What Important Issues Did Obama Really Solve While In Office?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
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well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
I'm trying to remember anything Obama brought down in cost.
Cigarettes went from being $3.00 per pack to $7.00 per pack.
Maybe he wanted to cure cancer.
Obama accomplished more in 10 minutes than your orange hero has done so far

you love a loser, tough shit
Yet you can't name anything.

All Obama did was give speeches. He never did anything other than give our cash away to terrorists and set drug dealers free.
in 2009, I thought the days of blacks and whites calling one another the N word, cracker, spearchucker, whitey, honkey, sambo, shoe shine boy, slaveboy, KKK, etc. etc, were over.
I'm trying to remember anything Obama brought down in cost.
Cigarettes went from being $3.00 per pack to $7.00 per pack.
Maybe he wanted to cure cancer.
I remember when gas was at least $5.00 a gallon in California.
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
Either one of our last two Democratic presidents could have easily won if they could have run in the last election. How far back would you have to go on the republican side till you found one who might have any kind of chance. The current right would have drummed Reagan out for being a RINO
he never even resolved his own problem of not being able to speak in any situation without his teleprompter, including going to dinner, i guess thats when Michele has to hold a mini-teleprompter for Obama when hes ready to order his chicken and grits
0.0 job growth !!! how can over 85 Million people out of the work force be considered "Full Employment" ??:dunno:
Obama accomplished more in 10 minutes than your orange hero has done so far

you love a loser, tough shit
Yet you can't name anything.

All Obama did was give speeches. He never did anything other than give our cash away to terrorists and set drug dealers free.
There was that "Reversing the Course of The Great Recession" thing....

and cutting the deficit he was bequeathed by 66%, with the attendant ameliorating effect on the growth of the debt.

Then there was ACA, which according to sources not crippled by the Fear of a Black Hat, succeeded in lowering the rate of uninsured, while extending the solvency horizon of Medicare.

Obama's second term saw the highest private sector job growth under any POTUS not nicknamed "Elvis"....

Other than the signal orange failure currently embarrassing the nation, for which other POTUS have you voted in the past 20 years?

Did you vote for THIS guy?

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

If so, I suggest you avert your eyes while apologizing profusely.
in 2009, I thought the days of blacks and whites calling one another the N word, cracker, spearchucker, whitey, honkey, sambo, shoe shine boy, slaveboy, KKK, etc. etc, were over.
Have you taken a look at your avatar?

Where do they find you fucking numbnuts?
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
Missing Former President Obama already?

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