What if Obama was a Muslim?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I tend to find judge mental people are not nice and lack the ability to understand others. They are quick to condemn others who don't live up to their standards and fail to understand why others may not live up to their standard. this is why I like the teachings of Jesus Christ because it is one of the few religions that reminds people that no one can live up to any standard, high or low, perfectly. Unfortunately, most people forget that this is the main message of Christianity but I digress.

I don't think Islam preaches this. It is like most religions in that they tell people the basics like don't steal don't kill, etc, etc. I don't think it is fair to pull out some obscure text out of the Koran and use it to condemn a religion such as where it says nonmuslims are slaves. I don't know of any Muslim who practices that part of the religion any more than any Christian stones adulterers. It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise. It's really a matter of trust because the liberal media has a history of covering for the presidents they think should be in office. It's really an elitist attitude that basically believes that the people are not capable of running the government by deciding who should be in it.

The story we always get about FDR is that the public wasn't told he was handicap because the media felt they wouldn't vote for him. That is probably true but why do some people feel they can just override the democratic process when they feel that the public is wrong? Who decided that these people can run the world ahead of everyone else!

I guess when your general political philosophy is that people are unequal then it is natural to believe decisions have to be made in the public interest in The same way parents override their children's decisions when the parent feels the children's decision is a bad one. This is fine for children but we are all adults who left the nest a long time ago.
Let's see.
Christians don't stone people. That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?
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Let's see.
Christians don't stone people. That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?
Totally ignorant of that shit stain history of christ insanity aren't you

Christian Persecution of Jews over the Centuries Introduction United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Jewish Persecution Timeline of Judaism History of AntiSemitism
Let's see.
Christians don't stone people.
That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?

Bush believed god told him to invade Iraq. In the process of following the orders of his christian deity he ordered the bombing and shooting of hundreds of thousands of people.

Stoning someone isn't as impersonal as ordering the blowing of hundreds of thousands of human beings into red mist but I'm thinking it falls a bit short of the evil of mass murder.
I have no use for judgmental religionists and atheists: stone them all. :lol:

"I do think Obama is a Muslim" is not something you should put on your applications.
He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House.

Obama has overthrown our allies? Obama, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood in a compact of some sort? Seriously? Where is the secret agreement with Iran you've knowledge of? When was the Bin Laden, EIG, et al, 1998 Fatwa "Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders" nullified. That's tin foil hat crazy for Coco puffs shit! You do understand, or perhaps don't freakin' know or care, that Iran is dominantly of the Shi'a sect, the MB is Sunni which spread from Egypt and Obama is an American President. Your idea of a conspiracy between the three is preposterous in the extreme!

Get off those drugs, put down those mushrooms, stop licking that frog and find the nearest rehab clinic! When you're released, do some research, for the love of God!
Let's see.
Christians don't stone people. That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?
Obama also said that he believed that marriage is to be between a man and a woman in 2008 (not same sex marriage). One of obama's closest advisors has come out that Obama lied about that to be elected. Obama, like many politicians, will say anything (lie) to get elected and/or gain political power. I don't know that Obama is a Muslim, but his actions at times make it seem that he is more sympathetic to Islam than he is to Christianity. He may be a pagan for all I know.
If he is a Muslim, that makes him a liar because he's denied it for years. Character matters and he is morally bankrupt.
It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

You don't link a reference to whatever story you're talking about but from the description this would be what's called an "honor killing". These are ancient socio-cultural practices that predate Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism, and every other religion that may happen to coincide with the barbaric practice. It's known to anthropologists to have developed on every continent in the world except Antarctica, including the Roman Empire. Has nothing to do with Islam or any other religion. It's older than all of them. Henry VIII used it on Catherine Howard to get her out of the way too.

Obviously there's nothing "religious" about what tribe one belongs to. But it reaffirms the point above; these are actions directly related to the local social structures. In India where it's still going on rampantly it commonly involves "caste-mixing" and/or couples deciding for themselves who to hook up with, as opposed to the equally-ancient practice of "arranged" marriages.

