What if there had been no slaves in America?

What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

The first slaves in America were white British children. James I, James II and then Cromwell continually sent white slaves to the American colonies and the islands. Cromwell in particular made certain the Irish were sent into slavery.

This is before the African slave trade began.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
If ******* were such a magical labor force, the north wouldn't have won. As it turned out, the north's free white-powered industry proved far superior to the lazy negro labor force in the south. And you're saying your magical hardworking negro was what made America? Hahaha!
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
Didn't you know that ancient blacks mastered spaceflight? Then whitey came and stole their resources and ruined everything.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

The first slaves in America were white British children. James I, James II and then Cromwell continually sent white slaves to the American colonies and the islands. Cromwell in particular made certain the Irish were sent into slavery.

This is before the African slave trade began.

Were they in chains?
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
Didn't you know that ancient blacks mastered spaceflight? Then whitey came and stole their resources and ruined everything.

afronots. The colored spaceship made a quick stop at blax lobsturs.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
Total fantasy bullshit.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

The first slaves in America were white British children. James I, James II and then Cromwell continually sent white slaves to the American colonies and the islands. Cromwell in particular made certain the Irish were sent into slavery.

This is before the African slave trade began.

Actually that was Henry Cromwell, Oliver's son, and actually that was a century after the African slave trade began, and actually they were indentured servants (meaning they worked it off and it wasn't permanent) and actually Irish are not "British" and actually most of them went to the West Indies, which is thought to be the source of the lilt in the contemporary speech there, especially Jamaica.

The first slaves in America enslaved by Europeans would actually be Native Americans enslaved by Columbus. He'd send them out to find gold (in places there was no gold) and when they came back emptyhanded he'd cut their ears off. That's the starting point.

They didn't work out well so within a few years they started importing Africans. It was over a century later that they started sending Irish captives from their raids. When the African slave trade began in the 16th century, the Cromwells hadn't even been born yet.
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How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

I wouldn't go that far
There were slave craftsmen and carpenters that did construction. Slaves built the railroads in the south. There were slave blacksmiths

The economic boom in the south was built on the backs of slave labor of which they received nothing
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

--- and that economic boom, built on the backs of free enslaved labor, gave the country the resources to run the whole "Manifest Destiny" gig, which in turn provided more resources. Et cetera. The US became a big economic player real fast on the basis of its near-monopoly of cotton. The arrival of the Civil War and the attendant upset of that industry sent Europe into economic panic as they were dependent on that material for their own industry especially England. They had to scramble to develop new cotton sources which they did in Egypt and in Brazil.
That doesn't diminish our own complicity in slavery in America.
Define "our".


None of us alive are responsible for any slavery in America- but our country certainly was.

Just as I am proud of the American Constitution- as an American- I also recognize that our history of slavery is a stain on our past.

That doesn't mean we are a bad country- but it does mean we should recognize our accomplishments and learn from our mistakes.
. Second biggest mistake was not sending them all back to Africa when they were freed.

Would you be in favor of sending third generation Swedish Americans back to Sweden?

African slaves in 1860 were more likely to be third generation or more removed from Africa- with a good chance of white blood because the women were often raped and impregnated by their masters. They had less connection with Africa than a third generation Swedish American does with Sweden today.

More importantly- they were Americans- every single one of them that was born in the United States. We don't send Americans 'back to where came from'
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.

LOL- you really need to get your information from sources other than Stormfront.

Because you are really ignorant.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

Skilled slaves were especially valuable- and commanded a much higher price than field hands.

Virtually all of the grand plantations of the South built during the slave era were built in large part by slaves. Skilled carpenters, bricklayers, blacksmiths, gunsmiths, mechanics, engineers and others were all advertised for sale.
Would have found someone else to pick that cotton, and we'd have colonies on the moon and mars by now.
That doesn't diminish our own complicity in slavery in America.
Define "our".


None of us alive are responsible for any slavery in America- but our country certainly was.

Just as I am proud of the American Constitution- as an American- I also recognize that our history of slavery is a stain on our past.

That doesn't mean we are a bad country- but it does mean we should recognize our accomplishments and learn from our mistakes.
The United States should feel very proud of our history regarding slavery. It is a noble history.

Slavery had already been an institution on this continent for 300 years on July 4, 1776--longer than we've even been a country. It was an institution established and profited from by Africans, Arabs, Europeans, and Jews.

Slavery had been a normal condition throughout the world throughout history (with some misgivings among the Ancient Greeks, white men) until white Christian men in Europe and North America began framing it as a moral question in the 18th Century. By the time 1776 rolled around, there was a strong enough abolitionist movement in the colonies that promoting slavery was listed as one of the reasons to declare independence in the Declaration of Independence. It was removed only because the southern colonies refused to join the revolution if it was left in.

In fewer than one hundred years from becoming a nation, the tensions among whites over slavery ignited a brutal war in which more Americans died than all our other wars put together. It's the only time in history in which one people fought themselves over an injustice committed against another people.

Since the war, Americans have made enormous effort to bring the freed slaves--an illiterate and alien race--to full parity with the citizens of the country. We have spent trillions and passed landmark legislation and stacked the deck against our own children in order to give this alien race equal place in our civilization--an effort also unprecedented in world history that I know of.

It would have probably worked, too, if not for the presence of the Jew, who has worked tirelessly to promote racial hatred in this country. So fuck you with this "slavery is a stain on our past". Slavery is a stain on the earth's past--oh, wait, it isn't past. It's still widespread in Africa, the Far East, the Near East, and the Middle East. It is past in Christiandom.

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