What if she didn't have a gun?


Sorry, dude, decent Americans are tired of watching their children being wheeled out in body bag because you're compensating for a tiny pecker.

Americans are more worried about an abusive government taking away our guns, so go cry to someone who's willing to listen to your nonsense.

Well, nutbags are.

But frankly, I'm a lot more worried about the kind of idiot who thinks he can protect himself from tanks with a rifle.

Shit happens.

I wonder why you give a shit how people die, not that they die in the first place.

Meaning, guns are a threat, but suicide-bombers, drunk drivers, people on cell phones, abortion, any number of ways to die a violent death doesn't bother you, except guns.

Gun-free zones are the primary cause of mass shootings you know.

Nobody dies in abortion because fetuses aren't people. Sorry, we have to keep explaining that to you guys and you never get that.

Now, if you want to enforce the gun laws the way we enforce drunk driving and talking on a cell phone while driving (the fine for doing that is now up to $500.00! in IL) I'm totally game on that one.

Point is, we don't need guns, and they are at the root of too many tragedies, from the little kid who shoots his sister with grandpa's gun to the depressed loaner who takes Mom's Zombie Apocolypse arsenal to school and shoots up a bunch of preschoolers.

"We" don't need guns. How about changing that to "I" don't need guns, and let the rest of us decide for ourselves.

Sorry, to many people are paying the price for your bad decisions. I'm sure the 26 Sandy Hook parents really wish that Nancy Lanza wasn't making that decision for herself and her Zombie son.
^ point proven. Prefers unarmed victim to a woman explaining how some thug got that fatal bullet wound.

Well, when we are all so scared of each other than we all pack heat, this is a good thing to you, how?

Hey, guess how many gun murders we had last year? 11,000!

Guess how many gun murders JAPAN had last year? 11.

Guess how many vehicle deaths occurred in the USA in 2012? 33,808

Guess how many vehicle deaths occurred in Japan? 4914

Let us ban all vehicles in the USA -- shall we? Of course, I'm using completely asinine logic but who cares about using common sense when some progressive's emotions are at stake. :cuckoo:

Proportionately, the numbers aren't even close.

Considering Japan has about a third of our population, they have 3 times as many vehicular accidents. Resisting the jokes about Asians and driving, they are probably better drivers than we are. THey've also invested more in mass transit.

Point is, neither country is trying to live without cars.

BUt one country is living without guns and doing just fine, thank you.
Well, when we are all so scared of each other than we all pack heat, this is a good thing to you, how?

You would apparently prefer that only the bad guys are armed. How fucked up is that!

Or, I'm sorry, do you have some plan that will get the bad guys and crazies to begin obeying the law?

Didn't think so.

Dumbass, most people who are killed with guns kill themselves or are killed by someone they know. The bad guys aren't really the problem here. We are.

32,000 gun deaths, and according to the FBI, only 200 of them involved self-defense by a civilian.

Hey, guess how many gun murders we had last year? 11,000!

Guess how many gun murders JAPAN had last year? 11.

Why are you focusing on "gun" murders? Is murder not murder? So what if when Americans choose to murder someone there weapon of choice is a firearm? Dead is dead. You'd feel better if people were hacked to death like we've seen in other countries?

LOTS of countries (over 100 in fact) with higher murder rates than the US. Who fucking cares how those murders were carried out?

Most of those countries are third world ratholes, without central government or some kind of anarchy.

But if you compare us to other industrialized nations, most of which either limit gun ownership or ban it outright, we have a murder rate in the tens of thousands, and they have murder rates in the hundres.

Let's review, shall we?

G-7 Countries only, the countries that are our peers in economics, culture and advancement.

USA- 15,953 murders, 11,101 with guns.

United Kingdom- 653 murders, 38 with guns.

Italy - 552 Homicides, 218 with guns.

Germany - 662 homicides, 158 with guns.

France - 753 homicides, 134 with guns.

