What if she didn't have a gun?


Guns are not designed to kill people. They are designed to propel a projectile at a high rate of speed. To think I've owned a gun for over 20 years and I have never used it to kill people. I guess I'm doing wrong huh?

GIven the way you masturbate over the thought of killing people to your full sized Fathead of George Zimmerman you have on your wall, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you do.

LOL this is the crap you get from someone that wants to be taken seriously??

We don't have a gun pandemic,we have a really fucking stupid people pandemic,and your at the head of the line.

We have tens of thousands of gun deaths while other industrialized countries (many of which were guns are legal, just hard to get) have only hundreds.

Yes, we have a pandemic. There are lots of stupid people in Germany and Japan, they just don't have easy access to guns.
NO, what matters to me is we have too many guns in the hands of too many people who shouldn't have them.

That some of them have "criminal irecords" in a country where the PRison industry is big business is actually pretty bad.

BUt I have a simple solution. Every gun crime, let the victims sue the gunmakers. Betcha they'll make sure the bad guys don't get guns after that.

So can I sue ford if a guy driving a ford hits me with his car?

After all the company should have made sure a person who shouldn't be driving didn't get behind the wheel right?

Can I sue Louisville Slugger if a guy tattoos me with a bat?

Can I sue a company that makes hammers if a guy beats me with one?

None of those people should have been allowed to have those things if they were going to commit a crime with them right?

None of those things were specifically designed to kill people.

Guns are.

Are you really concerned that Bubba might off you by accident, or is this really just you trying to push people around? The chances are greater that some woman in a van clips you while texting "*OMG*" than you catching an errant round. That is unless you go to Colorado holding a sign saying "Gun-nutters can lick my balls!"
i dont know what is worse....gun nuts or anti gunners...but personally i am sick of all of yal.....both groups need to remember the ussc continues to uphold my right to protect myself....

but damn these dueling threads
The administration can tell you everything about gun violence but can't tell us how many people have paid for Obamacare......

Wonder why.....

Can you go five minutes without thinking about Obama, guy?

I mean, seriously, you seem to have a serious obsession about the guy.

Dude, he makes himself the center of everything. Name one important issue or event he hasn't tried to shoehorn into. I'd like to forget about him for good, but he's like a zit that keeps coming back.

Sort of the way you never go away....
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The administration can tell you everything about gun violence but can't tell us how many people have paid for Obamacare......

Wonder why.....

Can you go five minutes without thinking about Obama, guy?

I mean, seriously, you seem to have a serious obsession about the guy.

Dude, he makes himself the center of everything. Name one important issue or event he hasn't tried to shoehorn into. I'd like to forget about him for good, but he's like a zit that keeps coming back.

no, that would be simple k....
Are you really concerned that Bubba might off you by accident, or is this really just you trying to push people around? The chances are greater that some woman in a van clips you while texting "*OMG*" than you catching an errant round. That is unless you go to Colorado holding a sign saying "Gun-nutters can lick my balls!"

Yes, because that's the way to go around showing how rational you are on this subject, by threatenign to shoot people who diagree with you....:cuckoo:

I'm really concerned Bubba might off SOMEONE by accident, because, as I've said, 32,000 gun deaths every year.

NOt sure how many texting while driving accidents there are, but here's the thing. Cops are really cracking down on that shit!

Dude, he makes himself the center of everything. Name one important issue or event he hasn't tried to shoehorn into. I'd like to forget about him for good, but he's like a zit that keeps coming back.

Sort of the way you never go away....

When he retires to Hawaii or Hyde Park in 2017, I htink that there's going to be a great void in your life.

That you will quickly fill with President Hillary for the next 8 years.

Dude, he makes himself the center of everything. Name one important issue or event he hasn't tried to shoehorn into. I'd like to forget about him for good, but he's like a zit that keeps coming back.

Sort of the way you never go away....

When he retires to Hawaii or Hyde Park in 2017, I htink that there's going to be a great void in your life.

That you will quickly fill with President Hillary for the next 8 years.

Not really. If you or he disappears off the face of the Earth I won't give it a second thought.

Bet you'll shit yourself if another Bush ends up in the White House.
Are you really concerned that Bubba might off you by accident, or is this really just you trying to push people around? The chances are greater that some woman in a van clips you while texting "*OMG*" than you catching an errant round. That is unless you go to Colorado holding a sign saying "Gun-nutters can lick my balls!"