And we've done this distinction to death, no pun intended. Female genital mutilation -- same thing. These are ancient tribal customs designed to control social classes, first and foremost, women.
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Let's see.
Christians don't stone people. That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?
Totally ignorant of that shit stain history of christ insanity aren't you

Christian Persecution of Jews over the Centuries Introduction United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Jewish Persecution Timeline of Judaism History of AntiSemitism

If you can point out one sinner that Christ stoned, I will stop following Christ.
All too often anti-Christians use mankind to represent Christ. Christ came to salvage man, not crown him.
No where in the Bible does Christ instruct on how to stone.
Let's see.
Christians don't stone people.
That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?

Bush believed god told him to invade Iraq. In the process of following the orders of his christian deity he ordered the bombing and shooting of hundreds of thousands of people.

Stoning someone isn't as impersonal as ordering the blowing of hundreds of thousands of human beings into red mist but I'm thinking it falls a bit short of the evil of mass murder.

So are you blaming God for bombing Iraq, or Bush? Because the two are not the same. If I told you the reason I killed your child is because God told me to, would you believe that God told me to?

Want to see what God actually says to Christians, then invade Israel. This result will be the direct action of the God of Abraham:

But on that day, the day that Gog shall come against the land of Israel, declares the Lord God, and my wrath will be roused in my anger. in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, shall quake at my presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Lord God. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. I will enter into judgment with him, and I will rain upon him and his hordes and the many peoples who are with him torrential rains and hailstones, fire and sulfur. holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord

Having said that, God may have very well "spoken" to Bush. Just as Satan may have told Obama to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace our ally with a terrorist group. And then again, Satan may have been directing them both. We have kicked God out of this country, and Satan is the prince behind the Kings, so.....

What we know for sure is that what we see taking place was predicted, and is spot on.
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I tend to find judge mental people are not nice and lack the ability to understand others. They are quick to condemn others who don't live up to their standards and fail to understand why others may not live up to their standard. this is why I like the teachings of Jesus Christ because it is one of the few religions that reminds people that no one can live up to any standard, high or low, perfectly. Unfortunately, most people forget that this is the main message of Christianity but I digress.

I don't think Islam preaches this. It is like most religions in that they tell people the basics like don't steal don't kill, etc, etc. I don't think it is fair to pull out some obscure text out of the Koran and use it to condemn a religion such as where it says nonmuslims are slaves. I don't know of any Muslim who practices that part of the religion any more than any Christian stones adulterers. It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise. It's really a matter of trust because the liberal media has a history of covering for the presidents they think should be in office. It's really an elitist attitude that basically believes that the people are not capable of running the government by deciding who should be in it.

The story we always get about FDR is that the public wasn't told he was handicap because the media felt they wouldn't vote for him. That is probably true but why do some people feel they can just override the democratic process when they feel that the public is wrong? Who decided that these people can run the world ahead of everyone else!

I guess when your general political philosophy is that people are unequal then it is natural to believe decisions have to be made in the public interest in The same way parents override their children's decisions when the parent feels the children's decision is a bad one. This is fine for children but we are all adults who left the nest a long time ago.

Jesus stopped the stoning of Mary Magdalene, and said sin no more, she became one of His most trusted followers.

As a christian I am so tired of people using scripture or their view of religion and twist it to fit their needs or belief's.
What are you doing? Your up on the soap box doing just that.

The freaken Bushes were friends with the Laden's, and got his family out of America day's following 9/11
Bin Laden Family Evacuated - CBS News

The religious extremist came out and said it happened because of all the gay's in our country .
Falwell Suggests Gays to Blame for Attacks - ABC News

To me that turned so many people away from God as if that is what a christian is forget it.
There is more damage done my our words and will have to answer to God about the ones who rejected God because of uppity Holier-than-thou gossip.

