shown disrespect

I think that the first thing he would do is shout loser at the person, and then call for security to remove them, all the while saying how bad things are that stuff like this happens.

We already know that he's gotta ad lib even during teleprompter speeches, something like that would probably be good for 5 to 10 min. of him ranting.

It would be questionable if he was able to regroup and get back on track if something like that happened.
I hope they yell a bunch of shit and don't let him speak. Then, he says "goodnight" and leaves and never does that stupid speech again. FUCK the SOTU!!!

You don't think it's important for the president to tell the country where we have been and where his direction for the coming year is going?

I do.

Boy howdy, we know where we've been....and damn happy Trump is in there.
You don't think it's important for the president to tell the country where we have been and where his direction for the coming year is going?

I do.
Do you REALLY give a fuck what Trump says? Really?

I don't believe you.

I think Trump should say:

"Fuck all you idiots. I am outta here. See my tweets on SOTU. Later."
I was thinking about this today. I agree that he’d most likely have a meltdown.

We know his supporters would meltdown even though they cheered when Obama was shown disrespect

I think that the first thing he would do is shout loser at the person, and then call for security to remove them, all the while saying how bad things are that stuff like this happens.

We already know that he's gotta ad lib even during teleprompter speeches, something like that would probably be good for 5 to 10 min. of him ranting.

It would be questionable if he was able to regroup and get back on track if something like that happened.
Yeah I think he’d try to go all dictator on them.

“Remove them!”

“Uhh no”
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You know, it would be kinda interesting to see Trump order security to remove a congress critter from the speech.
That person would become a hero to the media no matter what he was saying at the time
If Maxine waters showed up, you know she wouldn’t be able to control herself
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?

Leftists blaming Trump of what they are having: a complete meltdown.

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