What if Republicans hadn't destabilized the Middle East?



Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?
Here is a clue and when George W. Bush was President ( not his father ) we had 9-11 happen on his watch and Democrats tuck their damn tails between their legs and voted to support the Bush agenda, so where were they to stop the future nonsense?

They were worried about losing their seats so they wanted to act like Pro-Americans and not realists in the damn moment!

So what will happen if another GOP win the White House?

Simple, war and love it baby because both sides want it and not just one r the other!
Obama would still have helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and would have dragged the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. Obama still would gave alliwed the Russians to take over Crimea and would have issued his stupid Red Line. He still would have armed Mexican Drug Cartels and added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years...
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?

I don't expect a GOP president to do anything much different than the current president. He'll just use more American blood and treasure to do it.

Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?

You were saying?
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?

The person you can't trust over there...was Barack Obama himself. He misjudged ISIS so badly in his myopic determination to pull US combat troops out of Iraq that he left hundreds of thousands of innocents at the mercy of some of the most sadistic savages this world has ever seen. We call Obama "weak" because he is weak. He gave us the concept of "leading from behind".
And for you to accuse the GOP of "passing the blame" when this President is STILL blaming Bush for his own policy failures as his second term is coming to a close is laughable. Passing the blame is all that Barack Obama has DONE since he took office!
Isn't this typical, all the right coming out, blaming Obama for everything so they don't have to face up to the reality that Bush was a fucking disaster for the people of America and an absolute GOD for the money people in America who will use plebs's lives in order to make more money.
And for you to accuse the GOP of "passing the blame" when this President is STILL blaming Bush for his own policy failures as his second term is coming to a close is laughable. Passing the blame is all that Barack Obama has DONE since he took office!

What policy failures is Obama blaming on Bush that he himself did?

Note, you need to back this up with supporting evidence.
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?
Don't forget that BJ Billy Clinton had his chance to take out BinLaden as well but he too pussied out
And for you to accuse the GOP of "passing the blame" when this President is STILL blaming Bush for his own policy failures as his second term is coming to a close is laughable. Passing the blame is all that Barack Obama has DONE since he took office!

What policy failures is Obama blaming on Bush that he himself did?

Note, you need to back this up with supporting evidence.

A Republicn with supporting evidence??? LMAO.

They just "feel" like things they want to believe are in fact true. No evidence necessary.
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?
Don't forget that BJ Billy Clinton had his chance to take out BinLaden as well but he too pussied out

And right on time.......a Republican passing blame........again.

Do you EVER feel that the party you support may have fucked up.... or are you incapable of accepting responsibility for your own actions?
Or your parties actions.

And of course you will come back and claim you aint no fucking Republican.
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?
Don't forget that BJ Billy Clinton had his chance to take out BinLaden as well but he too pussied out

And right on time.......a Republican passing blame........again.

Do you EVER feel that the party you support may have fucked up.... or are you incapable of accepting responsibility for your own actions?
Or your parties actions.

And of course you will come back and claim you aint no fucking Republican.

I'm not a republican
Never have and never will be a member of any political flock

I'm just pointing out the partisan hackery here

Dems like to throw blame around but are certainly selective in their memories

FYI I was never for invading Iraq or Afghanistan unlike all the dems who voted for it then changed their minds

And here's one that will blow your mind

I think Reagan was just another big government dupe playing the role of a smaller government advocate
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?

The person you can't trust over there...was Barack Obama himself. He misjudged ISIS so badly in his myopic determination to pull US combat troops out of Iraq that he left hundreds of thousands of innocents at the mercy of some of the most sadistic savages this world has ever seen. We call Obama "weak" because he is weak. He gave us the concept of "leading from behind".

Obama misjudged nothing. What is happening is what he wanted to happen.
Isn't this typical, all the right coming out, blaming Obama for everything so they don't have to face up to the reality that Bush was a fucking disaster for the people of America and an absolute GOD for the money people in America who will use plebs's lives in order to make more money.

Yet the "money people" made more money under Barack Obama than they did under W?

How do you explain that, Weirdo?
Here is an article from September 16, 2012 spelling out how the Obama adminstration created ISIS and destablized the ME. All by design all to punish the US. Who really destabilized the ME? Obama and Clinton with their turning on Mubarak in Egypt and their disposing of Qaddafi in Libya. Now they are supplying weapons to ISIS and trying to destabilize Syria all for Obama's imperialistic intent.

Articles: Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose

From the article:

The US embassy in Ankara released a statement that Biden had called Erdogan personally to "clarify recent comments made at Harvard University." According to the embassy, "The Vice President apologized for any implication that Turkey or other Allies and partners in the region had intentionally supplied or facilitated the growth of ISIL or other violent extremists in Syria."

Whatever the level of "intentionality" involved, ISIS was the recipient of the US-supported arms aid to the Syrian rebels, routed by the CIA through Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkey and other Mideast client states. The State Department and CIA were well aware that the Syrian rebels included many Islamic militants, including those linked to al-Qaeda, because it had previously employed many of these fighters in the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime in Libya in 2011.

Originally established as Al Qaeda in Iraq during the eight years of warfare that followed the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the group only took the name ISIS in April 2013, long after it had built up significant strength in Syria as part of the US-backed rebel forces fighting the Assad regime.

