What if she didn't have a gun?

And if you really want to make a comparison to cars... car owners have to be tested, licensed, registered and insured.

Not by the Feds they don't. And you do NOT need a test, a license or insurance to purchase and use a vehicle on your own property.

Thanks for making our point dumb ass! :lol:

Wow, really stretching, aren't we flattie? point is, cars are tightly regulated for everyone's safety.

And so should guns be.

Taking care of us?

Don't hold your breath waiting for that bub.

And when it comes to being the world's policemen, I agree, but I don't think rendering us incapable to do that is the answer. Nobody else can and nobody else has the funds to do that by their own choice. Too many Socialist utopias for that to be a real possibility.

I think the first step should have been cutting back on foreign aide. Then cutting back on supporting every illegal they encouraged to cross the border and their anchor-babies. That would be a good start. You said we should take care of our own for once. That's what it means.

again, the provision in the constitution that allows "Anchor Babies" is more clearly written than the one that says you can own a gun.

Point is, America is reaching the point that every other "socialist utopia" got to. YOu can have an empire or you can have a social welfare state. But you can't have both.
32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

How many of those were suicides? Over 60%

What disingenuous piece of shit you are.

Sorry, is a suicide less dead than a murder victim.

A gun suicide happened not 50 feet from where I am sitting now. Of course, before he shot himself, he wildly shot out into the complex parking lot.

No, it's not less dead, but guns haven't a damn thing to do suicides. Japan proves that every year with near the highest suicide rate in the world DESPITE no civilian ownership of firearms. In fact, Japan has the EXACT SAME combined murder/suicide rate as the US.

Now how could that be???

Clearly, if we're counting suicides, then it CANNOT be firearms that are to blame, but the people committing the act.

Thanks again for proving our point! :lol:
And if you really want to make a comparison to cars... car owners have to be tested, licensed, registered and insured.

Not by the Feds they don't. And you do NOT need a test, a license or insurance to purchase and use a vehicle on your own property.

Thanks for making our point dumb ass! :lol:

Wow, really stretching, aren't we flattie? point is, cars are tightly regulated for everyone's safety.

And so should guns be.

Great! Let's regulate guns just like cars. No Fed involvement. No need for a test or license unless you carry on public property. All regulated by states.

And if you really want to make a comparison to cars... car owners have to be tested, licensed, registered and insured.

Not by the Feds they don't. And you do NOT need a test, a license or insurance to purchase and use a vehicle on your own property.

Thanks for making our point dumb ass! :lol:

Wow, really stretching, aren't we flattie? point is, cars are tightly regulated for everyone's safety.

And so should guns be.

They are.

Wake up.

Taking care of us?

Don't hold your breath waiting for that bub.

And when it comes to being the world's policemen, I agree, but I don't think rendering us incapable to do that is the answer. Nobody else can and nobody else has the funds to do that by their own choice. Too many Socialist utopias for that to be a real possibility.

I think the first step should have been cutting back on foreign aide. Then cutting back on supporting every illegal they encouraged to cross the border and their anchor-babies. That would be a good start. You said we should take care of our own for once. That's what it means.

again, the provision in the constitution that allows "Anchor Babies" is more clearly written than the one that says you can own a gun.

Point is, America is reaching the point that every other "socialist utopia" got to. YOu can have an empire or you can have a social welfare state. But you can't have both.

Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.
Well, when we are all so scared of each other than we all pack heat, this is a good thing to you, how?

You would apparently prefer that only the bad guys are armed. How fucked up is that!

Or, I'm sorry, do you have some plan that will get the bad guys and crazies to begin obeying the law?

Didn't think so.

Dumbass, most people who are killed with guns kill themselves or are killed by someone they know. The bad guys aren't really the problem here. We are.

So what? You don't think bad guys kill people they know?

Wow, speaks volumes about your "logic"...

32,000 gun deaths, and according to the FBI, only 200 of them involved self-defense by a civilian.

