What if she didn't have a gun?

Actually I'm using a lot of statistics and studies. You really need a new line.

Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.

Why is that?

If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

There are no background checks to buy, or drive, a car. They, quite literally, issue a license to anyone, even people that have actually killed people with them. Perhaps you should pulll your head out of your ass before you complain about how much harder it is to get a driver's license than buy a gun.
Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.

Why is that?

If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

There are no background checks to buy, or drive, a car. They, quite literally, issue a license to anyone, even people that have actually killed people with them. Perhaps you should pulll your head out of your ass before you complain about how much harder it is to get a driver's license than buy a gun.

Really? There isn't? So they don't run your driving record? They don't prevent you from getting one if you owe back child support? You are the moron.
A few years ago it was ten times harder for me to get my license back than it would have been to get a gun... And guess what they did? Ran my record.
Plus there is the fact you have to be trained, take a written and drive test, renew your license every few years, take an eye exam, carry photo ID, hold insurance. You actually have to go through a lot more to operate a vehicle.... And they have roughly the same amount of deaths.
How about you get your head out of your ass, and use your brain a little.
Licenses your gun and get a back ground check, and get over it.
Shit! I have to do more along with a background check every year just to do my job, Well with the state, every two years with my employer, and I was finger printed. You can get one back ground check when you buy your gun. Get over it! Plus about 90% of population agrees.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Hmm...it's interesting that folks for reasonable gun regulation measures r called "anti-gun loons" by idiots who seem to feel that the current carnage by loons wielding guns to kill children and unarmed folk should continue unabated..with no change to to the status quo...
Who r the true loons here?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It is interesting that you think that the gun laws and regulations we already have aren't working, but still think it is reasonable to pile on more. Then again, no one I have seen has ever accused you of being able to process information to reach a logical conclusion.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Hmm...it's interesting that folks for reasonable gun regulation measures r called "anti-gun loons" by idiots who seem to feel that the current carnage by loons wielding guns to kill children and unarmed folk should continue unabated..with no change to to the status quo...
Who r the true loons here?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It is interesting that you think that the gun laws and regulations we already have aren't working, but still think it is reasonable to pile on more. Then again, no one I have seen has ever accused you of being able to process information to reach a logical conclusion.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The truth is ....gun laws vary by state...and most of the carnage seems to be taking place in states with VERY LAX gun regulation...so perhaps the laws DO WORK for the most part.... In the states that have effective ones that r enforced...Perhaps if such laws were made universal and gun show loopholes closed..we'd see some progress.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Actually I'm using a lot of statistics and studies. You really need a new line.

Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.

Why is that?

If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Are you kidding me? lol.... In 1920, how many people knew how to get illegal canibis? Zero. In the 1930s? More. Today? Everyone.

Same is true of Alcohol. When prohibitions was put in effect, people couldn't find a drink anywhere. But later, the illegal suppliers made their existence known, and by the end of prohibition, there were international illegal alcohol trade that spanned the entire country, Canada, Central America, and beyond.

Right now..... NOW.... yeah, many criminals wouldn't know where to find an illegal gun very easy, only because guns are legal and accessible.

But if you think that by putting in place real gun control laws, that actually had an effect, is going to keep criminals from getting guns.... you are nutz.

You realize that in most of the rest of the world, you can buy an AKA Assault Rifle, with 100-round clips, for under $100?

Want to know why assault rifles are not cheap here? Because we have legal weapons. That will change if you make them illegal, and the black market pours in imported assault rifles, just like drugs.
Hmm...it's interesting that folks for reasonable gun regulation measures r called "anti-gun loons"
I understand you do not like the truth, but the truth it remains.

I then issue a challenge:

Present a sound argument for more gun control - "reasonable gun regulation" as you choose to call it.

1: Define the additional gun control measures you seek
2: Show the necessity for these measures
3: Show that these measures will meet the need you described
4: Show that these measures do not infringe upon the rights of the law abiding
5: Do all of this without arguing from emotion, ignorance, dishonesty or any other logical fallacies.

