What If Obama Were To Admit It?

Would an admission of the truth by their messiah, their god, make even an iota of difference to his willing servants??????
We'll see.....and in this thread I'll prove what most of us have known for years.....

1.You know, if Obama were to admit that the sub rosa rumors were true all along….that he favored the 7th century head chopping faith over the Judeo-Christian one that made America great. Would it make any difference to those who denied it for years, and continue to support Obama, those ‘reliable Democrat voters’?
Interesting query?

Let’s find out. For those who claim not to be convinced of where Obama’s real faith lies, a simple challenge. Explain the evidence this thread will provide does anything but prove....PROVE....that Obama was an undercover agent for the other side.
An intellectual challenge supported in 9 posts.

I predict that those blinded by ideology will decline the challenge and refuse to accept the clear and evident conclusion. And....probably just shrug.
Let’s see.

2.Know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than the life of Hussein Obama.

PolitiFact posted this:
“…Obama's father was from Africa, and Obama has said his father was born a Muslim.

Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from 1967 to 1971, approximately from the ages of 6 to 10.

…Indonesia is a Muslim country, and Obama attended a public school there, ….substantiated evidence indicates Obama attended a public school that taught a small amount of mainstream Islam. The news reports say that Obama's registration form indicates his religion was Muslim,…” Obama attended an Indonesian public school

3. A key difference between Islam and western religion is the doctrine that lying in defense of the faith is required.

Taqiya is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion. However, it is also permitted in Sunni Islam under certain circumstances.” Taqiyya - Wikiquote

Sometimes, an adherent may slip up….
“ The words "my Muslim faith" were uttered by Barack Obama in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos, excerpted on YouTube.[1]
· Obama: Let's not play games. What I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come at my ...

· Stephanopoulos: [breaking in] Christian faith

  • Obama: [stuttering] ma - my Christian faith ... “

Did you ever make that mistake….say you were Muslim? Never??? Not even once?????

But, as every adult know, reality is defined by actions, not by words. Are there actions by Obama that could only be attributed to one favoring the Muslim over a more western religion?

You betcha’….and this thread will highlight a whole bunch of ‘em.

He was a muslim and ate dogs. I approve of your whine. (-:

And one more brain-dead drone who is incensed about the revelations of the truth about Obama, but has no way to dispute any of the posts....checks in.

And another one bites the dust.
He was a muslim and ate dogs. I approve of your whine. (-:

He still eats puppies and PETA is fine with it:


BTW, that's not a wedding ring...all part of the scam....his uncle gave it to him it's got a muslim inscription on it.

BTW, that's not a wedding ring...all part of the scam....his uncle gave it to him it's got a muslim inscription on it.
You lying scum assholes will believe anything and then STUPIDLY parrot it on a public forum.
What I can say about Obama is his actions as president ,the way he presented himself and our country to the world makes Trump and his supporters look like the filth, the traitors they are

How about his undying support for
the Muslim Brotherhood
Iran's nuclear program

Stop being so wooden-headed.

Obama bombed ISIS back to the stone age, and ENDED Iran's nuclear program.

Yes he supported a democratically elected moderate Muslim government over an authoritarian dictatorship. Not all Muslim governments are like ISIS or Iran. Egypt is a mess, as is most of the Middle East. There are often no good choices. Did you want Obama to invade and toss them out?

Who would YOU support to run Egypt?

Trump cancelled the nuclear deal let Iran start its nuclear program again. They should have a nuclear weapon in the near future, depending on how far their destruction of their facilities had gotten when Trump pulled out. Now he's pulling out of Syria before ISIS is fully defeated, ceded the Middle East to Iran, Russia and Syria. That sounds a lot more destructive in real terms than anything Obama supposed said.

Want another chance?

Any lies here?

Just for argument’s sake, let’s suppose that Obama was an undercover Muslim….who might want to help him to…..advance?

