What if there had been no slaves in America?

built on the backs of free enslaved labor, gave the country the resources to run the whole "Manifest Destiny" gig, which in turn provided more resources.
You are historically illiterate. The reason the south was so backward and undeveloped was because of slavery. Slavery was an economic sinkhole. Much of the opposition to the Civil War, in both the north and the south, was the widespread feeling that slavery would die out on it's own because it was so non-productive. Read Alexis de Tocqueville's account of floating down the Ohio River in 1826 with slave Kentucky on one bank, and on the right bank, free Ohio. He says on the right it is a hive of industry and commercial activity, on the left, the torpor of untouched nature.

Resentful Jews have spent decades defaming the people who built this country because they hate accomplishment by Christians.
They were the only immigrants subject to terrorism

You left out virtually every major immigration group. There used to be large diamond shaped sign on virtually all manufacturing plants with the letter I N N A. The "I" at the top, then "N N" with "A" at the bottom. Irish Need Not Apply.
The Irish are mainstream Americans now because of massive riots, burning down their own neighborhoods, and reparations.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

I wouldn't go that far
There were slave craftsmen and carpenters that did construction. Slaves built the railroads in the south. There were slave blacksmiths

The economic boom in the south was built on the backs of slave labor of which they received nothing
Building railroads doesn't require skilled craftsmen. It was all about hard labor.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
Interesting "what if"...I expect America would have grown at a slower pace and if we are talking the kidnapping of blacks from Africa.....Africa would have stayed a stronger place and probably would have been able to drive off any colonization attempts by Europeans.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.

LOL- you really need to get your information from sources other than Stormfront.

Because you are really ignorant.
I've never been to storm front and you aren't making a good case to support your claim. You're just talking shit. Why? Because you can't back up your position with facts.
Oh bullshit. Slavery has existed, and sprang up independently, on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. To try to sell us "Africa invented slavery" is completely ludicrous.

And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
You are wrong on all points and anyone who is interested in the truth need only perform a basic Google search.

Slavery is to Africa what spaghetti and meatballs is to Italy -- and it continues there to this day, mainly in Sudan.
Is it legal there?
built on the backs of free enslaved labor, gave the country the resources to run the whole "Manifest Destiny" gig, which in turn provided more resources.
You are historically illiterate. The reason the south was so backward and undeveloped was because of slavery. Slavery was an economic sinkhole. Much of the opposition to the Civil War, in both the north and the south, was the widespread feeling that slavery would die out on it's own because it was so non-productive. Read Alexis de Tocqueville's account of floating down the Ohio River in 1826 with slave Kentucky on one bank, and on the right bank, free Ohio. He says on the right it is a hive of industry and commercial activity, on the left, the torpor of untouched nature.

Resentful Jews have spent decades defaming the people who built this country because they hate accomplishment by Christians.

Its da JEWS!
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
Interesting "what if"...I expect America would have grown at a slower pace and if we are talking the kidnapping of blacks from Africa.....Africa would have stayed a stronger place and probably would have been able to drive off any colonization attempts by Europeans.

What would have happened if Africa was allowed to keep its abundant natural resources?
built on the backs of free enslaved labor, gave the country the resources to run the whole "Manifest Destiny" gig, which in turn provided more resources.
You are historically illiterate. The reason the south was so backward and undeveloped was because of slavery. Slavery was an economic sinkhole. Much of the opposition to the Civil War, in both the north and the south, was the widespread feeling that slavery would die out on it's own because it was so non-productive. Read Alexis de Tocqueville's account of floating down the Ohio River in 1826 with slave Kentucky on one bank, and on the right bank, free Ohio. He says on the right it is a hive of industry and commercial activity, on the left, the torpor of untouched nature.

Resentful Jews have spent decades defaming the people who built this country because they hate accomplishment by Christians.

Its da JEWS!
Its da TRUTH!
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
Interesting "what if"...I expect America would have grown at a slower pace and if we are talking the kidnapping of blacks from Africa.....Africa would have stayed a stronger place and probably would have been able to drive off any colonization attempts by Europeans.

What would have happened if Africa was allowed to keep its abundant natural resources?
It would stay in the ground until the Chinese came and took it.
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
Slaves werent builders. They had no skills on that level. They were laborers at best and there were very few slaves around anyway.

White people built the structures. I'm not sure why you think it was the other way around.

LOL- you really need to get your information from sources other than Stormfront.

Because you are really ignorant.
I've never been to storm front and you aren't making a good case to support your claim. You're just talking shit. Why? Because you can't back up your position with facts.

