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What immigrant Moms must go through to reclaim their babies

And Refugees given asylum status, ARE NOT illegal immigrants....they are here legally, under the Law of the land
You know they're taking advantage of a loophole. We need to end that.
No. We don’t. Asylum is a legitimate need.
We can't give Asylum to ever person from a poor country. Our country isn't big enough and the world is too big.

"The best thing America can do for other countries is to set a good example." -- Paul Harvey

Yes. Like not ripping families apart unnecessarily.

Don't come here illegally, problem solved.
What was in the rest of the Bill? Please, Repubs don't fool us..... they are the ones that didn't fix it and fix DACA....they did not need a single Democrat to do that....

If the Republicans cared at all about the kids, they'd be with the Democrats. :rolleyes:

And yes, a judge ruled that kids could not be held in captivity with their parents for longer that 10 or 20 days.

What Bush and Obama's policy did, was to allow the parents to stay with their children to comply with the ruling, until their court hearings.... no tolerance policy of Sessions/Trump, does not allow that...

democrats are fucking liars.

Simple as that.

Breitbart busted the Obama regime on this in 2014, which the lying fuck media ignored until the "blue wave" fizzled, at which time the lying fucks at CNN dug up the Breitbart photos and lied that they were from Trump.

The one constant is that you democrat are shameless liars.
I have no idea what you are whining about, or what it has to do with my post????
You know they're taking advantage of a loophole. We need to end that.
No. We don’t. Asylum is a legitimate need.
We can't give Asylum to ever person from a poor country. Our country isn't big enough and the world is too big.

"The best thing America can do for other countries is to set a good example." -- Paul Harvey

Yes. Like not ripping families apart unnecessarily.

Don't come here illegally, problem solved.

although there are plenty of illegal immigrants, the refugee immigrants from central America, did not come here illegally...as asylum seekers, they have the right to come here and seek asylum through a hearing, with a judge, they could get turned down in their hearing, but seeking asylum is not a crime, whether approved or not....

True, some of them crossed the border at the wrong spot, but turned themselves in, to border patrol, seeking asylum once on the usa side..... this is a misdemeanor, but does NOT STOP the legal process of seeking asylum for fear of bodily harm or death.... the asylum hearing by a judge is still legally required....and they can legally be accepted as an asylum seeker, if the judge believes it is warranted.
This will make those with an empathy gene cringe (and Trumpkins proud I suppose). F-ing disgusting IMHO.

CHICAGO (AP) - When Lidia Karine Souza would call her 9-year-old son -- allowed just 20 minutes per week -- he would beg his mom though tears to do everything in her power to get him out of U.S. government custody and back to her.

The 27-year-old Brazilian mother, who is seeking asylum, has been trying with all her might.

She searched for weeks to find Diogo after the two were separated at the border in late May. When she was released June 9 from a Texas facility, she filled out nearly 40 pages of documents that U.S. officials told her were required to regain custody.

Then they told her that the rules had changed and that she needed any family members living with her in the United States to be fingerprinted and still more documents. This was not the safety she had sought for herself and her son. This was not the American dream.

"This ... is a nightmare," she said, sitting in a suburban Chicago hotel, still waiting to be reunited with Diogo, from whom she'd never spent more than a week apart before this.

On Tuesday, Souza's attorneys filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration to demand her son be immediately released. He has spent four weeks at a government-contracted shelter in Chicago, much of it alone in a room, quarantined with chicken pox. He spent his 9th birthday on Monday without his mom.​


Immigrant mom heads to court to get her son back
Brazilians need to build a Brazilian dream.
"What immigrant Moms must go through to reclaim their babies"

Implying that illegals are immigrants. They're not, they're illegals not lawfully in our country.

Stop calling them immigrants.
This will make those with an empathy gene cringe (and Trumpkins proud I suppose). F-ing disgusting IMHO.

CHICAGO (AP) - When Lidia Karine Souza would call her 9-year-old son -- allowed just 20 minutes per week -- he would beg his mom though tears to do everything in her power to get him out of U.S. government custody and back to her.

The 27-year-old Brazilian mother, who is seeking asylum, has been trying with all her might.

She searched for weeks to find Diogo after the two were separated at the border in late May. When she was released June 9 from a Texas facility, she filled out nearly 40 pages of documents that U.S. officials told her were required to regain custody.

Then they told her that the rules had changed and that she needed any family members living with her in the United States to be fingerprinted and still more documents. This was not the safety she had sought for herself and her son. This was not the American dream.

"This ... is a nightmare," she said, sitting in a suburban Chicago hotel, still waiting to be reunited with Diogo, from whom she'd never spent more than a week apart before this.

On Tuesday, Souza's attorneys filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration to demand her son be immediately released. He has spent four weeks at a government-contracted shelter in Chicago, much of it alone in a room, quarantined with chicken pox. He spent his 9th birthday on Monday without his mom.​


Immigrant mom heads to court to get her son back
This will make those with an empathy gene cringe (and Trumpkins proud I suppose). F-ing disgusting IMHO.

CHICAGO (AP) - When Lidia Karine Souza would call her 9-year-old son -- allowed just 20 minutes per week -- he would beg his mom though tears to do everything in her power to get him out of U.S. government custody and back to her.

The 27-year-old Brazilian mother, who is seeking asylum, has been trying with all her might.