“…Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who reportedly was raising money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In the interview, Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s.

Sutton described al-Mansour as advisor to “one of the world’s richest men,” Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal.” Daily Thought Pad: Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl

“But when you’re watching this in the campaign, and you’re onto this story, you’re saying, “Why isn’t anyone in the major media asking how it is that this radical anti-Semite, Khalid al Mansour, was pushing Obama into Harvard twenty years before the election?” Isn’t this worth investigating, this connection? No it wasn’t—it was worth burying…But they just buried that whole story, and when I saw that—I mean, you know this, and you and Accuracy Media have been confronting this for years, how they bury stories that they simply don’t want to share with the rest of the world.”
Obama Deconstructed: An Interview with Jack Cashill

Or…put it this way: why would a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist, and the Saudis….want to see Obama as President?

Let's just suppose? How about we go with facts, not the fevered imaginations of a lying, racist, piece of shit such as yourself.

Let's talk about the 100+ felony charges that have been filed by the Mueller probe in regards to the dealings of members of the Trump Campaign, members of the Trump Transition team, Trump's personal staff and friends, and all of the guilty pleas, and jury findings of guilt. All related to their dealings with Russia and Russians.

Let's talk about a President whose foreign policy aligns with that of American's most hostile enemy of the past 70 years, while fracturing and alienating America's strategic allies and trading partners, all to the detriment of US trade relations, and military alliances the world over. Declaring Canada a "security threat", while telling the world that Putin had to invade Afghanistan because of terrorism. Lying to the American people daily in order to further an agenda of racism, bigotry, misogyny and hatred.

Instead of just supposing the President is hostile to America's interests, let's talk about the President who we can proven is in the pay of a hostile foreign power: Donald J. Trump.

These are facts:

2.Know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than the life of Hussein Obama.

“…Obama's father was from Africa, and Obama has said his father was born a Muslim.

Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from 1967 to 1971, approximately from the ages of 6 to 10.

…Indonesia is a Muslim country, and Obama attended a public school there, ….substantiated evidence indicates Obama attended a public school that taught a small amount of mainstream Islam. The news reports say that Obama's registration form indicates his religion was Muslim,…” Obama attended an Indonesian public school

3. A key difference between Islam and western religion is the doctrine that lying in defense of the faith is required.

Taqiya is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecutionor compulsion. However, it is also permitted in Sunni Islam under certain circumstances.” Taqiyya - Wikiquote

Sometimes, an adherent may slip up….
“ The words "my Muslim faith" were uttered by Barack Obama in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos, excerpted on YouTube.[1]
· Obama: Let's not play games. What I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come at my ...

· Stephanopoulos: [breaking in] Christian faith

  • Obama: [stuttering] ma - my Christian faith ... “

Did you ever make that mistake….say you were Muslim? Never??? Not even once?????

4. Just for argument’s sake, let’s suppose that Obama was an undercover Muslim….who might want to help him to…..advance?

“…Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who reportedly was raising money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In the interview, Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s.

Sutton described al-Mansour as advisor to “one of the world’s richest men,” Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal.” Daily Thought Pad: Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl

“But when you’re watching this in the campaign, and you’re onto this story, you’re saying, “Why isn’t anyone in the major media asking how it is that this radical anti-Semite, Khalid al Mansour, was pushing Obama into Harvard twenty years before the election?” Isn’t this worth investigating, this connection? No it wasn’t—it was worth burying…But they just buried that whole story, and when I saw that—I mean, you know this, and you and Accuracy Media have been confronting this for years, how they bury stories that they simply don’t want to share with the rest of the world.”
Obama Deconstructed: An Interview with Jack Cashill

Or…put it this way: why would a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist, and the Saudis….want to see Obama as President?

5. Jump to 2009….Obama as President…time to re-pay for all the help: President Barack Obama delivers a speech at American University in Cairo, Egypt, that “promised a new beginning with Muslim and Arab countries.”

