What if Obama had told China we were hacking them?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
What if Obama had leaked everything Snowden leaked? Manning? How would right-wingers have reacted to that? I think I know...

I doubt any right-wingers would have wanted to give Obama a medal and hail him as a hero.

Snowden leaked much more information than has been reported so far. How do I know that? Because I heard Glenn Greenwald with The Guardian confirm that to Chris Hayes on MSNBC a couple hours ago. Will Greenwald "filter" Snowden's leaks like Julian Assange "filtered" Manning's leaks? I guess only time will tell.
What if Obama had told China we were hacking them?

Obama doesn't have to tell China (or Iran or Russia...etc....) it is being hacked! China knows that already.

In these days the whole world is hacking each other. So what's new.
What if Obama had told China we were hacking them?

Obama doesn't have to tell China (or Iran or Russia...etc....) it is being hacked! China knows that already.

In these days the whole world is hacking each other. So what's new.

So, if China already knew that - why did Snowden confirm it?
What if Obama had told China we were hacking them?

Obama doesn't have to tell China (or Iran or Russia...etc....) it is being hacked! China knows that already.

In these days the whole world is hacking each other. So what's new.

So, if China already knew that - why did Snowden confirm it?

ask him! :dunno: but rest assured.... this comes as no news for China... it all comes with the territory ...it's part of Foreign Politics for every single country on this planet....it's called spying. :)
What makes one guy a hero/patriot/true American etc, etc, and the other one a traitor?
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You think they didn't know? Why do people assume that other countries are stupid? The freaking Russians knew more about JFK than the media allowed Americans to know. Media revelations about national security (or the lack of it) are always embarrassing, that's why the mainstream media doesn't reveal them during democrat administrations.
You think they didn't know? Why do people assume that other countries are stupid? The freaking Russians knew more about JFK than the media allowed Americans to know. Media revelations about national security (or the lack of it) are always embarrassing, that's why the mainstream media doesn't reveal them during democrat administrations.

Whether they "knew" or not is beside the point. The point is that an American with a Top Secret clearance and access to classified American secrets CONFIRMED it to the world. I'm sure China finds it amusing, but what isn't amusing is all the other secrets that Snowden leaked to The Guardian - including specific names.
What if Obama had leaked everything Snowden leaked? Manning? How would right-wingers have reacted to that? I think I know...

I doubt any right-wingers would have wanted to give Obama a medal and hail him as a hero.

Snowden leaked much more information than has been reported so far. How do I know this? Because I heard Glenn Greenwald with The Guardian confirm that to Chris Hayes on MSNBC a couple hours ago. Will Greenwald "filter" Snowden's leaks like Julian Assange "filtered" Manning's leaks? I guess only time will tell.

Remember when I posted the article yesterday morning about Snowden being a high school drop out? I've been told it started off that way but he is quite educated now. So the article was 50/50 on the real story so to speak. You don't work for the company he was working for with a GED, Lahota.

As to Obama turning himself in for spying on the American people? How would that possibly benefit him? I know little about Manning as I didn't follow that story closely. As to the story on China - not true. The Obama admin is putting that out there but he didn't do anything illegal concerning China either.

The story is meant to discredit him and make him look like a traitor to the USA. In fact? He's a hero.

By the way, a washington insider contacted Alex Jones a couple of days ago with the story about the angle of accusing Snowden of giving info away to China Obama admin wanted to go with. Looks like he did. Watch this one backfire on him. - Jeri

p.s. Greenwald confirmed it early this morning there was more info - where are you getting your news these days?
You think they didn't know? Why do people assume that other countries are stupid? The freaking Russians knew more about JFK than the media allowed Americans to know. Media revelations about national security (or the lack of it) are always embarrassing, that's why the mainstream media doesn't reveal them during democrat administrations.

Whether they "knew" or not is beside the point. The point is that an American with a Top Secret clearance and access to classified American secrets CONFIRMED it to the world. I'm sure China finds it amusing, but what isn't amusing is all the other secrets that Snowden leaked to The Guardian - including specific names.

If you are referring to his leaking the names on the list for MAIN CORE I think that is coming soon. Two other news sources are claiming that Snowden was gathering the Data for Main Core when he felt he could not go through with it.

One news source had MAIN CORE list at 8 million. I'm told that is a low number and the true number is closer to 30 million. The people on the MAIN CORE list have been designated to FEMA CAMPS in the event of Martial Law. Interesting fact is they were gathering names for MAIN CORE when Bush was in office and I believe Clinton too. Last three administrations.

What if Obama had leaked everything Snowden leaked? Manning? How would right-wingers have reacted to that? I think I know...

I doubt any right-wingers would have wanted to give Obama a medal and hail him as a hero.

Snowden leaked much more information than has been reported so far. How do I know this? Because I heard Glenn Greenwald with The Guardian confirm that to Chris Hayes on MSNBC a couple hours ago. Will Greenwald "filter" Snowden's leaks like Julian Assange "filtered" Manning's leaks? I guess only time will tell.

