What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

  • Total voters
I don't doubt than many Democrats are working hard. The main problem for many is that envy runs through their veins and controls their every thought and action. This is particularly a problem for the non-religious, immoral ones. Taking money from someone else is not a problem for them in any way, shape or form. They weren't taught it was wrong. They don't have a moral compass. They know they can get away with anything as long as they don't get caught since they are not being held accountable in their minds by anyone other than the authorities.

Again, when the poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the rich Steal, it's called "Profits".

Trump doesn't cut rates, the fed does. The European economy, run by lefties, sucks. We have to keep our rates somewhat in line as many of theirs went negative. Try to keep up.

The Fed knuckled under to Trump's badgering. They wanted to raise rates....because that's what you do when the economy is good. When the recession hits, they'll have nothing to fight it with.

I know you are talking about the Green New Deal. LOL...Yeah, that would really help our economy. My God, you guys are imbeciles. More Unions, yeah, great idea. Let's drive more companies to my state. Good for me, bad for your blue states. We already have a progressive tax. You lefities are just greedy and want to continue taking more and more of what YOU didn't earn.

Guy, you never tell me which state you are in. Probably because if you did, I would show what a poverty inflicted state you actually live in. "Hey, they just opened a factory, Cleetus. That's so much better than being a possum catcher!"

I am not on the same financial level as many of the athletes, movie stars, business owners, etc. who can afford 25 million dollar beach side mansions, but I don't envy them. If I decide that I just have to have that type of beach house, I will do something to work towards that end. I may never get there, but I surely won't advocate stealing it by proxy through our federal government.

Guy, funny thing. I actually own beachfront property in Northern Wisconsin. I have it because back in the 1950's, my Dad had a good union job and was able to buy the land for $800 and built it with his own hands. You could do that when we had a middle class.

Now, funny thing. You talk about Athletes, but as I just pointed out, for every Athlete playing for the NFL, you have 99 kids who spent High School and College who never got to that level and sustained brain injuries so some rich people could have a farm team.

Remember when we thought brain injuries were funny?

Very scary, if you are a brainwashed functional moron....

I disagree with franco, I think Sanders is immortal. He has looked like he is 70 for 40 years now.

What really scary for me is that the local highschool, Madison High, graduated Bernie, Schumer, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg....
Brooklyn Trivia: James Madison High School Distinguished Alumni - BKLYNER

Could it be the water????
Smart highly-motivated Democratic of course Jews, God bless them.

How smart to support a system that has never worked....

Capitalism has.
Every successful modern country is socialist today except the United States. We are missing the fairness thing.we should be the greatest country in the world and take leadership again and not be a unfair brainwashed GOP mess
You got everything right until the end. The Ds are just like the Rs. Both owned and controlled by their billionaire donors.

After eight years of Ears who proved my point entirely, one would think you would be woke, but instead you cling to your partisan stupidity.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020, people won’t be dying because they can’t afford health care.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 corporations will pay taxes.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 he will get the price of prescription drugs lowered so that everyone can afford them.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 I will treat republicans the same way they have treated us for the last three years.

Feel the Bern bitches!

Write it down and underline it twice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bernie can’t even quantify how much his programs are going to cost. His healthcare models after socialist nations where people still dy because they can’t GET healthcare in time. If Bernie pushes corporations hard enough on higher taxes and egregious regulations, what impact will that have on jobs? The jobs will be lost and all Bernie and his Bitches will be axle to do is whine and cry about corporate greed thinking they can shame and guilt corporations into jobs and wages. Obama tried that and it did not work.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

The Country will go into a depression.......the economy will tank...crime will increase as the democrats go after the police again......crime will also go up as the democrats refuse to arrest and detain violent illegal alien criminals.....our enemies around the world will start getting frisky and aggressive again........the middle east will go into another period of raging violence.......

And unlike all the Predictions about Trump, these predictions will actually happen.
Again, when the poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the rich Steal, it's called "Profits".

I am considered "rich" and I don't steal in any way shape or form. Again, envy rears its ugly head.

The Fed knuckled under to Trump's badgering. They wanted to raise rates....because that's what you do when the economy is good. When the recession hits, they'll have nothing to fight it with.

It won't rear its ugly head in the near future barring something out in left field...like this virus takes hold or a Democrat gets elected.

Guy, you never tell me which state you are in. Probably because if you did, I would show what a poverty inflicted state you actually live in. "Hey, they just opened a factory, Cleetus. That's so much better than being a possum catcher!"

Yeah, that's the South alright. Please keep telling your buddies too. We don't need anymore of you catching on an moving down.

Guy, funny thing. I actually own beachfront property in Northern Wisconsin. I have it because back in the 1950's, my Dad had a good union job and was able to buy the land for $800 and built it with his own hands. You could do that when we had a middle class.

Now, funny thing. You talk about Athletes, but as I just pointed out, for every Athlete playing for the NFL, you have 99 kids who spent High School and College who never got to that level and sustained brain injuries so some rich people could have a farm team.

