What If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama?

Jul 26, 2010

This video nails it to a tee.

After you finishing watching this video, you would swear that FOX was talking about Trump.

FOX has the biggest group of hypocrites running.
Hey Tard....

What if cnn and msnbctard covered Trump like it covered obozo?

Bite that Tard.....

You Tards and your media have all been proven to be liars......

Barr is going to going to burn your ass.....
What If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama?

What if MSNBC covered Obama the way they do any Republican?

Does Fox have a right wing bias? Yes, I think they do, but those of you who come here day in and day out constantly wetting your bed over Fox never seem have a problem with the overt left wing bias coming from MSNBC, the New York Times, CNN, etc. So, you're not really one to talk about the biggest hypocrite running. You are the biggest hypocrite running.
Like so many the maker of the video linked in the op did not distinguish between straight news people and the talk show host, contributors, and guest which is what everyone in that video fell under.
The OP doesn't have a problem with media bias in reporting; the OP has a problem with Fox News bias in reporting.

It's no secret that Sean Hannity is a Trump advocate. FWIW, I take what Hannity has to say with a grain of salt as I do with virtually every talking head.

It's a bit ironic for the OP to be complaining about Fox News considering that CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, Huffington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, etc., etc., etc. all just participated in the biggest media hoax in the history of our nation. I trust that the OP had NO PROBLEM with that, of course.

Hey Tard....

What if cnn and msnbctard covered Trump like it covered obozo?

Bite that Tard.....

Is that all you've got? Which amounts to nothing, crawl back under your rock AC.

The Truth Hurts you Tards doesn't it....

Wonder what hillary is doing tonight while PRESIDENT TRUMP is MAGA..

MWAGA. Ass Clowns for Trump.

Your Butt Hurt makes me Happy Happy Happy....

Do some more you loser Tard...….

Trump Just keeps SPANKING your ass....

Are we having fun or what..:fu:
Having one news outlet that wasn't kissing Obama's bony ass was too much for you? Without Fox, all news outlets would be reading off of the same talking points sent out by the Democrats. That would be known as state controlled news.
Fox News has a mix of conservative OPINION shows that they tell you are conservative opinion (Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham) and straight news Shep Smith, Bret Baier, etc. Smith is a big lefty as are others on Fox like Donna, and Juan.

The big differences is Fox tells you what is conservative opinion. The other networks decide their Far Left bias as factual news.
Hey Tard....

What if cnn and msnbctard covered Trump like it covered obozo?

Bite that Tard.....

Is that all you've got? Which amounts to nothing, crawl back under your rock AC.

The Truth Hurts you Tards doesn't it....

Wonder what hillary is doing tonight while PRESIDENT TRUMP is MAGA..

MWAGA. Ass Clowns for Trump.

Your Butt Hurt makes me Happy Happy Happy....

Do some more you loser Tard...….

Trump Just keeps SPANKING your ass....

Are we having fun or what..:fu:

Sounds like you are the one with the butt hurt, we don't really need to know that you are into getting your butt spanked. I guess that is one of your fantasy with Trump more power to you. All we can do is laugh at the Ass Clown Trumpers. :fu:
Funny listening to all the Trumpers whining about their super heroes being called out for their hypocrisy. :th_panties:
the ham
the capitalist talk show host who likes trump! biased ? ...oh im shocked !
for real unbaised news i turn to talk show host that reinforces my totalitarian views

I just came across this from fox news

I dont think the op is gonna like it

Joe DiGenova unleashed…
Posted by Kane on April 25, 2019 3:00 am
Categories: Breaking

Joe DiGenova a few hours ago with Mike Huckabee who is filling in for Laura Ingraham
‘John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer, he’s going to need five’
There is so much in this clip – Worth watching all the way to the end
Comey report will be out in two weeks

Ya know somethin ? the walls may be closing in :04::10::11:


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Hey Tard....

What if cnn and msnbctard covered Trump like it covered obozo?

Bite that Tard.....

You Tards and your media have all been proven to be liars......

Barr is going to going to burn your ass.....

Not only MSNBC but ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and NPR. If they covered Trump like they did Obumble he'd have won in a landslide in 2016.

The Op sure is on biased idiot and a whiny little shit to boot.

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