Remember when I posted the article yesterday morning about Snowden being a high school drop out? I've been told it started off that way but he is quite educated now. So the article was 50/50 on the real story so to speak. You don't work for the company he was working for with a GED, Lahota.

As to Obama turning himself in for spying on the American people? How would that possibly benefit him? I know little about Manning as I didn't follow that story closely. As to the story on China - not true. The Obama admin is putting that out there but he didn't do anything illegal concerning China either.

The story is meant to discredit him and make him look like a traitor to the USA. In fact? He's a hero.

By the way, a washington insider contacted Alex Jones a couple of days ago with the story about the angle of accusing Snowden of giving info away to China Obama admin wanted to go with. Looks like he did. Watch this one backfire on him. - Jeri

p.s. Greenwald confirmed it early this morning there was more info - where are you getting your news these days?

I heard it (again) shortly after 8:00 pm during a live interview with Chris Hayes. However, I already knew that from yesterday.

Glenn Greenwald: 'More Significant Revelations' On Government Surveillance To Come
I do think the American people have a right to learn whether their names are on MAIN CORE list. They also deserve an explanation for why their names are on such a list and what gives the government the right to target Christians, Jews, Patriots, Libertarians, ex - military with a FEMA CAMP indefinite stay.

If you think the American people were angry over their phone conversations and emails being gathered by the government just wait until you see how they respond to this news! Ha!
You think they didn't know? Why do people assume that other countries are stupid? The freaking Russians knew more about JFK than the media allowed Americans to know. Media revelations about national security (or the lack of it) are always embarrassing, that's why the mainstream media doesn't reveal them during democrat administrations.

Whether they "knew" or not is beside the point. The point is that an American with a Top Secret clearance and access to classified American secrets CONFIRMED it to the world. I'm sure China finds it amusing, but what isn't amusing is all the other secrets that Snowden leaked to The Guardian - including specific names.

There was a time when the American mainstream media would print any damn story that they could find about national security but that was when a republican was in the WH. Today they won't go near a story that might embarrass the administration.
What makes one guy a hero/patriot/true American etc, etc, and the other one a traitor?

Who is which?

I have no idea, but I'm getting the sense that there is some sort of left/right divide on this - on this board at least.
I haven't been following the discussion to date.

Not this time. I think everyone is all over the board ( literally ) on this one. There are democrats who believe Snowden is a traitor and democrats who believe he is a hero. Same goes for the Republicans. My Gosh! Who would ever think that it would be Obama Admin that would bring such agreement between both parties on a matter?

It seems Obamas latest actions are bringing all kinds of people together. I'm sure he is just sick over it.

I do think the American people have a right to learn whether their names are on MAIN CORE list. They also deserve an explanation for why their names are on such a list and what gives the government the right to target Christians, Jews, Patriots, Libertarians, ex - military with a FEMA CAMP indefinite stay.

If you think the American people were angry over their phone conversations and emails being gathered by the government just wait until you see how they respond to this news! Ha!

Where is the FEMA CAMP?
Is it somewhere nice?
There was a time when the American mainstream media would print any damn story that they could find about national security but that was when a republican was in the WH. Today they won't go near a story that might embarrass the administration.

The NYT and MSNBC have been reporting these stories very thoroughly.

However, the NYT did withhold the warrentless wiretapping story on the eve of the 2004 election on behalf of Bush. Had their been a Democratic incumbent in the White House, they likely would have had far less fear over reporting the story - and they would have done exactly what they are now doing - reporting on it every day.

Regarding the tired talking point about Liberal Media Bias. Nixon invented this strategy as a way of intimidating the press from fully investigating his crimes. Then, Movement Conservatism adopted this as an official strategy to trick the press into moving continuously to the Right. Bush took it to near comedic levels when he intimidated journalists by saying that anyone who criticized his foreign policy hated the troops and America. This strategy actually worked with the NYT in a number of instances, if not all if them.
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There was a time when the American mainstream media would print any damn story that they could find about national security but that was when a republican was in the WH. Today they won't go near a story that might embarrass the administration.

The NYT and MSNBC have been reporting these stories very thoroughly.

However, the NYT did withhold the warrentless wiretapping story on the eve of the 2004 election on behalf of Bush. Had their been a Democratic incumbent in the White House, they likely would have had far less fear over reporting the story - and they would have done exactly what they are now doing - reporting on it every day.

Regarding the tired talking point about Liberal Media Bias. Nixon invented this strategy as a way of intimidating the press from fully investigating his crimes. Then, Movement Conservatism adopted this as an official strategy to trick the press into moving continuously to the Right. Bush took it to near comedic levels when he intimidated journalists by saying that anyone who criticized his foreign policy hated the troops and America. This strategy actually worked with the NYT in a number of instances, if not all if them.

Great points. I totally agree.

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