“Obama gave front-row seats to Muslim Brotherhood in 2009 Cairo Speech” Obama gave front-row seats to Muslim Brotherhood in 2009 Cairo Speech

Know anything about this group favored by Hussein Obama?

The Nazis were largely responsible for the creation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the first modern mass movement of political Islam (1928): they hoped to use the Brotherhood against the British in the Middle East.
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 60,
and John Loftus, ‘The Muslim Brotherhood,
The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and al-Qaeda

Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler.http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=28588

"The Muslim Brotherhood is a group that worries us not because it deals with philosophical or ideological ideas but because it defends the use of violence against civilians". Poole, Patrick, (26 March 2007). "Mainstreaming the Muslim Brotherhood". FrontPage Magazine. p. 39.

6."Obama White House Declares Muslim Brotherhood Is Not a Terrorist OrganizationLatest Blog Posts | CBN.com
"The Muslim Brotherhood called for “a long, uncompromising jihad” in Egypt just days after a delegation of the Islamist group’s key leaders and allies met with the State Department, according to an official statement released this week.

Just days after a delegation that included two top Brotherhood leaders was hosted at the State Department, the organization released an official statement calling on its supporters to “prepare” for jihad, according to an independent translation of the statement first posted on Tuesday."
Open Jihad Declared in Egypt Following State Dept. Meeting with Muslim Brotherhood-Aligned Leaders

Which Obama declared that…the Christian one, or the Muslim one????

You claimed you could prove them to be lies.


All fake news, not a credible source in the bunch.
Every step reeks of Obama’s plans to advance the most barbaric of doctrines, Islamofascism: installs the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and clears the field for ISIS….

10. Then, there’s this: Obama’s support for the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, the maniacs waiting for 12th Imam to immolate the entire world? An accident? Or based on his faith?
Obama made certain that America showed no support for the ‘Green Revolution’ when the people of Iran protested the savage mullah’s…

“[Obama’s] “reluctance, to wield our influence kept us silent as the people of Iran rose up against the mullahs in Tehran in the Green Revolution. The ayatollahs and their henchmen murdered, jailed, and intimidated freedom-loving Iranians, and they wrongly blamed America for this unrest when it was their own tyranny that had fueled it. Emboldened, the regime spread its cancerous influence to Yemen, to Iraq, to Syria, and still further into Lebanon.”

"... new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support."
Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail

Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

“US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran”

And, in a textbook example of obstruction of justice, Obama squashed a Justice Department case against Iran and Hezbollah for selling $1 billion of cocaine in the United States.

And contrary to all of his promises not to do so, and in contravention of the non-proliferation agreement that is our policy, Hussein Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to Iran....

NPR wrote that they were restricted for 10 years:
"Perhaps the biggest unknown is what happens to that breakout time once some of the terms of this deal start to expire 10 and 15 years from now.
In an interview with NPR after the framework of this agreement was reached, President Obama conceded that "at that point the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero."

But this deal, Obama argued at the time, buys the United States at least a decade."
6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal

And that was written four years ago.

There was never....NEVER....any reason to allow the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism to have nuclear weapons.

Unless one was infatuated with the idea of ‘a Muslim Bomb!’

And who would favor that?? A Muslim, perhaps.
Hussein Obama
Would an admission of the truth by their messiah, their god, make even an iota of difference to his willing servants??????
We'll see.....and in this thread I'll prove what most of us have known for years.....

1.You know, if Obama were to admit that the sub rosa rumors were true all along….that he favored the 7th century head chopping faith over the Judeo-Christian one that made America great. Would it make any difference to those who denied it for years, and continue to support Obama, those ‘reliable Democrat voters’?
Interesting query?

Let’s find out. For those who claim not to be convinced of where Obama’s real faith lies, a simple challenge. Explain the evidence this thread will provide does anything but prove....PROVE....that Obama was an undercover agent for the other side.
An intellectual challenge supported in 9 posts.

