What If They Called It The 'Protect & Preserve America Act?'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Would you and most other Americans then gladly accept Martial Law? Most American Citizens really do believe Martial Law just can't happen here. But the next Terrorist Attack on our soil or massive Civil Unrest could tell another tale. Now i know many are going to read this and quickly label it 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' stuff. But is it really?

Another large Terrorist Attack on our soil or massive Civil Unrest are actually very likely. How will our Government react to that? We've already seen that most Americans are willing to accept almost anything from their Government when their actions are given safe patriotic labels like the 'Patriot Act' and 'Homeland Security.' So if they gave Martial Law a new label such as the 'Protect And Preserve America Act', would you and most other Americans accept their Martial Law?
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We already have massive civil unrest with the OWS crowd, but the Lamestream media isn't broadcasting it yet. Believe me, when the 'masters' decide it's time, it'll be all over the news like flies on shit. They'll run up the hysteria level to heights never before imagined and the 'gubmint' will be right there with ANOTHER pre-packaged, liberty-stealing monstrosity just like the Patriot Act.

It wouldn't surprise me to see it happen this fall, just in time for O'Bummer to cancel the election.
We already have massive civil unrest with the OWS crowd, but the Lamestream media isn't broadcasting it yet. Believe me, when the 'masters' decide it's time, it'll be all over the news like flies on shit. They'll run up the hysteria level to heights never before imagined and the 'gubmint' will be right there with ANOTHER pre-packaged, liberty-stealing monstrosity just like the Patriot Act.

It wouldn't surprise me to see it happen this fall, just in time for O'Bummer to cancel the election.

I truly do fear the next Terrorist Attack on our soil. I fear that for many reasons but the most important being how my own Government will respond. And you're right, civil unrest is growing. How long will the Government allow it?
We already have massive civil unrest with the OWS crowd, but the Lamestream media isn't broadcasting it yet. Believe me, when the 'masters' decide it's time, it'll be all over the news like flies on shit. They'll run up the hysteria level to heights never before imagined and the 'gubmint' will be right there with ANOTHER pre-packaged, liberty-stealing monstrosity just like the Patriot Act.

It wouldn't surprise me to see it happen this fall, just in time for O'Bummer to cancel the election.

I truly do fear the next Terrorist Attack on our soil. I fear that for many reasons but the most important being how my own Government will respond. And you're right, civil unrest is growing. How long will the Government allow it?

For as long as it suits their purposes...:eusa_shhh:
Martial Law? Covering the entire nation? Over a localized terrorist attack, even a massive one like 9-11? I don't think so. Civil unrest? Again I see a possiblity of a local area being placed under temporary martial law, like the Detroit Riot of 1967 (the military was called in but the area was not under martial law). If the Vietnam protesters in the 60 and 70's didn't warrant martial law I don't see anything on the horizon that would.
Martial Law? Covering the entire nation? Over a localized terrorist attack, even a massive one like 9-11? I don't think so. Civil unrest? Again I see a possiblity of a local area being placed under temporary martial law, like the Detroit Riot of 1967 (the military was called in but the area was not under martial law). If the Vietnam protesters in the 60 and 70's didn't warrant martial law I don't see anything on the horizon that would.

I guess we'll see.
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I think most Americans believe the Government will be very overt about their Martial Law implementation. But that's not how Government works. They will instead be very stealthy and subtle. Those patriotic labels like the 'Patriot Act' and 'Homeland Security' really do work. After all, how could something called the 'Patriot Act' be bad for you? It's all psychological. And no one does psy-ops better than the U.S. Government.
I think most Americans believe the Government will be very overt about their Martial Law implementation. But that's not how Government works. They will instead be very stealthy and subtle. Those patriotic labels like the 'Patriot Act' and 'Homeland Security' really do work. After all, how could something called the 'Patriot Act' be bad for you? It's all psychological. And no one does psy-ops better than the U.S. Government.


If there is any people more easily dupable than the American public I don't know who they are.

Seriously most partisans are so fucking stupid it's unbelieveable.

Until I came on the net (coming to places like this) to read in their own words how easily fooled most people actually are, I'd have never believed it.
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I have no doubt there is a Patriot Act II sitting in shrink wrap somewhere in a basement room in the Capitol building, waiting to be unanimously approved by Congress in the event of another 9/11 type event.

Then we will se armed meter maids waterboarding double parkers, Sean Hannity will finally be able to don the armband he has always wanted, every time you open a new email account you will have to provide your username and password to Fatherland Security, and there will be millimeter wave scanners at the entrance of every mall in America.

