What if Obama was a Muslim?

He's a NWO Globalist Elite Trojan Horse...Half White/Half Black, Half American/Half Foreigner, Half Communist/Half Capitalist, and Half Muslim/Half Christian. Who really knows what or who the man is? He's everything, and nothing. The perfect NWO puppet Trojan Horse.
Paulitician you are describing your own character, not that of Obama.
Jefferson was a deist, Franklin a polytheist, Paine a deisit, and maybe Ethan Allan was deist (on Tuesdays). Let's stay with what we coan prove.

America is generally a nation of Christians.

America is not a Christian nation.
He's a NWO Globalist Elite Trojan Horse...Half White/Half Black, Half American/Half Foreigner, Half Communist/Half Capitalist, and Half Muslim/Half Christian. Who really knows what or who the man is? He's everything, and nothing. The perfect NWO puppet Trojan Horse.
Paulitician you are describing your own character, not that of Obama.

The man is a mystery. And he never had American Citizens' backs. It'll be great to see him go. Hopefully we'll at least get an actual American as President next time.
He's a NWO Globalist Elite Trojan Horse...Half White/Half Black, Half American/Half Foreigner, Half Communist/Half Capitalist, and Half Muslim/Half Christian. Who really knows what or who the man is? He's everything, and nothing. The perfect NWO puppet Trojan Horse.
Paulitician you are describing your own character, not that of Obama.

The man is a mystery. And he never had American Citizens' backs. It'll be great to see him go. Hopefully we'll at least get an actual American as President next time.
No, he is not. He is an American citizen from Hawaii, a poor boy in a single mom home, who scaled the heights of American politics. He is a post- WWII and Cold War American. You don't like or understand is the issue.
Here's the thing.

When retards claim Obama is a Muslim, they say it in a way to suggest that being a Muslim is a bad thing.

So they are not only stupid, they are stupid bigots.
If he is a Muslim, that makes him a liar because he's denied it for years. Character matters and he is morally bankrupt.
He isn't a Muslim, and so that makes you a retard.

Turnabout is fair play!
Let's see.
Christians don't stone people. That was a Jewish Law. Remember Christ refusing to condone the stoning of a woman caught in the act of adultery?

Obama is indeed a Muslim, and you need nothing more than his actions to prove it.
Although he professed to being a Christian, he insisted on any crosses he might encounter, being coved up or moved while speaking at Notre Dame for instance, and others.

He has overthrown all of our allies in favor of terrorist Iran and the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. < They are his advisors in the White House. He insists that Israel give away what precious little land they have to the terrorist organization Hamas.

He keeps reenlisting the terrorists we have fought and died to capture at Gitmo, and more recently, in Afghanistan.

Other than Muslims, who do you know that fasts during Ramadan?
Totally ignorant of that shit stain history of christ insanity aren't you

Christian Persecution of Jews over the Centuries Introduction United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Jewish Persecution Timeline of Judaism History of AntiSemitism

That the best you can do?
there I no "What if" anymore. If not that he's a Muslim Sympathizer, which is as bad as communist sympathizer running our country. I'm still shocked you people put him in as President when all this KNOWN about him
Remember this story that got all you rubes excited? White House Forgets to Pay Father s Day Lunch Tab - ABC News

Guess what that lunch tab was for.

As the group chatted about fatherhood, the president enjoyed a steaming plate of pork ribs with hot sauce, collard greens, red beans and rice and cornbread.

Christians persecuted Jews. Nothing new there. And that does not excuse Guno's atheism. That is an idiocy. To the OP: BHO is not a Muslim. Lonestar would be more likely to be one than Obama.
I tend to find judge mental people are not nice and lack the ability to understand others. They are quick to condemn others who don't live up to their standards and fail to understand why others may not live up to their standard. this is why I like the teachings of Jesus Christ because it is one of the few religions that reminds people that no one can live up to any standard, high or low, perfectly. Unfortunately, most people forget that this is the main message of Christianity but I digress.

I don't think Islam preaches this. It is like most religions in that they tell people the basics like don't steal don't kill, etc, etc. I don't think it is fair to pull out some obscure text out of the Koran and use it to condemn a religion such as where it says nonmuslims are slaves. I don't know of any Muslim who practices that part of the religion any more than any Christian stones adulterers. It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise. It's really a matter of trust because the liberal media has a history of covering for the presidents they think should be in office. It's really an elitist attitude that basically believes that the people are not capable of running the government by deciding who should be in it.

The story we always get about FDR is that the public wasn't told he was handicap because the media felt they wouldn't vote for him. That is probably true but why do some people feel they can just override the democratic process when they feel that the public is wrong? Who decided that these people can run the world ahead of everyone else!

I guess when your general political philosophy is that people are unequal then it is natural to believe decisions have to be made in the public interest in The same way parents override their children's decisions when the parent feels the children's decision is a bad one. This is fine for children but we are all adults who left the nest a long time ago.

You mean "since he is"... right?
Here is his little Iranian Assistant pulling his strings. If you haven't seen this yet, then you like to bury your head in the sand. it's much easier

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If he is a Muslim, that makes him a liar because he's denied it for years. Character matters and he is morally bankrupt.
He isn't a Muslim, and so that makes you a retard.

Turnabout is fair play!
Clementine is more likely to be a Muslim then Obama.
I guess we should ask Reverend Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ if Obama is a Muslim.