I predict that those blinded by ideology will decline the challenge and refuse to accept the clear and evident conclusion. And....probably just shrug.
Let’s see.

2.Know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than the life of Hussein Obama.

PolitiFact posted this:
“…Obama's father was from Africa, and Obama has said his father was born a Muslim.

Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from 1967 to 1971, approximately from the ages of 6 to 10.

…Indonesia is a Muslim country, and Obama attended a public school there, ….substantiated evidence indicates Obama attended a public school that taught a small amount of mainstream Islam. The news reports say that Obama's registration form indicates his religion was Muslim,…” Obama attended an Indonesian public school

3. A key difference between Islam and western religion is the doctrine that lying in defense of the faith is required.

Taqiya is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion. However, it is also permitted in Sunni Islam under certain circumstances.” Taqiyya - Wikiquote

Sometimes, an adherent may slip up….
“ The words "my Muslim faith" were uttered by Barack Obama in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos, excerpted on YouTube.[1]
· Obama: Let's not play games. What I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come at my ...

· Stephanopoulos: [breaking in] Christian faith

  • Obama: [stuttering] ma - my Christian faith ... “

Did you ever make that mistake….say you were Muslim? Never??? Not even once?????

But, as every adult know, reality is defined by actions, not by words. Are there actions by Obama that could only be attributed to one favoring the Muslim over a more western religion?

You betcha’….and this thread will highlight a whole bunch of ‘em.

Two things.

1) What the fuck are you talking about? Religion? You are freaking out about a former POTUS's religion? I could care less if he believed in a religion of snorting cocaine and having sex with table lamps. Same goes with all POTUS's.

2) What is this War-and-Peace-type OP fixation with you?
You seriously think I am going to read through your daily novella of hate-filled blather?

I strongly suggest you learn the meaning of the word 'brevity'.
You've combined lies....that the Obamas are a couple...(those kids aren't theirs because they are both male...the kids are borrowed from a couple they are close to in Chicago)
You STUPID morons will believe anything! :rofl::lmao:
If I had to bet, I’d say BO was likely Muslim. He had to convert if he wanted to have a successful political career. Politicians alter who they really are to get elected.

Anybody really believe that Trump is a Christian against abortion? Anybody believe Bill and Hellary were in love, I mean with each other. They were both in love with another woman.

Politicians are phony and liars by nature. It is a job requirement.

He never converted

a, there is no baptismal certificate

b. apostasy is a death sentence under Islam.

Wait for the rest of this thread, Bucky......it is undeniable.

I make no comparison between Trump and the others, because, as you know, the person is not the important factor to those of us on the Right.....policies are.

Converted was the wrong term. Let’s say he pretended to be Christian.
That's between him and God.
Would an admission of the truth by their messiah, their god, make even an iota of difference to his willing servants??????
We'll see.....and in this thread I'll prove what most of us have known for years.....

1.You know, if Obama were to admit that the sub rosa rumors were true all along….that he favored the 7th century head chopping faith over the Judeo-Christian one that made America great. Would it make any difference to those who denied it for years, and continue to support Obama, those ‘reliable Democrat voters’?
Interesting query?

Let’s find out. For those who claim not to be convinced of where Obama’s real faith lies, a simple challenge. Explain the evidence this thread will provide does anything but prove....PROVE....that Obama was an undercover agent for the other side.
An intellectual challenge supported in 9 posts.

I predict that those blinded by ideology will decline the challenge and refuse to accept the clear and evident conclusion. And....probably just shrug.
Let’s see.

2.Know the quote attributed to Aristotle….“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

In no case it that more revealing than the life of Hussein Obama.

PolitiFact posted this:
“…Obama's father was from Africa, and Obama has said his father was born a Muslim.

Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from 1967 to 1971, approximately from the ages of 6 to 10.

