Zone1 What if the State of Israel Ceased to Exist?

For the record, that is the Jewish ancestral homeland as promised by G-d Himself to Abraham and his descendants through Isaac, not Ishmael (the bastard son). All end time events will culminate there when Moshiach returns to settle the score once and for all.
Not the same. I don’t hear mobs of thousands of people rallying wih calls to “kill all Canadians” and “kill all Germans!”

We need Israel as a safe harbor. The recent and extreme upswing in Jew-hate shows that now more than ever.
Some people are virulently anti the state of Israel, without hating all Jews.

Facts Matter
For the record, that is the Jewish ancestral homeland as promised by G-d Himself to Abraham and his descendants through Isaac, not Ishmael (the bastard son). All end time events will culminate there when Moshiach returns to settle the score once and for all.

We don't rely on centuries old religious texts. We live in the 21st century.

thank you for exposing yourself.

What if the State of Israel Ceased to Exist? Just the state itself, not the people of the state.

The Zionist movement is political, but I keep hearing people speak of it as if it were a religious movement, as if they agree the state is some version of a theocracy.

I've known Israeli's that fight the view of Israel as a religious state. I've known Jews who are not pro Zionism. I've personally marched with and in support of Jewish refusniks and others. I've argued with proteges of Noam Chomsky who were so anti Israel it was impossible to take their claims seriously. I am no fan of Noam, but when a man is right Dante give shim the credit due.

Fifty years ago, the distinguished Israel statesman Abba Eban wrote that “One of the chief tasks of any dialogue with the Gentile world is to prove that the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a distinction at all. Anti-Zionism is merely the new anti-Semitism.”

As the examples he gives make crystal clear (e.g., the committed Zionist I.F. Stone), by “anti-Zionism” he means criticism of the policies of the government of Israel and some sympathy for Palestinians.

That principle has become a last-ditch defense of apologists for Israel crimes under the occupation. Any critic, any proponent of Palestinian rights, can be tarred as an anti-Semite. This weapon has recently been wielded to great effect against Jeremy Corbyn in a campaign of vulgar deceit and slander that is shocking even beyond the disgraceful norm.

It would not be surprising if DiEM25 is soon subjected to the same treatment as its success increases and its outreach grows. Be prepared

Don't care if any Middle East country, including Israel, ceased to exist. Not important.

It ain't our war.
What if the State of Israel Ceased to Exist? Just the state itself, not the people of the state.

The Zionist movement is political, but I keep hearing people speak of it as if it were a religious movement, as if they agree the state is some version of a theocracy.

I've known Israeli's that fight the view of Israel as a religious state. I've known Jews who are not pro Zionism. I've personally marched with and in support of Jewish refusniks and others. I've argued with proteges of Noam Chomsky who were so anti Israel it was impossible to take their claims seriously. I am no fan of Noam, but when a man is right Dante give shim the credit due.

Fifty years ago, the distinguished Israel statesman Abba Eban wrote that “One of the chief tasks of any dialogue with the Gentile world is to prove that the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a distinction at all. Anti-Zionism is merely the new anti-Semitism.”

As the examples he gives make crystal clear (e.g., the committed Zionist I.F. Stone), by “anti-Zionism” he means criticism of the policies of the government of Israel and some sympathy for Palestinians.

That principle has become a last-ditch defense of apologists for Israel crimes under the occupation. Any critic, any proponent of Palestinian rights, can be tarred as an anti-Semite. This weapon has recently been wielded to great effect against Jeremy Corbyn in a campaign of vulgar deceit and slander that is shocking even beyond the disgraceful norm.

It would not be surprising if DiEM25 is soon subjected to the same treatment as its success increases and its outreach grows. Be prepared

Poor CrusaderFrank
What happens in the Middle East doesn't even deflect on my Give a Shit O'Meter.

The bastards over there have fighting each other for the last 3,000 years. No matter how much of our money we give the goddamn Israelis or anybody else they will be fighting for the next 3,000 years.

It ain't our war.
So lots of people do something and that makes everyone else suspect? Hmm... Okay.
That’s what you derived? Seriously? Ok.
Trollboi, It's already been stated that Dante is no fan of Noam. Dante has battled a few proteges of Noam on this subject

3rd person troll-boi narcissistically talks about what it allegedly believes as if he had the slightest cred. He doesn’t.

Oh! and there you go again with the juvenile personal insults. I can and do refute Noam and argue against him without resorting to juvenile name calling

Zzz. If dull was an Olympic event you’d get the attention you crave. Your other star turn event would be hypocrisy.

Toddle off now kid. Toddle off.
What happens in the Middle East doesn't even deflect on my Give a Shit O'Meter.

The bastards over there have fighting each other for the last 3,000 years. No matter how much of our money we give the goddamn Israelis or anybody else they will be fighting for the next 3,000 years.

It ain't our war.
You spent an awful lot of bandwidth on this. But ok

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