And most were suicides. So what. I don't give a shit how many involved self defense. A TON more incidents every year are avoided by an armed good guy who doesn't have to kill anyone because they're armed...just like the example in the OP.

You keep making our point for us...hysterical! :lol:

Hey, guess how many gun murders we had last year? 11,000!

Guess how many gun murders JAPAN had last year? 11.

Why are you focusing on "gun" murders? Is murder not murder? So what if when Americans choose to murder someone there weapon of choice is a firearm? Dead is dead. You'd feel better if people were hacked to death like we've seen in other countries?

LOTS of countries (over 100 in fact) with higher murder rates than the US. Who fucking cares how those murders were carried out?

Most of those countries are third world ratholes, without central government or some kind of anarchy.

But if you compare us to other industrialized nations, most of which either limit gun ownership or ban it outright, we have a murder rate in the tens of thousands, and they have murder rates in the hundres.

Let's review, shall we?

G-7 Countries only, the countries that are our peers in economics, culture and advancement.

USA- 15,953 murders, 11,101 with guns.

United Kingdom- 653 murders, 38 with guns.

Italy - 552 Homicides, 218 with guns.

Germany - 662 homicides, 158 with guns.

France - 753 homicides, 134 with guns.

Canada - 529, homicides 173 with guns

Japan - 442 homicides, 11 with guns.

Cherry picking motherfucker. That's you! Sorry, you don't get to list the countries YOU think are worthy of comparison just because they have low murder rates. That does not change the fact that OVER 100 countries have higher murder rates than the US and no, not all of them are "anarchist ratholes".


Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.

Uh, no, if these guys can own or get guns, it's not "tightly controlled"

Talking about mistakes, who kept voting for a guy that only seems to be good at causing trouble and wasting money. He makes Cinton look like a very moderate and competent president.

Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.

Uh, no, if these guys can own or get guns, it's not "tightly controlled"

Wait a darn second! Are you saying crazy motherfuckers DON'T OBEY THE LAW???

My goodness, who would have thunk such a think possible?

Well clearly, the solution is to ensure nobody is able to protect themselves against these thugs and insane fucks. That's do the trick...:cuckoo:
Most of those countries are third world ratholes, without central government or some kind of anarchy.

But if you compare us to other industrialized nations, most of which either limit gun ownership or ban it outright, we have a murder rate in the tens of thousands, and they have murder rates in the hundres.

Let's review, shall we?

G-7 Countries only, the countries that are our peers in economics, culture and advancement.

USA- 15,953 murders, 11,101 with guns.

United Kingdom- 653 murders, 38 with guns.

Italy - 552 Homicides, 218 with guns.

Germany - 662 homicides, 158 with guns.

France - 753 homicides, 134 with guns.

Canada - 529, homicides 173 with guns

Japan - 442 homicides, 11 with guns.

Cherry picking motherfucker. That's you! Sorry, you don't get to list the countries YOU think are worthy of comparison just because they have low murder rates. That does not change the fact that OVER 100 countries have higher murder rates than the US and no, not all of them are "anarchist ratholes".


I specifically listed countries that have a equivlent level of economic, social and political development to the US. IN short, our peer group. Countries that are like us.

Now, you can point out a country like Mexico that is lawless and say, "Hey, they have more murders than we do", but I don't think you'd want America to be more like Canada and less like Mexico.

Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.

Uh, no, if these guys can own or get guns, it's not "tightly controlled"


The one on the left used his mother's gun, and all of them were on medication for a mental condition. Keep em away from these folks. Should we put the ocean off-limits because someone drowns? Apparently so. This is your rationale.

Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.

Uh, no, if these guys can own or get guns, it's not "tightly controlled"

Wait a darn second! Are you saying crazy motherfuckers DON'T OBEY THE LAW???

My goodness, who would have thunk such a think possible?

Well clearly, the solution is to ensure nobody is able to protect themselves against these thugs and insane fucks. That's do the trick...:cuckoo:

No, I am saying that all three of these guys were able to LEGALLY get guns (or in Lanza's case, get access to them) despite the fact eveyrone in their lives knew they were crazy.