…Indonesia is a Muslim country, and Obama attended a public school there, ….substantiated evidence indicates Obama attended a public school that taught a small amount of mainstream Islam. The news reports say that Obama's registration form indicates his religion was Muslim,…” Obama attended an Indonesian public school

3. A key difference between Islam and western religion is the doctrine that lying in defense of the faith is required.

Taqiya is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion. However, it is also permitted in Sunni Islam under certain circumstances.” Taqiyya - Wikiquote

Sometimes, an adherent may slip up….
“ The words "my Muslim faith" were uttered by Barack Obama in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos, excerpted on YouTube.[1]
· Obama: Let's not play games. What I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come at my ...

· Stephanopoulos: [breaking in] Christian faith

  • Obama: [stuttering] ma - my Christian faith ... “

Did you ever make that mistake….say you were Muslim? Never??? Not even once?????

But, as every adult know, reality is defined by actions, not by words. Are there actions by Obama that could only be attributed to one favoring the Muslim over a more western religion?

You betcha’….and this thread will highlight a whole bunch of ‘em.

Two things.

1) What the fuck are you talking about? Religion? You are freaking out about a former POTUS's religion? I could care less if he believed in a religion of snorting cocaine and having sex with table lamps. Same goes with all POTUS's.

2) What is this War-and-Peace-type OP fixation with you?
You seriously think I am going to read through your daily novella of hate-filled blather?

I strongly suggest you learn the meaning of the word 'brevity'.

Get lost, worm.
If I had to bet, I’d say BO was likely Muslim. He had to convert if he wanted to have a successful political career. Politicians alter who they really are to get elected.

Anybody really believe that Trump is a Christian against abortion? Anybody believe Bill and Hellary were in love, I mean with each other. They were both in love with another woman.

Politicians are phony and liars by nature. It is a job requirement.

He never converted

a, there is no baptismal certificate

b. apostasy is a death sentence under Islam.

Wait for the rest of this thread, Bucky......it is undeniable.

I make no comparison between Trump and the others, because, as you know, the person is not the important factor to those of us on the Right.....policies are.

Converted was the wrong term. Let’s say he pretended to be Christian.
That's between him and God.

What a stupid and thoughtless post.

Seems that's your modus operandi.
1.You know, if Obama were to admit that the sub rosa rumors were true all along….that he favored the 7th century head chopping faith over the Judeo-Christian one that made America great.

The Judeo-Christian faith?

A.) There is NO Judeo-Christian faith, perhaps those prior to Jesus were Judeo-Christian, since the death of Jesus it's been split between Jews who believe Jesus is boiling in the Jewish version of Hell in excrement, and Christians who believe Jesus is the God & Savior.

B.) Rather than "Head chopping faith" AKA Islam leading to the demise of the U.S.A, it's actually the so called "Judeo-Christians" you mentioned.

Contrary to your befuddled World views, The demise of the U.S.A, is mostly a mix of Capitalist Anglo Christian Protestants be it the ones who hire Illegals like Construction, Farmers, or Restaurant Capitalists.
Just as much the Anglo Capitalist Protestant U.S Presidents, like Clinton, W. Bush, H.W Bush, Reagan, and Obama who let in a ton of Illegals.
It's actually Jewish Cultural Marxists, like the Jew Zuckerberg at Facebook looking to censor out the Conservative opposition, or Jew Larry Page of Google looking to bias the Search Engine in a Liberal direction, which Jew Larry Page also runs Youtube which censors out the Right-Wing Opposition.
there's Jews like Soros, Jews like Aviv Nevo the Israeli owner of CNN with a Jewish CEO of CNN one Jew Jeff Zucker, Jews Brian L Roberts CEO & Owner of Comcast which owns MSNBC, with a Jewish Chairman Ron Meyer, then theres Jew Ben Sherwood President & Owner ABC, and then CBS owned by Jewish Sumner Redstone.
As Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times said, Jews totally run Hollywood.