Example of a failed argument
1: We need to ban the sale of assault weapons
2: These guns are far too dangerous for civilians to own
3: Banning assault weapons will prevent massacres like we saw in Newtown
4: No one needs an assault weapon to hunt

Failures of this argument:
2: There is no way to support this statement, given how few ‘assault weapons’, proportionately and absolutely, are used in crime, especially homicide
3: Banning the sale of ‘assault weapons’ does not remove existing ‘assault weapons’, and so cannot prevent another such shooting
4: The right to arms is protected by the constitution so that, when necessary, people will have access to the most effective means through which kill other people, not hunt. As such, any argument relating infringement to the capacity to hunt is meaningless.

Ok – have at it. Good luck!
If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

There are no background checks to buy, or drive, a car. They, quite literally, issue a license to anyone, even people that have actually killed people with them. Perhaps you should pulll your head out of your ass before you complain about how much harder it is to get a driver's license than buy a gun.

Really? There isn't? So they don't run your driving record? They don't prevent you from getting one if you owe back child support? You are the moron.

I have never once had my driving record run when I bought a car, I wish they would, I might get the same break on buying a car I get when I buy insurance. (By the way, since I live in California, I don't actually need insurance to drive a car either, so don't whinge about how your piss poor driving makes it impossible to drive a car.) As for the child support thing, can you explain how the state can deny someone ID just because they owe somebody money? Do they think that making it impossible for someone to get a job, or to get back and forth to work, will magically make money appear? That sounds like the typical thinking of a statist asshole to me, which means it only makes sense if you assume the government is GAWD.

A few years ago it was ten times harder for me to get my license back than it would have been to get a gun... And guess what they did? Ran my record.
Plus there is the fact you have to be trained, take a written and drive test, renew your license every few years, take an eye exam, carry photo ID, hold insurance. You actually have to go through a lot more to operate a vehicle.... And they have roughly the same amount of deaths.
How about you get your head out of your ass, and use your brain a little.

You have to be trained? In what? All it takes in every state I ever got one was the ability to pass a fucking test. There was no requirement for me to prove I ever took a class. Maybe you should stop trying to drive your car through the the DMV office.

Licenses your gun and get a back ground check, and get over it.
Shit! I have to do more along with a background check every year just to do my job, Well with the state, every two years with my employer, and I was finger printed. You can get one back ground check when you buy your gun. Get over it! Plus about 90% of population agrees.

Personally, I don't think the government has any more reason to know what I own than they do who I am sleeping with.

Then again, I am not the power mad statist that thinks they have the right to force other people to believe the same thing they do.
It is interesting that you think that the gun laws and regulations we already have aren't working, but still think it is reasonable to pile on more. Then again, no one I have seen has ever accused you of being able to process information to reach a logical conclusion.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The truth is ....gun laws vary by state...and most of the carnage seems to be taking place in states with VERY LAX gun regulation...so perhaps the laws DO WORK for the most part.... In the states that have effective ones that r enforced...Perhaps if such laws were made universal and gun show loopholes closed..we'd see some progress.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The truth is, you are a fucking idiot. I constantly here about gun violence ion Oakland and Washington DC, both of which have very strict gun laws. On the other hand, El Paso Texas, which is directly across the border from one of the most violent cities in the world, is consistently rated as one of America's safest cities, despite the fact that they have very lax gun laws.
Actually I'm using a lot of statistics and studies. You really need a new line.

Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.

Why is that?

If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

If it was actually 2 million I am sure you can actually link to the numbers that prove it. Until you do, I will simply scoff at your absurd claims.
Actually I'm using a lot of statistics and studies. You really need a new line.
Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.
Why is that?
If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check....
Non sequitur.

The fact that you have to get a license to exercise the privilige to drive a car on public roads in no way supports the notion that it is constitutionally permissible to force people to undergo a background check (or get a license) to exercise a right, regardless of the nature or locaion of that exercise, because the circumstances of the two acts and their associated restrictions are, on almost every level, dissimilar.

Background checks are a form of prior restraint, where the state restrains your exercise of your rights while, without cause, it seeks to determine if you are breaking the law with said exercise. Prior restraint is constitutionally permissible only under extreme and limited cuircumstances, none of which apply to simple ownership/possession of a firearm.
Last edited:
Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.

Why is that?

If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

If it was actually 2 million I am sure you can actually link to the numbers that prove it. Until you do, I will simply scoff at your absurd claims.

Google it like I did after I read the 1 million.
Absurd? Why absurd? The number only represents people who were denied. It's hard to believe there is 2 million felons in the US?
Still not very smart I see. lol

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
There are no background checks to buy, or drive, a car. They, quite literally, issue a license to anyone, even people that have actually killed people with them. Perhaps you should pulll your head out of your ass before you complain about how much harder it is to get a driver's license than buy a gun.