Canada - 529, homicides 173 with guns

Japan - 442 homicides, 11 with guns.
Nobody dies in abortion because fetuses aren't people. Sorry, we have to keep explaining that to you guys and you never get that.

What is a human fetus if not human? If it has human cells; human DNA; human blood; and the emerging shape of a human then it's human.

This baby doesn't look like a fly or a horse -- does it? A baby's heart starts to beat 23 days after conception. Abortion stops a beating heart and is 1st degree murder (premeditated murder).
32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

How many of those were suicides? Over 60%

What disingenuous piece of shit you are.

Sorry, is a suicide less dead than a murder victim.

A gun suicide happened not 50 feet from where I am sitting now. Of course, before he shot himself, he wildly shot out into the complex parking lot.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Ashley Marie Hurd, 26, a driver for Domino’s Pizza, took the order to a house on the 200 block of Stuart Avenue about 10 p.m., a police report said.
When she arrived, a man was standing outside, and she told him how much the bill was, said Lt. Todd Joyce, Fayetteville police spokesman.
As she was doing so, Joyce said, a second man, wearing a dark-colored jacket, came around from the side of the house.

The man put something to the back of Hurd’s head and demanded money, Joyce said.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

While I'm glad the burglars were thwarted, this story seems sketchy. So some guy sneaks up and puts potentially a gun to her head and she still reaches for her weapon? Wouldn't she be dead now if he had a gun? Maybe there is just much of the story left out...
Well, when we are all so scared of each other than we all pack heat, this is a good thing to you, how?

Hey, guess how many gun murders we had last year? 11,000!

Guess how many gun murders JAPAN had last year? 11.

Guess how many vehicle deaths occurred in the USA in 2012? 33,808

Guess how many vehicle deaths occurred in Japan? 4914

Let us ban all vehicles in the USA -- shall we? Of course, I'm using completely asinine logic but who cares about using common sense when some progressive's emotions are at stake. :cuckoo:

Proportionately, the numbers aren't even close.

Considering Japan has about a third of our population, they have 3 times as many vehicular accidents. Resisting the jokes about Asians and driving, they are probably better drivers than we are. THey've also invested more in mass transit.

Point is, neither country is trying to live without cars.

BUt one country is living without guns and doing just fine, thank you.

LOL. So you're saying that if America had 11000 vehicle deaths and Japan only had 11 vehicle deaths then we should ban all cars. Hahahahahahaha. Funny stuff. I'm going to assume that you're a progressive liberal and move on to something more important. :lol: By the way ... Japan doesn't have the same "inner city" demographics as the USA. Law abiding Americans MUST have guns to protect themselves.
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Nobody dies in abortion because fetuses aren't people. Sorry, we have to keep explaining that to you guys and you never get that.

What is a human fetus if not human? If it has human cells; human DNA; human blood; and the emerging shape of a human then it's human.

This baby doesn't look like a fly or a horse -- does it? A baby's heart starts to beat 23 days after conception. Abortion stops a beating heart and is 1st degree murder (premeditated murder).

Deleting the Fetus Porn because that's against the rules here,

A fetus is not a human being. Sorry. Can't live outside the womb, it isn't human in the eyes of the law, medical science or even the Bible.

Incidently, most aborted fetuses don't look ANYTHING LIKE THAT at the point they are aborted. They look more like a cocktail shrimp and are the size of a kidney bean.

LOL. So you're saying that if America had 11000 vehicle deaths and Japan only had 11 vehicle deaths then we should ban all cars. Hahahahahahaha. Funny stuff. I'm going to assume that you're a progressive liberal and move on to something more important. :lol:

Actually, I'm a pretty moderate Republican, but that was in the days when Republican Primaries were about who was most qualified and not who is the least batshit crazy.

That said, try to follow the logic.

COuntry A bans something that has no value, and they get good results.