I honestly don't know how the retards are able to hold contradictory thoughts without their empty heads exploding from cognitive dissonance.
He's a NWO Globalist Elite Trojan Horse...Half White/Half Black, Half American/Half Foreigner, Half Communist/Half Capitalist, and Half Muslim/Half Christian. Who really knows what or who the man is? He's everything, and nothing. The perfect NWO puppet Trojan Horse.
Paulitician you are describing your own character, not that of Obama.

The man is a mystery. And he never had American Citizens' backs. It'll be great to see him go. Hopefully we'll at least get an actual American as President next time.
No, he is not. He is an American citizen from Hawaii, a poor boy in a single mom home, who scaled the heights of American politics. He is a post- WWII and Cold War American. You don't like or understand is the issue.

Who knows what or who he really is. One thing's for sure though, he ruled like an Anti-American Globalist Foreigner. He never had America's back. Hopefully, we'll do better next time.
He's a NWO Globalist Elite Trojan Horse...Half White/Half Black, Half American/Half Foreigner, Half Communist/Half Capitalist, and Half Muslim/Half Christian. Who really knows what or who the man is? He's everything, and nothing. The perfect NWO puppet Trojan Horse.
Paulitician you are describing your own character, not that of Obama.

The man is a mystery. And he never had American Citizens' backs. It'll be great to see him go. Hopefully we'll at least get an actual American as President next time.
No, he is not. He is an American citizen from Hawaii, a poor boy in a single mom home, who scaled the heights of American politics. He is a post- WWII and Cold War American. You don't like or understand is the issue.

Who knows what or who he really is. One thing's for sure though, he ruled like an Anti-American Globalist Foreigner. He never had America's back. Hopefully, we'll do better next time.
No, he did not, and he will never rule again after this term ends.
I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise.


  • Eats pork
  • drinks beer
  • baptized
  • married a Christian woman
  • baptized his children
  • doesn't observe Ramadan
  • doesn't pray 5 times a day towards Mecca.
  • owns a dog
Worst Muslim Ever.

And you people believe this shit.
I tend to find judge mental people are not nice and lack the ability to understand others. They are quick to condemn others who don't live up to their standards and fail to understand why others may not live up to their standard. this is why I like the teachings of Jesus Christ because it is one of the few religions that reminds people that no one can live up to any standard, high or low, perfectly. Unfortunately, most people forget that this is the main message of Christianity but I digress.

I don't think Islam preaches this. It is like most religions in that they tell people the basics like don't steal don't kill, etc, etc. I don't think it is fair to pull out some obscure text out of the Koran and use it to condemn a religion such as where it says nonmuslims are slaves. I don't know of any Muslim who practices that part of the religion any more than any Christian stones adulterers. It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise. It's really a matter of trust because the liberal media has a history of covering for the presidents they think should be in office. It's really an elitist attitude that basically believes that the people are not capable of running the government by deciding who should be in it.

The story we always get about FDR is that the public wasn't told he was handicap because the media felt they wouldn't vote for him. That is probably true but why do some people feel they can just override the democratic process when they feel that the public is wrong? Who decided that these people can run the world ahead of everyone else!

I guess when your general political philosophy is that people are unequal then it is natural to believe decisions have to be made in the public interest in The same way parents override their children's decisions when the parent feels the children's decision is a bad one. This is fine for children but we are all adults who left the nest a long time ago.
I tend to find judge mental people are not nice and lack the ability to understand others. They are quick to condemn others who don't live up to their standards and fail to understand why others may not live up to their standard. this is why I like the teachings of Jesus Christ because it is one of the few religions that reminds people that no one can live up to any standard, high or low, perfectly. Unfortunately, most people forget that this is the main message of Christianity but I digress.

I don't think Islam preaches this. It is like most religions in that they tell people the basics like don't steal don't kill, etc, etc. I don't think it is fair to pull out some obscure text out of the Koran and use it to condemn a religion such as where it says nonmuslims are slaves. I don't know of any Muslim who practices that part of the religion any more than any Christian stones adulterers. It is fair to condemn the practice of stoning when it is being used such as the stoning death of a 14 year old girl that occurred in Iran. How could you not? Don't give me that crap that it is cultural differences because the girl was stoned because she was in love with a boy in a different tribe. Was Juliet stoned because she fell in love with Romeo?

I do think Obama is a Muslim despite the fact that the liberal media says otherwise. It's really a matter of trust because the liberal media has a history of covering for the presidents they think should be in office. It's really an elitist attitude that basically believes that the people are not capable of running the government by deciding who should be in it.

The story we always get about FDR is that the public wasn't told he was handicap because the media felt they wouldn't vote for him. That is probably true but why do some people feel they can just override the democratic process when they feel that the public is wrong? Who decided that these people can run the world ahead of everyone else!

I guess when your general political philosophy is that people are unequal then it is natural to believe decisions have to be made in the public interest in The same way parents override their children's decisions when the parent feels the children's decision is a bad one. This is fine for children but we are all adults who left the nest a long time ago.

You believe. Who gives a fuck what you believe.
If he is a Muslim, that makes him a liar because he's denied it for years. Character matters and he is morally bankrupt.
He isn't a Muslim, and so that makes you a retard.

Turnabout is fair play!

The OP asked what if he was a Muslim. I answered the question. You are the idiot because you can't understand the response in relation to the question posed.

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