What if at the SOTU, someone shouts out "You lie!"?

No one pays attention any more to the "PRESS" . When you have 90% of the stories about Trump being negative I find that to indicate the "PRESS" is truly subjective, biased, fake.
When you have over 80% of the "PRESS" donating to Hillary... I find believing anything the PRESS says hard to do.
No the "PRESS" as FACTS bear out have been totally compliant to Obama and totally disgustingly BIASED against Trump.
Consequently I believe Trump more than the "PrESS".
Now, that, is just sad.

It's also scary. I hope there are not too many other people feel that way.

FACTS are what drive MY opinion of the MSM as do the rest of informed Americans!
The outlook is bad for media credibility. Poll after poll finds public confidence in the press is at historic lows. The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016.

The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

And mostly because the MSM bias has done the following:

Indeed, outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the AP have since been forced to issue embarrassing corrections to stories as a result of publishing reports that failed on such basic tenets as reaching out to the subject of the story, not relying too heavily on anonymous sources, checking sources, and conducting a basic review of the facts. And then there’s CNN, which has delivered Trump a shockingly constant stream of shoddy and bizarre reporting that reinforced his designation of the network as “fake news.”
In another anonymously sourced report in June 2016, CNN claimed the Senate was investigating Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci because of his ties to a Russian investment banker. After Scaramucci contested the story, CNN quickly deleted and retracted the story, and issued an apology. The network also fired the reporter and two editors who worked on the story, implemented new standards for Russia stories, and later pulled its investigative team off the Russia story altogether.

Now do you understand why confidence in the "press" is just 8% by the public?
You may want to start paying a little closer to the HEADLINES/30 second sound bites that really bias the stories.
I'll give you a classic... You probably believe Trump is "anti-immigrant" Right?
89,800 results. Look at the headlines.. Racism..
But are you aware that Trump married a immigrant? You think then he hates immigrants? Are you aware his daughter converted to Judaism as her husband is a Jewish? Is that "racist"? And as for me... I'm like 40+ million people offended by that because we are either LEGAL immigrants or have legal immigrant relatives and to call us racists, or we
are "anti-immigrant" just further proves how the biased MSM has gone in perpetuating a myth. Hence my disbelief of anything from the MSM!
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Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?
Instead of being excoriated by the press he or she would be their new hero.
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?

She or He would be pointing out the obvious.

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