What if Obama spent like Reagan?

Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:


So the tax cuts that Obama continued and the wars that Obama continued contribute to our ridiculous debt, How then can you conclude that Bush is responsible for our ridiculous debt, yet Obama is not?

Regardless of budget deficits and national debt, there is a time to save and a time to spend. Republican austerity has made this recovery extraordinarily slow. Republicans wouldn't allow Obama the same fiscal courtesy as shown to Reagan and Bush to spend out of recession.



If it were up to Obama, the federal government would have spent much more since 2010. Moreover, these numbers are, in large part, functions of the economies the three men inherited. Each saw a recession in their first term, but Obama's was by far the worst, and so it led to much more severe cutbacks in state and local spending.

Rather, these graphs simply establish a basic fact about Obama's term: While deficits have indeed been high, government spending and investment has been falling since 2010. This is, in recent presidential administrations, a simply unprecedented response to a recession.

Basic economic theory would hold that you want a larger contribution from government spending during a big recession in which private demand is weak than you do during a mild recession or a healthy economy. But that's been the case in Obama's economy, and all signs are that the pace of government spending cuts will accelerate sharply over the next year.

Phil Klein argues that it's important to note spending skyrocketed in 2008, and so Obama was starting from an abnormally high baseline, and so the comparison between change in government spending under Obama and change in government spending under other presidents is flawed. That's absolutely true. But it's applicable to much more than just government spending. The jump in spending in 2008 was the direct and sole consequence of the financial recession.

Charts: What if Obama spent like Reagan? - The Washington Post

we would have a bigger stronger America, starting with the military and border patrol. :up:
Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:


When are people going to learn that not stealing money from people does not increase the deficit?

Correct of course, BUT when you run your accounting department the way the CBO does, well first of all you would be in jail and second of all you can claim that tax cuts are lost revenue.
NewsFLASH!!! Rates for the top were allowed to increase to their prior levels :eusa_whistle: You must not be rich or you woulda' known that.
Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:


So the tax cuts that Obama continued and the wars that Obama continued contribute to our ridiculous debt, How then can you conclude that Bush is responsible for our ridiculous debt, yet Obama is not?

NewsFLASH!!! Rates for the top were allowed to increase to their prior levels :eusa_whistle: You must not be rich or you woulda' known that.
Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:


So the tax cuts that Obama continued and the wars that Obama continued contribute to our ridiculous debt, How then can you conclude that Bush is responsible for our ridiculous debt, yet Obama is not?

LOL You mean they went up an entire 4% in 2013, FIVE years after Obama took office? I guess his financial people were telling him there must have been a good reason to keep those cuts in place until 2013 eh? Oh , I know it was cuz of BOOOOSH!!!

And as has been pointed out, normal accountants don't count money that isn't owed as lost revenue, only dumb shit government accountants and liberal hacks do that
Righties cannot factually dispute this thread. They blow smoke - but no hard facts. What righties tend to ignore most of all is CONTEXT.

Context doesn't even come in to play with math. How the hell do you claim to need to put math in context? It's math. Context is gone with math. It's reality.
Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:

He actually forced you to go full retard? Seems to me like you couldn't wait. Maybe the first 11 times you posted this stupidity you would have learned but apparently not.

Is there any hope you will get your head out of your ass before you post this a 13th time?
Is that the Repub-voter way of admitting you blew it? You rw'ers are beyond the pale. You stated that the President kept W's tax-cuts going. I proved that he didn't & you just come back w/ an ad hom? Go to the kiddie pool but not before this: :fu:
NewsFLASH!!! Rates for the top were allowed to increase to their prior levels :eusa_whistle: You must not be rich or you woulda' known that.
Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:


So the tax cuts that Obama continued and the wars that Obama continued contribute to our ridiculous debt, How then can you conclude that Bush is responsible for our ridiculous debt, yet Obama is not?

LOL You mean they went up an entire 4% in 2013, FIVE years after Obama took office? I guess his financial people were telling him there must have been a good reason to keep those cuts in place until 2013 eh? Oh , I know it was cuz of BOOOOSH!!!

And as has been pointed out, normal accountants don't count money that isn't owed as lost revenue, only dumb shit government accountants and liberal hacks do that
Is that the Repub-voter way of admitting you blew it? You rw'ers are beyond the pale. You stated that the President kept W's tax-cuts going. I proved that he didn't & you just come back w/ an ad hom? Go to the kiddie pool but not before this: :fu:
NewsFLASH!!! Rates for the top were allowed to increase to their prior levels :eusa_whistle: You must not be rich or you woulda' known that.
Dont Taz Me Bro FORCED me to post this for the 12th time:


So the tax cuts that Obama continued and the wars that Obama continued contribute to our ridiculous debt, How then can you conclude that Bush is responsible for our ridiculous debt, yet Obama is not?

LOL You mean they went up an entire 4% in 2013, FIVE years after Obama took office? I guess his financial people were telling him there must have been a good reason to keep those cuts in place until 2013 eh? Oh , I know it was cuz of BOOOOSH!!!

And as has been pointed out, normal accountants don't count money that isn't owed as lost revenue, only dumb shit government accountants and liberal hacks do that

Actually, I proved that he DID continue the tax cuts, for FIVE years. Which is exactly the opposite of your claim that he did not continue them.

I mean use your head a little here, even if he keeps the tax rates at their present level for the rest of his Presidency, he will have had them at "the Bush cut" level for longer than he had them at the higher level. Meaning that by ANY reasonable standard he continued the Bush tax cuts.
Theres no gray area here. He either kept the tax cuts or he didn't during his Presidency. He won the battle in the Fiscal Cliff stand-off last year & rates went up for the wealthiest. You can't spin your way out of this.

I'm done w/ THIS one.
Theres no gray area here. He either kept the tax cuts or he didn't during his Presidency. He won the battle in the Fiscal Cliff stand-off last year & rates went up for the wealthiest. You can't spin your way out of this.

I'm done w/ THIS one.

For the first time you are in this thread, TWICE in fact.

First , you are right, there is no gray area, For the first five years he kept the tax cuts which you now say were evil.

Second, you ARE done here, because you have thoroughly been Bear hugged to the point where any further attempt by you to some how win a minor point or two is laughable.

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