What if Trayvon was White and Zimmerman was Black? The Answer


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
What if Trayvon was White and Zimmerman was Black?

That's a question that keeps popping up and thanks to a quick internet search we have the answer. The Answer? No real difference legally. BIG DIFFERENCE politically. Indeed, lynching is alive and well in America, however, reversed from Jim Crow. This is what liberals mean by "Social Justice."

George Zimmerman:
Weak and Flabby
Profiled a "Suspicious Looking" Black Teen
Shot an Unarmed Black Teen (2012)
Obvious Signs of Injury on Zimmerman
Branded a Racist
Florida Stand Your Ground Law not Cited
Charged with 2nd Degree Murder by the State (Skipping a Jury)
Found Not Guilty by a Majority White Jury
Wall to Wall Media Coverage
Black Protests Across the Nation
Sporadic Protestor Violence and Property Damage in Major Cities
Obama and Holder Remarks on the Case
Investigated for Civil Rights Violations by the DOJ
Lives under Death Threats and Fear of Retaliation

Roderick Scott:
Large and Muscular
Profiled a "Suspicious Looking" White Teen
Left his own Property while Armed to Confront a White Teen After Calling 911 (2009)
No Signs of Injury on Scott (Teen was Shot Before he got to Scott)
No Allegations of Racial Bias
No Stand Your Ground Law in NY
Jury Decided there was Enough Evidence for Possible manslaughter
Found Not Guilty by a Majority White Jury
Local Media Coverage
No White Protests
No White Violence
No Remarks by the President or Attorney General
No Civil Rights Investigation by the DOJ
Continues to Live a Peaceful Life

Roderick Scott: The 'Black George Zimmerman' Acquitted of Murder in 2009

Trayvon Martin vs. Christopher Cervini
Those who are saying that if Zimmerman had been black and Martin white, he would have been convicted, should take a good look at the Scott case.

Despite the fact the verdict in the Scott case resulted in one less African American being incarcerated in an American prison, neither President Obama, nor Rev. Al Sharpton – nor the NAACP have chosen to publicly comment on the jury’s decision.

Roderick Scott Claims Self-Defense in Teen's Shooting - Rochester
Jury Finds Roderick Scott Not Guilty - Rochester
Not in the Media: Roderick Scott found not guilty of manslaughter | Radio Vice Online
Jury finds Roderick Scott not guilty (indicted for self-defense shooting)
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Media Photos


What do you expect from the modern day media, honesty?
Information gets filtered through what Larry Elder refers to as the "Axis of Indoctrination" - specifically Hollywood, academia, AND MEDIA.
The low-information voter for the most part has turned into the no-information voter. Bodes not well for the immediate future.
What if Trayvon was White and Zimmerman was Black?

Blacks would suddenly be able to remember what happened between the time Zimmerman got out of his car and the time he fired the shot. Right now, they can't.
Zimmerman isn't white.

The media initially labeled him as white before they had all the evidence and the race baiting "civil rights leaders" ran with it. By the time it came out he was Hispanic/White they had too much invested to let it go. Thus the insanity continues.
great question.

if a black george zimmerman had shot dead a white trayvon martin the racists in the usa would be calling for zimmerman's head and questioning why he had a right to a gun.
Blacks kill twice as many whites every year. Somehow they want to talking about whites killing them? There's no honesty in this debate.
great question.

if a black george zimmerman had shot dead a white trayvon martin the racists in the usa would be calling for zimmerman's head and questioning why he had a right to a gun.

A black man just got off for killing a white kid using this law. Why not research first?
What if Trayvon was White and Zimmerman was Black?

That's a question that keeps popping up and thanks to a quick internet search we have the answer. The Answer? No real difference legally. BIG DIFFERENCE politically. Indeed, lynching is alive and well in America, however, reversed from Jim Crow. This is what liberals mean by "Social Justice."

George Zimmerman:
Weak and Flabby
Profiled a "Suspicious Looking" Black Teen
Shot an Unarmed Black Teen (2012)
Obvious Signs of Injury on Zimmerman
Branded a Racist
Florida Stand Your Ground Law not Cited
Charged with 2nd Degree Murder by the State (Skipping a Jury)
Found Not Guilty by a Majority White Jury
Wall to Wall Media Coverage
Black Protests Across the Nation
Sporadic Protestor Violence and Property Damage in Major Cities
Obama and Holder Remarks on the Case
Investigated for Civil Rights Violations by the DOJ
Lives under Death Threats and Fear of Retaliation

Roderick Scott:
Large and Muscular
Profiled a "Suspicious Looking" White Teen
Left his own Property while Armed to Confront a White Teen After Calling 911 (2009)
No Signs of Injury on Scott (Teen was Shot Before he got to Scott)
No Allegations of Racial Bias
No Stand Your Ground Law in NY
Jury Decided there was Enough Evidence for Possible manslaughter
Found Not Guilty by a Majority White Jury
Local Media Coverage
No White Protests
No White Violence
No Remarks by the President or Attorney General
No Civil Rights Investigation by the DOJ
Continues to Live a Peaceful Life

Roderick Scott: The 'Black George Zimmerman' Acquitted of Murder in 2009

Trayvon Martin vs. Christopher Cervini
Those who are saying that if Zimmerman had been black and Martin white, he would have been convicted, should take a good look at the Scott case.