She searched for weeks to find Diogo after the two were separated at the border in late May. When she was released June 9 from a Texas facility, she filled out nearly 40 pages of documents that U.S. officials told her were required to regain custody.

Then they told her that the rules had changed and that she needed any family members living with her in the United States to be fingerprinted and still more documents. This was not the safety she had sought for herself and her son. This was not the American dream.

"This ... is a nightmare," she said, sitting in a suburban Chicago hotel, still waiting to be reunited with Diogo, from whom she'd never spent more than a week apart before this.

On Tuesday, Souza's attorneys filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration to demand her son be immediately released. He has spent four weeks at a government-contracted shelter in Chicago, much of it alone in a room, quarantined with chicken pox. He spent his 9th birthday on Monday without his mom.​


Immigrant mom heads to court to get her son back
Tough shit don't illegally bring your children into the country. The US has laws I know that doesn't mean jack to Democrats trying to increase their voter base but to the rest of us it does. Immigrate to this country the legal way don't rely on the taxpayer to take care of you and I'll be the first to say congratulations welcome to the US.
No. We don’t. Asylum is a legitimate need.
We can't give Asylum to ever person from a poor country. Our country isn't big enough and the world is too big.

"The best thing America can do for other countries is to set a good example." -- Paul Harvey

Yes. Like not ripping families apart unnecessarily.

Don't come here illegally, problem solved.

although there are plenty of illegal immigrants, the refugee immigrants from central America, did not come here illegally...as asylum seekers, they have the right to come here and seek asylum through a hearing, with a judge, they could get turned down in their hearing, but seeking asylum is not a crime, whether approved or not....

True, some of them crossed the border at the wrong spot, but turned themselves in, to border patrol, seeking asylum once on the usa side..... this is a misdemeanor, but does NOT STOP the legal process of seeking asylum for fear of bodily harm or death.... the asylum hearing by a judge is still legally required....and they can legally be accepted as an asylum seeker, if the judge believes it is warranted.

No. We don’t. Asylum is a legitimate need.
We can't give Asylum to ever person from a poor country. Our country isn't big enough and the world is too big.

"The best thing America can do for other countries is to set a good example." -- Paul Harvey

Yes. Like not ripping families apart unnecessarily.

Don't come here illegally, problem solved.

although there are plenty of illegal immigrants, the refugee immigrants from central America, did not come here illegally...as asylum seekers, they have the right to come here and seek asylum through a hearing, with a judge, they could get turned down in their hearing, but seeking asylum is not a crime, whether approved or not....

True, some of them crossed the border at the wrong spot, but turned themselves in, to border patrol, seeking asylum once on the usa side..... this is a misdemeanor, but does NOT STOP the legal process of seeking asylum for fear of bodily harm or death.... the asylum hearing by a judge is still legally required....and they can legally be accepted as an asylum seeker, if the judge believes it is warranted.

You aren't worthy of asylum just because your country of origin is an economic & crime ridden shithole. There's more to it than that, and they know it.
I don't have to read the rest of this thread. This was enough for me.
Should've thought of that before trying to sneak across our borders.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

And if they are killed on the way or right after they get home, most Trumplings will love it even more.

Soulless ghouls the lot
This was not the safety she had sought for herself and her son. This was not the American dream.

Seems the lady is a couple of years late. Legal immigration is an American Dream. ILLEGAL invasion never has been, except when the Left has one of theirs on office.

Wrong - Obama deported 2 million. Many if not most with criminal records.
I fell bad that Manafort was separated from his kids on Fathers Day. Hes a political prisoner, victim of Muellers sedition

Crooked Paul is a criminal who was tampering with witnesses. He's now either gonna sing, or spend the rest of his life in solitary.
We can't give Asylum to ever person from a poor country. Our country isn't big enough and the world is too big.

"The best thing America can do for other countries is to set a good example." -- Paul Harvey

Yes. Like not ripping families apart unnecessarily.

Don't come here illegally, problem solved.

although there are plenty of illegal immigrants, the refugee immigrants from central America, did not come here illegally...as asylum seekers, they have the right to come here and seek asylum through a hearing, with a judge, they could get turned down in their hearing, but seeking asylum is not a crime, whether approved or not....

True, some of them crossed the border at the wrong spot, but turned themselves in, to border patrol, seeking asylum once on the usa side..... this is a misdemeanor, but does NOT STOP the legal process of seeking asylum for fear of bodily harm or death.... the asylum hearing by a judge is still legally required....and they can legally be accepted as an asylum seeker, if the judge believes it is warranted.

You aren't worthy of asylum just because your country of origin is an economic & crime ridden shithole. There's more to it than that, and they know it.

True! I believe they or their children had to actually be threaten with crime or their lives.... one on one, not just fear because their country is crime ridden.

The rest are praying for Mercy and Miracles!
Crooked Paul is a criminal who was tampering with witnesses. He's now either gonna sing, or spend the rest of his life in solitary.
The world understands he's a POLITICAL prisoner. This will end soon.

Besides, you love real lawlessness.
It's time to ask yourself, a proverbial question....

Who are you? A Sheep, or a Goat? YOU get to decide, every day of your life! Even if you do not believe in God....you still get to decide....

The Sheep and the Goats
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:31-46 - New International Version

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