"Pope Exonerates Jews for Death of Jesus
Benedict XVI's theological analysis contradicts traditional Catholic interpretations which have been used throughout history to justify anti-Semitism."
Pope exonerates Jews for death of Jesus

Remember the last time you got something right?

Me neither.

A.) I did not mention the Jewish Deicide in my post, but you bring it up anyways?

B.) The New Testament clearly mentions Jewish Deicide & the Jewish traitor of Jesus one Judas Iscariot for the so called "Snitching on Jesus"

No it does not.

Think clearly for a moment: it was foretold that Jesus would be betrayed by one of his Disciples, and that his death and Resurrection were necessary to both fulfill prophecy and save mankind.

So in betraying Christ, Judas’ fate was sealed. Someone had to do it or Jesus was not the Messiah. Judas was doing God’s will and Jesus could have stopped him at any time.

You blame Jews for your salvation. It makes no logical sense. These people carried out God’s will and you persecute for doing so.
1.You know, if Obama were to admit that the sub rosa rumors were true all along….that he favored the 7th century head chopping faith over the Judeo-Christian one that made America great.

The Judeo-Christian faith?

A.) There is NO Judeo-Christian faith, perhaps those prior to Jesus were Judeo-Christian, since the death of Jesus it's been split between Jews who believe Jesus is boiling in the Jewish version of Hell in excrement, and Christians who believe Jesus is the God & Savior.

B.) Rather than "Head chopping faith" AKA Islam leading to the demise of the U.S.A, it's actually the so called "Judeo-Christians" you mentioned.

Contrary to your befuddled World views, The demise of the U.S.A, is mostly a mix of Capitalist Anglo Christian Protestants be it the ones who hire Illegals like Construction, Farmers, or Restaurant Capitalists.
Just as much the Anglo Capitalist Protestant U.S Presidents, like Clinton, W. Bush, H.W Bush, Reagan, and Obama who let in a ton of Illegals.
It's actually Jewish Cultural Marxists, like the Jew Zuckerberg at Facebook looking to censor out the Conservative opposition, or Jew Larry Page of Google looking to bias the Search Engine in a Liberal direction, which Jew Larry Page also runs Youtube which censors out the Right-Wing Opposition.
there's Jews like Soros, Jews like Aviv Nevo the Israeli owner of CNN with a Jewish CEO of CNN one Jew Jeff Zucker, Jews Brian L Roberts CEO & Owner of Comcast which owns MSNBC, with a Jewish Chairman Ron Meyer, then theres Jew Ben Sherwood President & Owner ABC, and then CBS owned by Jewish Sumner Redstone.
As Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times said, Jews totally run Hollywood.

"Pope Exonerates Jews for Death of Jesus
Benedict XVI's theological analysis contradicts traditional Catholic interpretations which have been used throughout history to justify anti-Semitism."
Pope exonerates Jews for death of Jesus

Remember the last time you got something right?

Me neither.

A.) I did not mention the Jewish Deicide in my post, but you bring it up anyways?

B.) The New Testament clearly mentions Jewish Deicide & the Jewish traitor of Jesus one Judas Iscariot for the so called "Snitching on Jesus"

No it does not.

Think clearly for a moment: it was foretold that Jesus would be betrayed by one of his Disciples, and that his death and Resurrection were necessary to both fulfill prophecy and save mankind.

So in betraying Christ, Judas’ fate was sealed. Someone had to do it or Jesus was not the Messiah. Judas was doing God’s will and Jesus could have stopped him at any time.

You blame Jews for your salvation. It makes no logical sense. These people carried out God’s will and you persecute for doing so.

I see you've given up trying to find any fallacies in my posts.

Keep it up and folks may stop saying you are ineducable.

All that remains is for you to apologize for claiming my posts consist of 'provable lies,' as you, clearly, couldn't back up that claim.

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