what if someone watches both MSNBC & FOX, they'll have no idea what reality is

Thats because both are hopelessly partisan. They dont even try to hide it. From what I have seen Faux makes you dumb as a rock though.
i am one of those folks who watches both networks, and i dont know who to believe!
It’s called research what you are hearing, from other sources, not media, to find the truth. It can usually be found, if you dig hard enough.
Look at the top stories for both sites. Its amazing how basically the same story has two wildly different takes.




i am one of those folks who watches both networks, and i dont know who to believe!
It’s called research what you are hearing, from other sources, not media, to find the truth. It can usually be found, if you dig hard enough.

I disagree. None of us know the actual truth. We just think we do. Unless it’s a picture or a video which can’t be denied (which isn’t always the case) there are way too many people between what actually happened and what is reported to have happened, and many of these people have an agenda along with the belief they have the right to mislead.
I have done many years of deep research. Is it true some stuff can’t be ferreted out? Yes, but the most important stuff, yes, you usually can.
i am one of those folks who watches both networks, and i dont know who to believe!
It’s called research what you are hearing, from other sources, not media, to find the truth. It can usually be found, if you dig hard enough.

I disagree. None of us know the actual truth. We just think we do. Unless it’s a picture or a video which can’t be denied (which isn’t always the case) there are way too many people between what actually happened and what is reported to have happened, and many of these people have an agenda along with the belief they have the right to mislead.
I see Faux as trash dumpster. Yeah they may occasionally have a great book (story) in there but there is no way I am going to search through all the trash to find it when I can just go get the book I want from the store.
I vehemently disagree that there's any equivalency here.

Yes, both of them have a "slant", however, one peddles in conspiracy theories and straight up lies.

The other reports facts, with a certain perspective.

Only one of these network whip their viewers into a frenzy over "Tiller the baby killer" until one of their viewers walked into a church, no less, and shot the man dead.

Only one of these networks lie about Pizzagate.

Only one of these networks harps about some fake "war on Christmas" every time this year.

One of these networks have their hosts on stage w/the President at his rallies, while their supposed to be reporting on him.

It goes on and on w/that particular network.

There's just no equivalency here folks, other than having a slant, one of these networks straight-up lies, on a daily basis.

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