LOL- well sounds like you would like Stormfront- it thrives on ignorant misinformation like yours.

And unlike you- I did provide actual facts- glad to do so again

That doesn't diminish our own complicity in slavery in America.
Define "our".


None of us alive are responsible for any slavery in America- but our country certainly was.

Just as I am proud of the American Constitution- as an American- I also recognize that our history of slavery is a stain on our past.

That doesn't mean we are a bad country- but it does mean we should recognize our accomplishments and learn from our mistakes.
The United States should feel very proud of our history regarding slavery. It is a noble history.

......It would have probably worked, too, if not for the presence of the Jew, who has worked tirelessly to promote racial hatred in this country. So fuck you.

LOL- you asshole racists- its always blame the Jews- and be proud of our history of slavery.

What a noble history you are so proud of- the Constitutional compromise met to convince the Southern Slave holder states to sign off on the Constitution writing protections into the Constitution for slavery- and counting slaves as 2/3 of a person.

And lets not forget the laws in the United States which permitted the selling of men, women and children- children from their mothers, children sold to brothels to service our fellow Americans.

Proud indeed.

And it all would have worked too(according to you)- if it wasn't for those darned Jews!
Resentful Jews have spent decades defaming the people who built this country because they hate accomplishment by Christians.

LOL- why are there always asshole racists like you who shame every Christian by your comment?
4 million slaves

40% of the population of the south
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

I wouldn't go that far
There were slave craftsmen and carpenters that did construction. Slaves built the railroads in the south. There were slave blacksmiths

The economic boom in the south was built on the backs of slave labor of which they received nothing
Building railroads doesn't require skilled craftsmen. It was all about hard labor.

Building railroads took tons of skilled craftsman- blacksmiths, carpenters, bricklayers, tinsmiths- there is a whole logistics train that goes with building a railroad.

You needed people who could build bridges, build up the structures to support the construction, build the wheels for the wagons, build the wagons, build and repair the tools.
If there were no slaves, there would be nobody for poor white trash to feel superior to
Oh bullshit. Slavery has existed, and sprang up independently, on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. To try to sell us "Africa invented slavery" is completely ludicrous.

And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
You are wrong on all points and anyone who is interested in the truth need only perform a basic Google search.

Slavery is to Africa what spaghetti and meatballs is to Italy -- and it continues there to this day, mainly in Sudan.
Is it legal there?
I don't know. But based on what I've read it is openly practiced and is not at all uncommon.
The 1860 United States Census was the last one taken before the outbreak of the American Civil War, here's the results:

31,443,321 total population, with 3,953,761 (12.7%) being slaves. So a little over 1 out of every 7 persons in the USA were in chains.

Thats at its HEIGHT. The years leading up to the civil war there were far less. This is the time when people claim "slaves built America". Its simply not true. They were unskilled and there werent that many of them anyway.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

I wouldn't go that far
There were slave craftsmen and carpenters that did construction. Slaves built the railroads in the south. There were slave blacksmiths

The economic boom in the south was built on the backs of slave labor of which they received nothing
Building railroads doesn't require skilled craftsmen. It was all about hard labor.

Building railroads took tons of skilled craftsman- blacksmiths, carpenters, bricklayers, tinsmiths- there is a whole logistics train that goes with building a railroad.

You needed people who could build bridges, build up the structures to support the construction, build the wheels for the wagons, build the wagons, build and repair the tools.
The men who laid the tracks were low skilled workers who had ZERO experience when they were hired. Anyone could do that job.
Nobody claims they built all of America
But you can't claim that four million slaves in a ten million population in the south was not significant
The southern economy was built on cotton. Slaves planted it, maintained it, picked it, bundled it,transported it, ginned it
I'm definitely not denying that. They contributed to an economic boon, but they didn't build anything. That would require skilled training that slaves never received.

I wouldn't go that far
There were slave craftsmen and carpenters that did construction. Slaves built the railroads in the south. There were slave blacksmiths

The economic boom in the south was built on the backs of slave labor of which they received nothing
Building railroads doesn't require skilled craftsmen. It was all about hard labor.

Building railroads took tons of skilled craftsman- blacksmiths, carpenters, bricklayers, tinsmiths- there is a whole logistics train that goes with building a railroad.

You needed people who could build bridges, build up the structures to support the construction, build the wheels for the wagons, build the wagons, build and repair the tools.
The men who laid the tracks were low skilled workers who had ZERO experience when they were hired. Anyone could do that job.
But they didn't

It was done by slave labor

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