Yes, because that's the way to go around showing how rational you are on this subject, by threatenign to shoot people who diagree with you....:cuckoo:

I'm really concerned Bubba might off SOMEONE by accident, because, as I've said, 32,000 gun deaths every year.

NOt sure how many texting while driving accidents there are, but here's the thing. Cops are really cracking down on that shit!

Yeah, that must be why I see it every damned day....

I've been checking. I see somebody driving erratically and they're usually holding a cell in their hand.
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Not really. If you or he disappears off the face of the Earth I won't give it a second thought.

Bet you'll shit yourself if another Bush ends up in the White House.

Yeah, most sensible people would.

Bush 1- 1 Pointless War and 1 Recession.

Bush 2 - 2 pointless wars and 2 Recessions!

Want to go for three? I don't.

Seriously, how often do you have to make the same mistake?

Not really. If you or he disappears off the face of the Earth I won't give it a second thought.

Bet you'll shit yourself if another Bush ends up in the White House.

Yeah, most sensible people would.

Bush 1- 1 Pointless War and 1 Recession.

Bush 2 - 2 pointless wars and 2 Recessions!

Want to go for three? I don't.

Seriously, how often do you have to make the same mistake?

Obama, massive debt, bad economy, started an air war in Libya, almost in Syria, trying to in Ukraine, still in Afghanistan, trafficking weapons in the ME, Mexico, our enemies don't respect us, our former allies don't trust us, screwed up our healthcare industry, gutted the military, trying to turn America into Venezuela, and yet you don't seem to mind the direction he's taking us.

You really have no room to talk.
Obama, massive debt, bad economy, started an air war in Libya, almost in Syria, trying to in Ukraine, still in Afghanistan, trafficking weapons in the ME, Mexico, our enemies don't respect us, our former allies don't trust us, screwed up our healthcare industry, gutted the military, trying to turn America into Venezuela, and yet you don't seem to mind the direction he's taking us.

You really have no room to talk.

Naw, you really don't have a problem at all, Guy.

I don't mind the direction he's taking us in. We shouldn't be the world's policeman and we need to take care of our own before multi-national corporations.
Obama, massive debt, bad economy, started an air war in Libya, almost in Syria, trying to in Ukraine, still in Afghanistan, trafficking weapons in the ME, Mexico, our enemies don't respect us, our former allies don't trust us, screwed up our healthcare industry, gutted the military, trying to turn America into Venezuela, and yet you don't seem to mind the direction he's taking us.

You really have no room to talk.

Naw, you really don't have a problem at all, Guy.

I don't mind the direction he's taking us in. We shouldn't be the world's policeman and we need to take care of our own before multi-national corporations.

Taking care of us?

Don't hold your breath waiting for that bub.

And when it comes to being the world's policemen, I agree, but I don't think rendering us incapable to do that is the answer. Nobody else can and nobody else has the funds to do that by their own choice. Too many Socialist utopias for that to be a real possibility.

I think the first step should have been cutting back on foreign aide. Then cutting back on supporting every illegal they encouraged to cross the border and their anchor-babies. That would be a good start. You said we should take care of our own for once. That's what it means.
They make this same argument over and over again trying to compare gun ownership to cars. And they over and over again ignore that fact of how closely and thoroughly regulated cars are as compared to guns. There is very little regulation regarding guns. There is very serious and thorough regulation regarding cars.

So, you want to regulate firearms as we regulate cars, eh?

Well, let's see what that would entail...

1) The Federal government does not regulate the licensing of drivers, states do.
2) No state requires a license to purchase a vehicle nor use it on your own land, only if you use a car on public streets are you required to have a license.
3) There is NO limit to the number of cars one can own, their horsepower or performance capabilities.

So, by your own reasoning, the Feds should have no role in citizen purchasing firearms, but states are free to require a license for carrying a firearm on public property...but they can't limit the number or type of firearm one can purchase.

DEAL! :lol:
And if you really want to make a comparison to cars... car owners have to be tested, licensed, registered and insured.

Not by the Feds they don't. And you do NOT need a test, a license or insurance to purchase and use a vehicle on your own property.

Thanks for making our point dumb ass! :lol:

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