When are people going to stop using religion and bashing Obama?

I recall the same people who religiously bash Obama are the same ones who ran around saying.." If you don't respect our President and the War , than your not being a good christian." :lalala:

I tend to find judge mental people are not nice and lack the ability to understand others. They are quick to condemn others who don't live up to their standards and fail to understand why others may not live up to their standard. this is why I like the teachings of Jesus Christ because it is one of the few religions that reminds people that no one can live up to any standard, high or low, perfectly. Unfortunately, most people forget that this is the main message of Christianity but I digress.

I don't think Islam preaches this. It is like most religions in that they tell people the basics like don't steal don't kill, etc, etc. I don't think it is fair to pull out some obscure text out of the Koran and use it to condemn a religion such as where it says nonmuslims are slaves. I don't know of any Muslim who practices that part of the religion any more than any Christian stones adulterers. It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise. It's really a matter of trust because the liberal media has a history of covering for the presidents they think should be in office. It's really an elitist attitude that basically believes that the people are not capable of running the government by deciding who should be in it.

The story we always get about FDR is that the public wasn't told he was handicap because the media felt they wouldn't vote for him. That is probably true but why do some people feel they can just override the democratic process when they feel that the public is wrong? Who decided that these people can run the world ahead of everyone else!

I guess when your general political philosophy is that people are unequal then it is natural to believe decisions have to be made in the public interest in The same way parents override their children's decisions when the parent feels the children's decision is a bad one. This is fine for children but we are all adults who left the nest a long time ago.

Does not matter one way or the other.

Under our Constitution there is No State Sponsored, No State Supported, No State Funded, No State Sanctioned Religion.

The individual Right To Religious Freedom is exactly that, an Individual Right. No person can be coerced, compelled, blackmailed or otherwise forced to attend any particular Religious Service.

Only RW Religious Zealots try to tell you what they think you should believe.
Sorry bout that,

1. If his mouth is moving he is lying.
2. I sure hope he is kept on a tight leash.
3. And there are security arrangements in place to protect the world from his usage of the nuclear football as its called.
4. This raghead would blow up DC. in order to wipe out the United States Government, not unlike 911, I am sure he is dreaming about allah and this very thing every night/ while he crawls into bed with that dual piped person.

There is no crime in being Muslim. Just as there is no crrime in being Christian or being Jewish.

There is no crime in a Diest. There is no crime in being an Atheist.

The only reason any person make believing in certain Religion a crime is because of the underlying hatred that person has.

As a Diest, I do not attend any formal Religious Service, I do not want, need, desire, request or require any formal Religious Service. Why should I?
He's a NWO Globalist Elite Trojan Horse...

Half White/Half Black, Half American/Half Foreigner, Half Communist/Half Capitalist, and Half Muslim/Half Christian.

Who really knows what or who the man is? He's everything, and nothing. The perfect NWO puppet Trojan Horse.
I love how people equate that if he is a Muslim (which I doubt, but also don't care) with being a terrorist. The vast overwhelmingly majority of Muslims are NOT terrorists and to assume if he's a Muslim, he must be a terrorist is really just the sort of ignorant behavior that makes all the subsequent arguments you make look like the words of a child.

Every politician ever says they are Christian because people seem to think, unfortunately, that that's a must. Most politicians have too much ego to worship anyone but themselves. I doubt George Bush believes in God, and that speech he gave about God telling him to invade Iraq was probably just a conversation he had in the mirror.

I do believe the very craziest of the right wing politicians are really Christian, and they seem to think they should impose their religious doctrines on the country as a whole. This comes from people somehow under the assumption we started as a Christian nation.

Thomas Jefferson was an atheist, Benjamin Franklin, atheist. Thomas Payne, whose writings inspired the common people into the revolution, also wrote that Christianity was just a new face for pagan sun worship. We are not a Christian nation. Separation of church and state.

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