Country B claims something is a God GIven right to have, no matter how mentally unstable that person is, or unqualifed to have it, and they get terrible results.

Not a big jump to see who has the more sensible policy.

Sorry, dude, decent Americans are tired of watching their children being wheeled out in body bag because you're compensating for a tiny pecker.

Americans are more worried about an abusive government taking away our guns, so go cry to someone who's willing to listen to your nonsense.

Well, nutbags are.

But frankly, I'm a lot more worried about the kind of idiot who thinks he can protect himself from tanks with a rifle.

I laugh at the idiots that don't understand why tanks don't go into cities without infantry escorts.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Ashley Marie Hurd, 26, a driver for Domino’s Pizza, took the order to a house on the 200 block of Stuart Avenue about 10 p.m., a police report said.
When she arrived, a man was standing outside, and she told him how much the bill was, said Lt. Todd Joyce, Fayetteville police spokesman.
As she was doing so, Joyce said, a second man, wearing a dark-colored jacket, came around from the side of the house.

The man put something to the back of Hurd’s head and demanded money, Joyce said.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

While I'm glad the burglars were thwarted, this story seems sketchy. So some guy sneaks up and puts potentially a gun to her head and she still reaches for her weapon? Wouldn't she be dead now if he had a gun? Maybe there is just much of the story left out...

Maybe the crooks aren't as stupid as you, using a gun in the commission of a robbery kicks the sentencing up significantly.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

While I'm glad the burglars were thwarted, this story seems sketchy. So some guy sneaks up and puts potentially a gun to her head and she still reaches for her weapon? Wouldn't she be dead now if he had a gun? Maybe there is just much of the story left out...

Maybe the crooks aren't as stupid as you, using a gun in the commission of a robbery kicks the sentencing up significantly.

She had no way of knowing whether they had a gun or not. Grabbing your gun when there is already one at your head would normally get you killed.
While I'm glad the burglars were thwarted, this story seems sketchy. So some guy sneaks up and puts potentially a gun to her head and she still reaches for her weapon? Wouldn't she be dead now if he had a gun? Maybe there is just much of the story left out...

Maybe the crooks aren't as stupid as you, using a gun in the commission of a robbery kicks the sentencing up significantly.

She had no way of knowing whether they had a gun or not. Grabbing your gun when there is already one at your head would normally get you killed.

Not grabbing your gun is going to help you how, exactly?
Americans are more worried about an abusive government taking away our guns, so go cry to someone who's willing to listen to your nonsense.

Well, nutbags are.

But frankly, I'm a lot more worried about the kind of idiot who thinks he can protect himself from tanks with a rifle.

I laugh at the idiots that don't understand why tanks don't go into cities without infantry escorts.

Yeah, right.... Ummmm... sorry, dude, Tanks still beat handguns.

Missiles beat handguns.

Drones beat handguns.

And when the government comes for you nutters and your guns, your neighbors will be cheering them on because you were scaring their children.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

Some liberals would rather die than carry a gun.

Because we realize most people lack the training and judgement to have one.

32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

How many of those were bad guys killing each other or innocent people?

BTW the answer to that is about 80%
Some liberals would rather die than carry a gun.

Because we realize most people lack the training and judgement to have one.

32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

How many of those were bad guys killing each other or innocent people?

BTW the answer to that is about 80%

Do you have a link to that?

Didn't think so.
Because we realize most people lack the training and judgement to have one.

32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

How many of those were bad guys killing each other or innocent people?

BTW the answer to that is about 80%

Do you have a link to that?

Didn't think so.

Gang Homicides ? Five U.S. Cities, 2003?2008

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective - Gangs Remain Key Unaddressed Problem in Gun Debate

To hear gun control advocates speak, one would be led to believe that gun violence is a widespread problem whereby the mere existence of a gun is as much a problem as the person who intends to wield it. But the reality is that gun homicides are overwhelmingly tied to gang violence. In fact, a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.

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