What if at the SOTU, someone shouts out "You lie!"?


If someone shouts ... "You Lie" ... During tonight's State of the Union address ...
At least 101 people in the room will try and look as innocent as their lying asses can ... :thup:

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yeah, it's not like your ilk has any respect for the rest of the constitution
Fuck you. You don't even know what the constitution says.

article 2, section 3, chimp

stunning rebuttal, btw

were you on the debate team?

Section. 3.
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription
While not required to deliver a speech, every president since Woodrow Wilson, with the notable exception of Herbert Hoover,[7] has made at least one State of the Union report as a speech delivered before a joint session of Congress. Before that time, most presidents delivered the State of the Union as a written report.[5]

State of the Union - Wikipedia

It is unnecessary to go to Congress and make an actual speech.
I would like for Trump and future presidents to go back to delivering the state of the union as a written report.

That could happen, especially if Trump doesn't feel like he's being sufficiently adored during this one.
He’d probably curl up in a fetal position and spend the next couple of weeks sending brainless and insulting tweets.

trump is a World Class Pussy. (Of course, he’s brave behind a phalanx of bodyguards).
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?
I don't think it matters. There are low class tools on both sides of the isle so an outburst wouldn't surprise me. Ultimately it means NOTHING
He’d probably curl up in a fetal position and spend the next couple of weeks sending brainless and insulting tweets.

trump is a World Class Pussy. (Of course, he’s brave behind a phalanx of bodyguards).
Are you saying he likes to grab himself?
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?
They'd have to do it over and over and over again.
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?
I don't think it matters. There are low class tools on both sides of the isle so an outburst wouldn't surprise me. Ultimately it means NOTHING

It's not the outburst itself that I'm interested in, it's the reaction that Trump would have to one that interests me.

Would he be like Obama and give a cold stare for a couple of seconds, or, would he go into full meltdown mode, or somewhere in between? I think he would make some snide comments to whoever said it, and then call for security to remove them.

It's how he's always handled dissent at his rallies and events before.
It's the Orange Pussy who's trying his damndest to destroy our Free Press.
No he is not. He is not putting up with their shit and not giving them access. That's not denying them free press. Free press does not require active participation and access.
When the would be president harasses, trashes, and is forever bad-mouthing the press THAT is causing damage to our Free Press. I realize you trump supporters will eat any shit he feeds you, but really, can you no longer see what's in front of your eyes...? The presidents words matter. Even if that president is someone as clueless and horrible as trump.
Remember Obama's first SOTU back in 2009? Remember when Rep. Wilson shouted "you lie" at Obama?

Well..................my question is, how do you think Trump would handle something like that if someone shouted "you lie" to him? Think that he would have enough self control to just give a cold stare to the person that said it, or do you think that he would have a meltdown in mid speech?

Me? I think that Trump would have a meltdown and tell the person who shouted it what a loser they were and then forget to read the rest of the speech. He'd probably also call for an arrest of the person who did it.

Me personally? I'd LOVE to see something like that happen tonight. Not only would it be entertaining television, but it would be interesting to see how Trump would handle it.

What do you guys think?

It would be like saying to Trump "you breath air".

He has no cognitive knowledgeable difference in his head between lying or telling the truth. That anyone would say he lies is something that doesn't even register in his mind. "Lying, what is this lying? Truth? Lying? Why do these people speak as though these are different things.

Lying Trump is pathological in his lying, it is in his DNA. I would expect he might even say "yeah so, these idiot Republicans here and the weirdos and Nazis that support me don't care if I lie. Many of them voted for an accused pedophile because Trump said to. You think they care if I'm lying?"
What do you call these?

Is Gitmo still open? Has everyone's health insurance premiums been cut by $2,500? Why are we still in Iraq/Afghanistan? He said we'd be out. Progress? Watchdogs such as the Project on Government Oversight say yes. But that's still not fulfilling Obama's pledge to require competitive bidding for all contracts over $25,000. So we rate this one a Promise Broken.
I was thinking about this today. I agree that he’d most likely have a meltdown.

We know his supporters would meltdown even though they cheered when Obama was shown disrespect

Hey SFB compared to what a number of left wing assholes have called Trump, the right's reaction to Obama for the most part was tame.
It's the Orange Pussy who's trying his damndest to destroy our Free Press.
No he is not. He is not putting up with their shit and not giving them access. That's not denying them free press. Free press does not require active participation and access.
When the would be president harasses, trashes, and is forever bad-mouthing the press THAT is causing damage to our Free Press. I realize you trump supporters will eat any shit he feeds you, but really, can you no longer see what's in front of your eyes...? The presidents words matter. Even if that president is someone as clueless and horrible as trump.

No one pays attention any more to the "PRESS" . When you have 90% of the stories about Trump being negative I find that to indicate the "PRESS" is truly subjective, biased, fake.
When you have over 80% of the "PRESS" donating to Hillary... I find believing anything the PRESS says hard to do.
No the "PRESS" as FACTS bear out have been totally compliant to Obama and totally disgustingly BIASED against Trump.
Consequently I believe Trump more than the "PrESS".
No one pays attention any more to the "PRESS" . When you have 90% of the stories about Trump being negative I find that to indicate the "PRESS" is truly subjective, biased, fake.
When you have over 80% of the "PRESS" donating to Hillary... I find believing anything the PRESS says hard to do.
No the "PRESS" as FACTS bear out have been totally compliant to Obama and totally disgustingly BIASED against Trump.
Consequently I believe Trump more than the "PrESS".
Now, that, is just sad.

It's also scary. I hope there are not too many other people feel that way.
Trump's biggest strength is constantly being underestimated.

I agree with this so much. At first I thought he was a buffoon, but I’ve learned there’s a method to the madness

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