Despite the fact the verdict in the Scott case resulted in one less African American being incarcerated in an American prison, neither President Obama, nor Rev. Al Sharpton – nor the NAACP have chosen to publicly comment on the jury’s decision.

Roderick Scott Claims Self-Defense in Teen's Shooting - Rochester
Jury Finds Roderick Scott Not Guilty - Rochester
Not in the Media: Roderick Scott found not guilty of manslaughter | Radio Vice Online
Jury finds Roderick Scott not guilty (indicted for self-defense shooting)

Why do you think one case proves anything about another case?
great question.

if a black george zimmerman had shot dead a white trayvon martin the racists in the usa would be calling for zimmerman's head and questioning why he had a right to a gun.

Yeah, it is now obvious that you did not read the op. Perhaps you should look to the first post of this thread to understand that not a word of what you posted was true.
What if Trayvon was White and Zimmerman was Black?

That's a question that keeps popping up and thanks to a quick internet search we have the answer. The Answer? No real difference legally. BIG DIFFERENCE politically. Indeed, lynching is alive and well in America, however, reversed from Jim Crow. This is what liberals mean by "Social Justice."

George Zimmerman:
Weak and Flabby
Profiled a "Suspicious Looking" Black Teen
Shot an Unarmed Black Teen (2012)
Obvious Signs of Injury on Zimmerman
Branded a Racist
Florida Stand Your Ground Law not Cited
Charged with 2nd Degree Murder by the State (Skipping a Jury)
Found Not Guilty by a Majority White Jury
Wall to Wall Media Coverage
Black Protests Across the Nation
Sporadic Protestor Violence and Property Damage in Major Cities
Obama and Holder Remarks on the Case
Investigated for Civil Rights Violations by the DOJ
Lives under Death Threats and Fear of Retaliation

Roderick Scott:
Large and Muscular
Profiled a "Suspicious Looking" White Teen
Left his own Property while Armed to Confront a White Teen After Calling 911 (2009)
No Signs of Injury on Scott (Teen was Shot Before he got to Scott)
No Allegations of Racial Bias
No Stand Your Ground Law in NY
Jury Decided there was Enough Evidence for Possible manslaughter
Found Not Guilty by a Majority White Jury
Local Media Coverage
No White Protests
No White Violence
No Remarks by the President or Attorney General
No Civil Rights Investigation by the DOJ
Continues to Live a Peaceful Life

Roderick Scott: The 'Black George Zimmerman' Acquitted of Murder in 2009

Trayvon Martin vs. Christopher Cervini
Those who are saying that if Zimmerman had been black and Martin white, he would have been convicted, should take a good look at the Scott case.

Despite the fact the verdict in the Scott case resulted in one less African American being incarcerated in an American prison, neither President Obama, nor Rev. Al Sharpton – nor the NAACP have chosen to publicly comment on the jury’s decision.

Roderick Scott Claims Self-Defense in Teen's Shooting - Rochester
Jury Finds Roderick Scott Not Guilty - Rochester
Not in the Media: Roderick Scott found not guilty of manslaughter | Radio Vice Online
Jury finds Roderick Scott not guilty (indicted for self-defense shooting)

Why do you think one case proves anything about another case?

Look at the op. Compare and contrast one against the other. Both cases were correctly decided. But what are their differences?
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great question.

if a black george zimmerman had shot dead a white trayvon martin the racists in the usa would be calling for zimmerman's head and questioning why he had a right to a gun.

A black man just got off for killing a white kid using this law. Why not research first?

That would require intelligence. Gardener has already made it abundantly clear on this forum that he is an imbecile.
Why do you think one case proves anything about another case?

Look at the op. Compare and contrast one against the other. Both cases were correctly decided. But what are there differences?

The difference is the race hustlers can't make any money off of Cervini's death like they did with Martin's.
This became about race because the PR firm hired by the Martins had nothing else they could use to attack Zimmerman with.
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What if Trayvon was White and Zimmerman was Black?

Blacks would suddenly be able to remember what happened between the time Zimmerman got out of his car and the time he fired the shot. Right now, they can't.

No one would be talking about a federal civil rights investigation.

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