What if the IRS announces that Trump's audit is done by next Friday?

So, none of you right wing morons want to offer an "opinion" (unless you're waiting for Fox to provide some help in what you should say) as to WHAT Trump would do if the audit is completed???

I could care less what he does, or doesn't do.

I'm not voting for him
You mean he should give up his tax info, so that Harry Reed can go and SMEAR him, LIE about his taxes, and NOT BE PROSECUTED for DEFAMATION because he said it on the floor of the Senate WITH IMMUNITY from ANY PROSECUTION.... We learned a great lesson about you scumbags of the left from 2012 and Romney's defeat!.....

Then he would release his tax records. Why wouldn't he?

if your other half brain were functioning, you'd know that there is NO LAW preventing Trump from releasing his returns EVEN when being audited....and second, Trump lied....he has NO intention of ever releasing those returns because they're damaging to his stated bullshit.

1. No one said there was a law. Trump said that on the advice of his lawyer, he not release them until the audit is over.

2. The rest of that only exists in your malfunctioning brain.

3. I only need half my brain to outsmart your stupid ass.

You waste that much on him?
Okay friend, give me a link to your assertion!

Of course it won't help your stubborn attitude, but, here....

Donald Trump says he isn't releasing his tax returns yet because they are being audited, though the Internal Revenue Service says that's no barrier to disclosure.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.”

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit
And, wouldn't it behoove him that he would wait until the process is done?
Then he would release his tax records. Why wouldn't he?

if your other half brain were functioning, you'd know that there is NO LAW preventing Trump from releasing his returns EVEN when being audited....and second, Trump lied....he has NO intention of ever releasing those returns because they're damaging to his stated bullshit.

1. No one said there was a law. Trump said that on the advice of his lawyer, he not release them until the audit is over.

2. The rest of that only exists in your malfunctioning brain.

3. I only need half my brain to outsmart your stupid ass.

You waste that much on him?

Lol, yeah, I'm bored ATM.
Of course he's NOT going to release his tax returns .... by not releasing them, he has made the left focus on that (it's called pap for the masses).

That way, they won't bother to investigate him further, and find out about his secret deal with the devil trade his soul for Hillary getting sick, his agreement to provide Ms America contestants to Jimmy Hoffa at his exclusive condo in Trump Towers in return for a secret cabal with the United Auto Workers to force Ford to leave the country just in time for the election, his payoffs to Australian football players to stay home and not take jobs from college players who can't read or write, or worst of all --- OMG! --- paying players to boycott the Ft Lauderdale Semi-County Jai Alai tournament as a protest against Black Lives Matter.
:bsflag:Until I see links proving your assertions.

LOL ------ seriously?????? You've got to be kidding.

PS I lied about the Jai Alai tournament .... it's an all city tourney.
1. No one said there was a law. Trump said that on the advice of his lawyer, he not release them until the audit is over.

Ahhhhhh, so someone who ran his WHOLE campaign on the mantra, "I am the best businessman that was ever born, trust me..."......Is now heeding the advice of "his attorney" who basically must be saying "don't show those taxes it will fuck you up royally...." LOL
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Right wingers on here and elsewhere have long "accused' the Obama administration of applying undue influence on the Dept. of Justice and other governmental agencies to do the administration's bidding.

Which would then raise the question as to WHY, hasn't the Obama administration place some pressure on the IRS to "complete" its audit on good ol' Trump's taxes....

Were this to happen, any guesses as to what the Trumpster would say during the upcoming debate in his flip-flopping that he has changed his mind on releasing those returns?

What if? Suppose? Once upon a time in far off fairy land. Good grief. How asinine n you get?
For a guy who's flat broke he sure lives well.
Maybe he's on welfare.

Moron, the tax returns would NOT disclose trump's "wealth"......But his rate of taxation, his charity giving, his links to foreign investments.....HELL YEAH !!!
What if? Suppose? Once upon a time in far off fairy land. Good grief. How asinine n you get?

For a guy who's flat broke he sure lives well.
Maybe he's on welfare.

Moron, the tax returns would NOT disclose trump's "wealth"......But his rate of taxation, his charity giving, his links to foreign investments.....HELL YEAH !!!

And once you had all of that information in your hand, what good would it do you? He would still be overtaking Hillary in the polls and leading her in others. Hillary is last week's news.
What a great opportunity to lead "the press" down the Primrose Path once again and make them look like they fools they are!

Trump is sooooooo GOOD at that!
What a great opportunity to lead "the press" down the Primrose Path once again and make them look like they fools they are!

Trump is sooooooo GOOD at that!

What "primrose path"??? ALL legitimate media is calling trump a con artist and a charlatan clown.......Try something else besides your affection for FOX....
What "primrose path"??? ALL legitimate media is calling trump a con artist and a charlatan clown.......Try something else besides your affection for FOX....

Thank you for that most generous invitation.

The sort of Primrose Path Trump led them on today. Invite them to a press conference. Make them wait as a team of supporters addresses them and they feel compelled to broadcast the whole proceeding because they can't be sure when Trump will appear.

Then brandish (now I've said this before but you may not have had the chance for someone to sound out the words for you) a single (that would be one) copy of his tax records; unstapled; unbound. Toss the pages into the throng and let them shred each other trying to grab a single page.

I do challenge your apparent believe that to be considered a legitimate journalist one must hold a Democrat Party membership card and/or donate to The Clinton Foundation.
I do challenge your apparent believe that to be considered a legitimate journalist one must hold a Democrat Party membership card and/or donate to The Clinton Foundation.

The English language is a bitch when you failed out of junior high, isn't it?

BTW, Trump DID manage to advertise his new hotel....but why did he have to run out of there to avoid questions....he ran away like a violated virgin....LOL

Will he run away from the debates also???
1. No one said there was a law. Trump said that on the advice of his lawyer, he not release them until the audit is over.

Ahhhhhh, so someone who ran his WHOLE campaign on the mantra, "I am the best businessman that was ever born, trust me..."......Is now heeding the advice of "his attorney" who basically must be saying "don't show those taxes it will fuck you up royally...." LOL

Again, that only exists in your malfunctioning brain.

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