What if Officer Wilson were Killed?


May 23, 2014
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.
I depends on the degree to which an officer dying in the course of duty is seen as a known risk of the job as compared to having black skin, which in itself should not be a risk.
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.
I depends on the degree to which an officer dying in the course of duty is seen as a known risk of the job as compared to having black skin, which in itself should not be a risk.

No black crime problems in London, then?
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.

We wouldn't be talking about this because we never would have heard his name. There are countless victims who are just boring statistics to the media and likely reported only by local stations.
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.

I agree.
There would have no rioting, looting or anything else in Ferguson.

You can bet your ass the AA community wouldn't have been outraged.

The only people who would take any notice are his fellow LEO's and his family. No CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBC, NBC or FOX would have been in Ferguson and they sure wouldn't have given a shit. Not news worthy.

Riots, racism, looting and protesters are news wothy. Not one dead cop.
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.

I agree.
There would have no rioting, looting or anything else in Ferguson.

You can bet your ass the AA community wouldn't have been outraged.

The only people who would take any notice are his fellow LEO's and his family. No CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBC, NBC or FOX would have been in Ferguson and they sure wouldn't have given a shit. Not news worthy.

Riots, racism, looting and protesters are news wothy. Not one dead cop.

the problem here is NOT just this shooting, it's the pattern of conduct by this mostly white police force against the mostly African American community.

The cop had a gun. Brown didn't. That's why this is a story.
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.
if he was killed it would have been just mentioned in the local media and others in the country would not have heard about it at all
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.

The reason this made the news is not simply because someone was killed.

Would you LIKE it if every murder were a huge story? 11k or so a year. That is a LOT of news time.
They wouldn't care just like they didn't care we just had an American Journalist BEHEADED.

I'm so ashamed of some of fellow countrymen and women and also these Politicians like Holder, Obama, etc.
What would of been the response of liberal media and community if the perp Brown had killed officer Wilson over a week ago? Would not even be a blip on the radar.

The reason this made the news is not simply because someone was killed.

Would you LIKE it if every murder were a huge story? 11k or so a year. That is a LOT of news time.

Somewhere in there is an answer. So, when there are discussions that originate from an incident where it is claimed that an officer over reacted to a situation then it is necessary to include the officers that have been shot. I'm not saying that many people can articulate this well........or at all. I don't agree with the way the question was phrased or his partisan bullshit. But, somewhere in there is a valid issue.

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