In other words, as Biden admits, ISIS was created by the methods pursued by the US government and its allied reactionary regimes, both the Islamist government of Erdogan in Turkey and the Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Another confirmation of this relationship came in the form of a Washington Post report Sunday on the supposedly contradictory role of the sheikdom of Qatar, another of the Persian Gulf despotisms that is a client state of American imperialism. Qatar hosts the huge Al-Udeid Air Base, headquarters for US air operations in the region and the directing center of the air war in Syria and Iraq.


Obama is purposefully harming American interests, but he thinks it will turn out okay. He attacks the American economy and free-enterprise system, and he thinks it will turn out okay. He attacks our energy industry, and he thinks it will turn out okay. He attacks the rule of law and our Constitution, and he thinks it will turn out okay. He undermines the hard-won stability of Egypt and thinks it will turn out okay. We have a president who thinks American national security interests, power, and prosperity are the problem. Then, when it's a broken mess, he's surprised, and he asks for more time to do more of the same. Obama is the problem.

The Middle East is a harsh taskmaster. It is no place for an aging schoolboy leftist like our president. In the real world, stupid ideas such as the one dominant in Obama's administration, that jihadis really want peace -- such ideas have very bloody consequences. The tragic deaths of our diplomats in Libya are only the beginning. Iran looms over us all.

Read more: Articles: Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose
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And for you to accuse the GOP of "passing the blame" when this President is STILL blaming Bush for his own policy failures as his second term is coming to a close is laughable. Passing the blame is all that Barack Obama has DONE since he took office!

What policy failures is Obama blaming on Bush that he himself did?

Note, you need to back this up with supporting evidence.

The entire Middle East? The worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history? Solyndra? Fast & Furious?

You want "evidence" that Obama's policies (or total lack thereof?) was something that he blamed on Bush repeatedly? Do you want me to spend a few days putting together a video "montage" of Barack Obama doing just that over and over again? The general message that Barack Obama has consistently fallen back on is that 'Yes, we progressives haven't been able to fix this or fix that...but it's only because we didn't realize how dire the situation was when we took over, so it's going to take more time.'
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?
Don't forget that BJ Billy Clinton had his chance to take out BinLaden as well but he too pussied out

And right on time.......a Republican passing blame........again.

Do you EVER feel that the party you support may have fucked up.... or are you incapable of accepting responsibility for your own actions?
Or your parties actions.

And of course you will come back and claim you aint no fucking Republican.

All you need do, if possible, is be honest with yourself.

Did the Iraq or Afghanistan war destabilize Egypt? The answer no, unless you can somehow create a connection.

Did the Iraq or Afghanistan war destabilize Libya? Again, tell us how.

Did the Iraq war cause civil war in Syria?

Now, look at the facts and what side in all three of those "Arab Spring" civil wars was Obama on?
Remember when Saddam attacked Kuwait? Bush Sr. went in, drove Saddam out, destroyed any Iraqi military outside of Iraq's borders. And then stopped at the border of Iraq leaving Iraq intact and a bulwark to Iranian adventurism.

And he walked away with a lot of right wing criticism for leaving Saddam in power and a stable Middle East.

If Bush Jr. had just gone in to Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left, he would have left a stable Middle East.

Unfortunately, Bush came into office with a generation of right wing ideology under his belt. If you do X then Y happens. W and Z doesn't occur to them.

Academics and Historians said what was going to happen based on Middle East history. Unfortunately, we know what Republicans think of Academia. Those people are over educated and don't live in the real world. Turns out the Academics were right. That happens a lot when people study stuff.

Disbanding the mostly Sunni military turned out to be a disaster when so many went on to join Isis. Republican insist that they left a stable Iraq for Obama, when the facts have been posted here at the USMB that the last year of Bush's 8 were the most violent in Iraq. The "surge" may have ended a big military battle, but did nothing to stop suicide bombers and "lone wolves".

Now that Republicans have all this experience against terrorists and so much experience with the Middle Eastern people, what have they learned? Also unfortunately, they learned to pass the blame. It's Clinton's fault for not killing Bin Laden. It's Obama's fault because he was given a "stable Iraq". No where has the GOP taken any responsibility. They still don't know anything about the people who live in the Middle East. Because they pass the blame. That's all they really need to know is how to pass the blame.

I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason. Obama has pulled back because there is really no one you can trust over there. Republican want to block any Muslims from coming over here, but they want to send our military over there. They goad Obama. They call him weak for not being a leader.

Well, who is he supposed to lead and where is it he's supposed to lead them to?

And look at the GOP. Rafael Cruz wants "precision carpet bombing" until the sand glows. And millions of Republican want him to be commander in chief? Do I even need to explain what is wrong with "precision carpet bombing"?

Ted Cruz misfires on definition of 'carpet bombing' in GOP debate

So say a Republican does win the White House and both Houses end up GOP. What is it the USMB expects to happen? What do they expect the GOP president to do that was different from the last one? What has the GOP learned about the Middle East. What will become their ME policy? After the Economic meltdown, what have they learned about the economy? Have they learned if there is any value to education?
The Middle East had never been stable, you dolt...

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