What if Obama or HRC had asked a Foreign Leader for dirt on Trump in exchange for Aid?

I'm sure the right can't take responsibility for this latest Trump blunder.

The right can never take responsibility for their actions and hold their politicians accountable. It's always somebody else's fault or some other little pussy excuse.

If HRC or Obama would have done this they would be crying bloody murder and Foxnews would devote 99% of their coverage to this issue.

I just wish the right would have the same rules for both sides, and actually hold their politicians accountable instead of making pathetic excuses for them all the time... Wouldn't that be fair and balanced??

I doubt that they could cry as loud or as long as the dems have since November 2016, but it wouldn't have been a crime for HRC or BHO to do this either. You can thank the Obama justice department for that BTW. Their over zealous pursuit of republicans on trumped up corruption charges got slapped down pretty hard by the Supreme Court. Even the liberal side of the Court joined in on that one.
Hey at least you're honest.

The question was would you be making excuses for HRC and Obama, like you are for Trump? Or do you think Trump committed a crime here?

I am not "making excuses" for anybody. If this were HRC or Obama I would say the same thing. The SCOTUS made it pretty clear that no matter how ugly it appears, telephones calls etc showing support for something by a politician is not an official act for the purposes of getting cuffed and stuffed in the back of a squad car. It has to be an explicit, "If/unless you A, then I will B" type offer.
Good answer.
Trump will probably dodge this, unless there is more.
I'm sure the right can't take responsibility for this latest Trump blunder.

The right can never take responsibility for their actions and hold their politicians accountable. It's always somebody else's fault or some other little pussy excuse.

If HRC or Obama would have done this they would be crying bloody murder and Foxnews would devote 99% of their coverage to this issue.

I just wish the right would have the same rules for both sides, and actually hold their politicians accountable instead of making pathetic excuses for them all the time... Wouldn't that be fair and balanced??

I doubt that they could cry as loud or as long as the dems have since November 2016, but it wouldn't have been a crime for HRC or BHO to do this either. You can thank the Obama justice department for that BTW. Their over zealous pursuit of republicans on trumped up corruption charges got slapped down pretty hard by the Supreme Court. Even the liberal side of the Court joined in on that one.
Hey at least you're honest.

The question was would you be making excuses for HRC and Obama, like you are for Trump? Or do you think Trump committed a crime here?

I am not "making excuses" for anybody. If this were HRC or Obama I would say the same thing. The SCOTUS made it pretty clear that no matter how ugly it appears, telephones calls etc showing support for something by a politician is not an official act for the purposes of getting cuffed and stuffed in the back of a squad car. It has to be an explicit, "If/unless you A, then I will B" type offer.
Good answer.
Trump will probably dodge this, unless there is more.

Of course he will, but this could seriously blowback on Biden. This came out of nowhere with a Biden-supporting lawyer representing the whistleblower. Since Biden has been phoning his campaign in for awhile, it looks like he knew this was coming and this was stunt on their part. Unless Hillary jumps in, Warren will be the nominee.
I'm sure the right can't take responsibility for this latest Trump blunder.

The right can never take responsibility for their actions and hold their politicians accountable. It's always somebody else's fault or some other little pussy excuse.

If HRC or Obama would have done this they would be crying bloody murder and Foxnews would devote 99% of their coverage to this issue.

I just wish the right would have the same rules for both sides, and actually hold their politicians accountable instead of making pathetic excuses for them all the time... Wouldn't that be fair and balanced??
You mean what if the left did exactly what you just posted? They did you moron.
And your factual and proven evidence for this fake news claim is...
Biden on video bragging about it. Payments from the DNC to foreigners for the dossier.

What do you have?
Too bad hiring an investigative firm is perfectly legal, pressuring a foreign leader to investigate a political rival in exchange for aid is a crime... See the distinction.
Swing and miss.
I would be happy if you showed us the distinction. Why would it be a crime to investigate a "rival" in the US or abroad? America has many rivals and they have been investigated abroad many times.
We did investigate a broad. And somehow she's still not in prison.

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