Really? There isn't? So they don't run your driving record? They don't prevent you from getting one if you owe back child support? You are the moron.

I have never once had my driving record run when I bought a car, I wish they would, I might get the same break on buying a car I get when I buy insurance. (By the way, since I live in California, I don't actually need insurance to drive a car either, so don't whinge about how your piss poor driving makes it impossible to drive a car.) As for the child support thing, can you explain how the state can deny someone ID just because they owe somebody money? Do they think that making it impossible for someone to get a job, or to get back and forth to work, will magically make money appear? That sounds like the typical thinking of a statist asshole to me, which means it only makes sense if you assume the government is GAWD.

A few years ago it was ten times harder for me to get my license back than it would have been to get a gun... And guess what they did? Ran my record.
Plus there is the fact you have to be trained, take a written and drive test, renew your license every few years, take an eye exam, carry photo ID, hold insurance. You actually have to go through a lot more to operate a vehicle.... And they have roughly the same amount of deaths.
How about you get your head out of your ass, and use your brain a little.

You have to be trained? In what? All it takes in every state I ever got one was the ability to pass a fucking test. There was no requirement for me to prove I ever took a class. Maybe you should stop trying to drive your car through the the DMV office.

Licenses your gun and get a back ground check, and get over it.
Shit! I have to do more along with a background check every year just to do my job, Well with the state, every two years with my employer, and I was finger printed. You can get one back ground check when you buy your gun. Get over it! Plus about 90% of population agrees.

Personally, I don't think the government has any more reason to know what I own than they do who I am sleeping with.

Then again, I am not the power mad statist that thinks they have the right to force other people to believe the same thing they do.

If you are under 18 you have to have proof you took drivers ED, smart one.
And you obviously have to have training to pass the test. Unless you took up driving the day you took your test and magically knew traffic laws.

Power mad statist? You have to be joking. All I want is back ground checks. Look up the meaning of statist dumb ass.
I watched bullet fragments be taken out of my brothers face when I was 14. The man is now out of prison I would rather they at least try to keep him from owning a gun. If he buys one illegally so be it, but I don't want my state condoning him buying another gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
My wife's best friend did not take drivers' ed. She took no training classes. She went to the DMV, took the written test (which a chimp could pass), then took her road test a couple weeks later. Passed her road test (also a joke) on the first try. You fail.
I watched bullet fragments be taken out of my brothers face when I was 14. The man is now out of prison I would rather they at least try to keep him from owning a gun. If he buys one illegally so be it, but I don't want my state condoning him buying another gun.
Oh look - arguing from emotion.
Surprise surprise.
If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.
Deaths from each are pretty close.

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

You have no right to drive a car. The right to keep and bear arms exists and shall not be infringed.

And, while approximately, one percent of firearms transfers are denied , many times it because of mistaken identity or incorrect records at NICS. Therefore, many firearms transfer denial appeals are successful and those denied are still able to obtain their firearms.
My wife's best friend did not take drivers' ed. She took no training classes. She went to the DMV, took the written test (which a chimp could pass), then took her road test a couple weeks later. Passed her road test (also a joke) on the first try. You fail.
Personally, I'd be more than happy if we licensed gun owners like we license drivers:
-You don't need a license to buy, own, or possess a car.
-You do not need a llicense to drive your car on private property, store it on private property or transport it on public property.
- You only need a license to drive a car on public property; unlicensed drivers so doing will only be lightly penalized, if at all. dependng on circumstances.
The law for automatic weapons has been the same the entire fucking time, idiot.

It must really bother you that the laws are working. Do you want people getting mowed down by machine guns that bad?

You must be incredibly stupid, you just argued it wasn't working before 1986 when it was made batter, even though it wasn't.

No I've been saying they are working great now. Which they are.
Of couse he is.
Like other anti-gun loons, he can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Not sure why you bother with him.

Actually I'm using a lot of statistics and studies. You really need a new line.

Yet you haven't provided on bit of evidence that background checks prevented 1 million sales to criminals despite your claim that they have.

Why is that?

I've provided it several times actually.
FBI ? NICS 15th Anniversary: Stats Show Success of Gun Background Check System

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