Remember when we thought brain injuries were funny?

I don't consider property on a lake, no matter how big, "beach property" but whatever, I guess those of you in up upper mid-west take what you can get. The middle class can still buy vacation property, just not as likely in the blue states.

I was only using athletes as an example of folks with a lot of money. I know that is a sore spot for most liberals, typically because most football players are African Americans. It is off topic, but they know what they are getting into when they sign on the dotted line. We aren't in the 70's anymore, these guys are paid plenty for hazard pay. If they don't want to do it, get a real job that pays MUCH, MUCH less but is safer. That is their choice.
If the Bern wins in 2020 you’ll realize youv’e just awakened from a terrible nightmare.
LOL. The right said that if Ears got elected. Then, the left said that if The Don got elected.

When will you guys ever learn?
Yeah, that's the South alright. Please keep telling your buddies too. We don't need anymore of you catching on an moving down.

Still not telling us what state you are in... Are you really afraid I would do a side-by-side comparison to Illinois, and you wouldn't come out so good?

I was only using athletes as an example of folks with a lot of money. I know that is a sore spot for most liberals, typically because most football players are African Americans. It is off topic, but they know what they are getting into when they sign on the dotted line. We aren't in the 70's anymore, these guys are paid plenty for hazard pay. If they don't want to do it, get a real job that pays MUCH, MUCH less but is safer. That is their choice.

The problem is, they DON'T know what they are getting into. The NFL LIED for years about the dangers of head trauma. And as I've said, only 2% of college football players get into the NFL, and only a small fraction of them get the big multi-million dollar contracts. So, yeah, it is a sore spot to me that we are scamming poor people into doing something dangerous for the chance to get a big payout, but most of them will just end up living badly.

It won't rear its ugly head in the near future barring something out in left field...like this virus takes hold or a Democrat gets elected.


Farm bankruptcies jump 20% in 2019 despite Trump bailout - CNNPolitics

US farm bankruptcies were up 20% in 2019, despite the billions of dollars in aid President Donald Trump has paid to farmers hurt by the trade war with China.

That's the highest level since 2011, following the Great Recession, according to court data analyzed by the American Farm Bureau.
There were 595 Chapter 12 family farm bankruptcies, nearly 100 more than in 2018, the trade group said

Eat your MAGA hat, mother fucker.
Still not telling us what state you are in... Are you really afraid I would do a side-by-side comparison to Illinois, and you wouldn't come out so good?

Um, no. I had a relative who lived just outside of Chicago. My state puts Illinois to shame as far as beauty, weather, cost of living and standard of living for those who have decent jobs. It isn't even close. Those living on the government dole and those having very little income, and there are quite a few in my state and many Southern states, are overwhelmingly Democrats. Those making a good living(professionals) don't vote for Democrats, in general.

The problem is, they DON'T know what they are getting into. The NFL LIED for years about the dangers of head trauma. And as I've said, only 2% of college football players get into the NFL, and only a small fraction of them get the big multi-million dollar contracts. So, yeah, it is a sore spot to me that we are scamming poor people into doing something dangerous for the chance to get a big payout, but most of them will just end up living badly.

They know exactly what they are getting into nowadays. The money is simply too great to turn down. Everyone except you seems to know this.


Farm bankruptcies jump 20% in 2019 despite Trump bailout - CNNPolitics

US farm bankruptcies were up 20% in 2019, despite the billions of dollars in aid President Donald Trump has paid to farmers hurt by the trade war with China.

That's the highest level since 2011, following the Great Recession, according to court data analyzed by the American Farm Bureau.
There were 595 Chapter 12 family farm bankruptcies, nearly 100 more than in 2018, the trade group said

Eat your MAGA hat, mother fucker.

Sorry you can't figure it out. Keep reading the CNN headlines. The US economy is very strong, thanks to Trump. Democrats are economically illiterate. Talking to you about the economy is less enlightening than talking to my elementary aged kids.
Big words? The next “big word” you use will be your first. You’re just a miserable human being. Luckily nature made it so you don’t reproduce.

See, he can't help himself.. he starts sputtering incoherently when slapped like a little bitch.

And ya made ^that point^ without invoking race meaning you could have done that from the start, but you did not because it did/does not fit the real goal of inciting racial tensions which is the holy grail of liberal ideology...that said I agree football is dangerous and something drastic needs to be done fast, we just recently had a kid die from a practice related injury, he was running with something akin to a large railroad tie above his head and it slipped and hit him on the head and killed him.

But you miss the point. We aren't going to ban football..it's too entertaining. And white people aren't signing up THEIR kids anymore.... So, here kid, sustain brain injuries in High School and College, and maybe you have 2% chance of getting into the NFL, with an even smaller chance of getting one of the big contracts.
So there aren’t any more white people who play football!? Our team in town is mostly white. You’re an idiot. Honestly just an idiot. Go tattle to the mods on me again for hurting your little Leftist feelings. Idiot.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

The Country will go into a depression.......the economy will tank...crime will increase as the democrats go after the police again......crime will also go up as the democrats refuse to arrest and detain violent illegal alien criminals.....our enemies around the world will start getting frisky and aggressive again........the middle east will go into another period of raging violence.......