And I am going to get rich from selling 4th Amendment toilet paper.
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I think most Americans believe the Government will be very overt about their Martial Law implementation. But that's not how Government works. They will instead be very stealthy and subtle. Those patriotic labels like the 'Patriot Act' and 'Homeland Security' really do work. After all, how could something called the 'Patriot Act' be bad for you? It's all psychological. And no one does psy-ops better than the U.S. Government.


If there is any people more easily dupable than the American public I don't know who they are.

Seriously most partisans are so fucking stupid it's unbelieveable.

Until I came on the net (coming to places like this) to read in their own words how easily fooled most people actually are, I'd have never believed it.

Yes, unfortunately most people really are just sheople in the end. Just call it the 'Patriot Act' or 'Homeland Security' and most will get behind it 100%. They will not call it 'Martial Law.' The Government is way too clever to do that. It has to be called something that will get the People all worked up and gung-ho about having their rights taken away for 'Security.' I see only a very bleak future for our Nation.
I have no doubt there is a Patriot Act II sitting in shrink wrap somewhere in a basement room in the Capitol building, waiting to be unanimously approved by Congress in the event of another 9/11 type event.

Then we will se armed meter maids waterboarding double parkers, Sean Hannity will finally be able to don the armband he has always wanted, every time you open a new email account you will have to provide your username and password to Fatherland Security, and there will be millimeter wave scanners at the entrance of every mall in America.

And I am going to get rich from selling 4th Amendment toilet paper.

Well you have the right idea but you blew it with all the latter partisan rhetoric. :)
I like to know what's in a bill before i support it. Politicians use way too much deception naming them
I like to know what's in a bill before i support it. Politicians use way too much deception naming them

They're selling a product. In this case, the product is Big Brother control. They just give the product a warm & fuzzy patriotic label, and then the sheople buy it.
I like to know what's in a bill before i support it. Politicians use way too much deception naming them

They're selling a product. In this case, the product is Big Brother control. They just give the product a warm & fuzzy patriotic label, and then the sheople buy it.

Which is why we need to be ever vigillant.

We may not agree on every policy, but we should be building bridges.
I like to know what's in a bill before i support it. Politicians use way too much deception naming them

They're selling a product. In this case, the product is Big Brother control. They just give the product a warm & fuzzy patriotic label, and then the sheople buy it.

Which is why we need to be ever vigillant.

We may not agree on every policy, but we should be building bridges.

Yeah i hear ya on that. Good point.
I will also get rich selling T-shirts that have the Fatherland Security logo on the front, and the expression, "IF YOU AREN'T DOING ANYTHING WRONG, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT FROM THE POLICE" in big letters on the back.
I will also get rich selling T-shirts that have the Fatherland Security logo on the front, and the expression, "IF YOU AREN'T DOING ANYTHING WRONG, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT FROM THE POLICE" in big letters on the back.

I know you're being funny, but many American dipshits would buy them. They've been duped for so long, they just don't know any better. They do what their told.
We already have massive civil unrest with the OWS crowd, but the Lamestream media isn't broadcasting it yet. Believe me, when the 'masters' decide it's time, it'll be all over the news like flies on shit. They'll run up the hysteria level to heights never before imagined and the 'gubmint' will be right there with ANOTHER pre-packaged, liberty-stealing monstrosity just like the Patriot Act.

It wouldn't surprise me to see it happen this fall, just in time for O'Bummer to cancel the election.

Maybe? But i lean more towards it happening down the road a bit. It will take a major Terrorist Attack or much more Civil Unrest than what we're seeing now.
So if they gave Martial Law a new label such as the 'Protect And Preserve America Act', would you and most other Americans accept their Martial Law?

Ignorance and idiocy.

Congress can’t ‘legislate martial law.’

The Supreme Court was clear in Ex parte Milligan – martial law may be declared only where courts can not function, where there is ‘actual war,’ and only in the immediate vicinity of war:

If, in foreign invasion or civil war, the courts are actually closed, and it is impossible to administer criminal justice according to law, then, on the theatre of active military operations, where war really prevails, there is a necessity to furnish a substitute for the civil authority, thus overthrown, to preserve the safety of the army and society, and as no power is left but the military, it is allowed to govern by martial rule until the laws can have their free course. As necessity creates the rule, so it limits its duration, for, if this government is continued after the courts are reinstated, it is a gross usurpation of power. Martial rule can never exist where the courts are open and in the proper and unobstructed exercise of their jurisdiction. It is also confined to the locality of actual war.
I guess we'll see.

No, we won’t.
Ows is a joke. There is nothing out there massive enough to cause any type of martial law to be declared.

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