I would ad Cho (the guy from VA Tech) to this list as well. All four of these guys were nuts.

THree of them were able to walk into guns stores and buy weapons. The other took his Mommy's weapons after she trained him how to use them.

Now, frankly, although I have no interest in making you supposedly "responsible" gun owners happy, I'd be willing to meet you all halfway. Have a gun ownership system like Germany has. Germany has 17 million guns for 80 million citizens, but they don't give them to anyone who wants one because 230 years ago, some slave-rapists couldn't write a militia clause clearly.

The one on the left used his mother's gun, and all of them were on medication for a mental condition. Keep em away from these folks. Should we put the ocean off-limits because someone drowns? Apparently so. This is your rationale.

YOu know when my 3 year old grand-neice gets caught doing something she shouldn't be doing, she wants to talk about everything else but what she did.

It's endearing for a 3 year old. NOt so much for grown men.

You guys want to talk about cars and phones and now the fucking ocean (really? Seriously?) because you can't talk about the sensible thing.

Not everyone should have a gun. NOt everyone needs a gun, and there ought to be sensible criteria as to who can own one.

The one on the left used his mother's gun, and all of them were on medication for a mental condition. Keep em away from these folks. Should we put the ocean off-limits because someone drowns? Apparently so. This is your rationale.

YOu know when my 3 year old grand-neice gets caught doing something she shouldn't be doing, she wants to talk about everything else but what she did.

It's endearing for a 3 year old. NOt so much for grown men.

You guys want to talk about cars and phones and now the fucking ocean (really? Seriously?) because you can't talk about the sensible thing.

Not everyone should have a gun. NOt everyone needs a gun, and there ought to be sensible criteria as to who can own one.

There is. Try buying one dip stick.

Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.

Uh, no, if these guys can own or get guns, it's not "tightly controlled"


The one on the left used his mother's gun, and all of them were on medication for a mental condition. Keep em away from these folks. Should we put the ocean off-limits because someone drowns? Apparently so. This is your rationale.

The one in the middle even threatened his psychologist.
again, the provision in the constitution that allows "Anchor Babies" is more clearly written than the one that says you can own a gun.

Eh, not really Joe. The Constitution is pretty f%cking clear, lol:

AMENDMENT II: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

Note that it specifically notes "the right of the people" (vs the right of the militia, etc) to keep and bear arms. You and I - as citizens - are "the people". Those words are chosen very carefully, Joe. Don't throw away your rights.

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Gun ownership is tightly controlled by the states.

Uh, no, if these guys can own or get guns, it's not "tightly controlled"


The one on the left used his mother's gun, and all of them were on medication for a mental condition. Keep em away from these folks. Should we put the ocean off-limits because someone drowns? Apparently so. This is your rationale.

3 or 4 nut cases out of millions of gun owners and the kooks believe the law-abiding gun owners should be punished for the crimes of the .0001%.

There are estimates, however. According to the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey – the leading source of international public information about firearms – the U.S. has the best-armed civilian population in the world, with an estimated 270 million total guns. That’s an average of 89 firearms for every 100 residents — far ahead of Yemen, which comes in second with about 55 firearms for every 100 people, or Switzerland, which is third with 46 guns for every 100 people.

How Many People Own Guns in America? And Is Gun Ownership Actually Declining? | TheBlaze.com
again, the provision in the constitution that allows "Anchor Babies" is more clearly written than the one that says you can own a gun.

Eh, not really Joe. The Constitution is pretty f%cking clear, lol:

AMENDMENT II: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

Note that it specifically notes "the right of the people" (vs the right of the militia, etc) to keep and bear arms. You and I - as citizens - are "the people". Those words are chosen very carefully, Joe. Don't throw away your rights.

I really like the "shall not be infringed" part. When are our idiotic "leaders" going to stop "infringing?"

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