And unlike all the Predictions about Trump, these predictions will actually happen.
And Sanders wants to allow those criminals to vote
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

The Country will go into a depression.......the economy will tank...crime will increase as the democrats go after the police again......crime will also go up as the democrats refuse to arrest and detain violent illegal alien criminals.....our enemies around the world will start getting frisky and aggressive again........the middle east will go into another period of raging violence.......

And unlike all the Predictions about Trump, these predictions will actually happen.
And Sanders wants to allow those criminals to vote
Well there are things about Bernie that are unlikeable. He just has the best likable ratings, of all running for potus except for Tulsi. One can always find things to dislike about any candidate.

Do you like everything Donnie has done?
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

The Country will go into a depression.......the economy will tank...crime will increase as the democrats go after the police again......crime will also go up as the democrats refuse to arrest and detain violent illegal alien criminals.....our enemies around the world will start getting frisky and aggressive again........the middle east will go into another period of raging violence.......

And unlike all the Predictions about Trump, these predictions will actually happen.
And Sanders wants to allow those criminals to vote
Well there are things about Bernie that are unlikeable. He just has the best likable ratings, of all running for potus except for Tulsi. One can always find things to dislike about any candidate.

Do you like everything Donnie has done?

No. But allowing criminals to vote is pure insanity. I just killed a family of four but my vote counts as much as yours...

That is tough to swallow.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

Have you been listening to what Mark Levin says Bernie will do if elected? Not good.
Um, no. I had a relative who lived just outside of Chicago. My state puts Illinois to shame as far as beauty, weather, cost of living and standard of living for those who have decent jobs. It isn't even close. Those living on the government dole and those having very little income, and there are quite a few in my state and many Southern states, are overwhelmingly Democrats. Those making a good living(professionals) don't vote for Democrats, in general.

Yet you won't say what state that is... funny that.. The whole fucking south is an inbred shithole.. It might be nice if it weren't full of inbred, racist bible thumpers.

They know exactly what they are getting into nowadays. The money is simply too great to turn down. Everyone except you seems to know this.

You think that a kid who can barely read his own diploma really understands complex medical conditions?

Sorry you can't figure it out. Keep reading the CNN headlines. The US economy is very strong, thanks to Trump. Democrats are economically illiterate. Talking to you about the economy is less enlightening than talking to my elementary aged kids.

stock market took a 600 point dump yesterday when people realized we were stuck with Trump.
And Sanders wants to allow those criminals to vote

Why shouldn't they be?

Have you been listening to what Mark Levin says Bernie will do if elected? Not good.

Can't be any worse than Trump stripping us of our national soul.
Because they are criminals. LOL. So in your crazy world a serial killer should have equal voting rights to a law abiding engineer. This is why the Mods think you’re “crazy”. Trump is many things, a Communist is not one of them.
Because they are criminals. LOL. So in your crazy world a serial killer should have equal voting rights to a law abiding engineer. This is why the Mods think you’re “crazy”. Trump is many things, a Communist is not one of them.

Nothing to do with the communists or the Mods.

Even a Criminal has 'rights" under the bill of rights. There's really no good reason to deny them the right to vote.

Here's the thing. Part of the reason why there's an electoral congressional imbalance is because we lock up 2 million people, and have another 7 million people on parole, there are millions of people who should be able to vote and can't. Even after they've served their time.

But for CENSUS purposes, they are still counted in the Census. which means that little shitkicker town in Rural Cowfuck gets a bunch of extra people on their census roles who can't vote.
Yet you won't say what state that is... funny that.. The whole fucking south is an inbred shithole.. It might be nice if it weren't full of inbred, racist bible thumpers.

There is more racism in the NE than what I see here. Us "bible thumpers" are such trouble. We follow the laws, we are respectful, we have morals, etc. Yeah, it is horrible to live in a place NOT surrounded by gangs and immoral people who don't care about anything or anybody but themselves. I just take it day by day.

You think that a kid who can barely read his own diploma really understands complex medical conditions?

Watch out. I I would have said that you would have called me racist. BTW, yes, I do think they know. What you are saying is that most players in the NFL are dumb as rocks. You said it, not me.

stock market took a 600 point dump yesterday when people realized we were stuck with Trump.

We all know why. The coronavirus scare caused a sell off. It is not an indictment on the fundamentals at all. Again, smart money knows this. I bought a little extra stock last week and sold a couple of days ago to make a little quick money. The market and the economy is in very good shape. Now, if the coronavirus really takes off, that could certainly change things. Maybe that is what you Dems should be hoping for so you can blame it all on Trump's policies. Many sheep will lap it up if CNN tells them it is true.

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